While you were trading, you could've been learining solidity

Just signed a $300k/yr contract writing smart contracts in solidity.

Suck it traders

wrong board summerfag

Don't you have some shitcoins to baghold?

I highly doubt it

I probably couldn't have done any better desu. I don't even know what solidity means, and have never seen a line of code, but I do have 300k in crypto now. Good for you though, that's really neat.

I know how to write smart contracts. Where's my fucking money?

cool, u made what i made this summer,

That's the point I'm trying to get across if you ignore the jokeish tone. Solidity is easy as fuck and companies are throwing bags of money just cuz you're a 'blockchain developer'

Literally just advertise that you know how to do it. Go to ethlance or post on stack exchange. Best case, you'll land with a sick premine % of some pnd shitcoin. Cash out early and enjoy the gains

I've got some solidity for you right here

Where do i go from here user? I'm stuck in a consulting job I'm not in love with and I want to be a blockchain dev because the work is interesting and I think it's important to get in early. How did you find a job doing it? What kind of portfolio do you need? Is the job stable?

Join /r/ethdev , learn whos who in the ethereum ecosystem. They'll look for general 'software development' portfolio. Like if you've been a lead developer or an architect on a project before it's a major plus. I got the job through a community ethereum meetup.

The thing is, people who got in early are swimming in money, and talent is nowhere to be found. You set the price basically.

How long until the competition outpaces the jobs? You think I need to FOMO my portfolio and resume or do you think I have a good margin of time to move into the community naturally and network at my own pace?

I want in
Where do I start learning solidity?

good job wagecucking

isn't that the opposite of everyone's goal here?

how to start learnig op? I am almost completely noob. Know some pythin and javascript on school level 1,25/10

congrats OP
howd you learn it? and what was your previous experience with coding?

>traders making hundreds of thousands in the bull market
>thinks 300k is something to be impressed about

I think it's gonna happen very, very soon. I'm banking on the fact that I receive my salary in 30/70 ETH/BTC and if they grow I'm on a goldmine (I live in a developing country so living expenses will be

300k? They're the kind of piddly trades I don't even bother using stop losses with.

Sounds like I've already missed out. Damn.

I'm a Solidity developer on an established project that already did its ICO.

Getting a fairly good wage and a vesting portion of tokens and I get to work remotely, but making nowhere near 300k. Grats OP.

Congrats on the job man. 33 here and slave for $150K a year max. Enjoy and don't fuck it up. And be nice to poor people.

You have to assume 300k a year is larp

Nope. There is still a window of about a year IMO

I wouldn't be making 300k also if I took tokens. I'm a wageslave by nature so I'm OK with the FOMO of not taking 'equity'. I'd wager that you'll pass better in the end. Assuming you're not doing exclusively Solidity? Our entire contract base is

A year. That's good. I'll get involved in ethdev and start looking for meetups. I know there are a few local startups planning ICOs.

I mean it's possible, but it's not likely he's making 300k/year. Unless he's getting a very high hourly wage on a 1-3 month project and he prorated it to be annual.

Our contract code base is actually pretty big compared to a lot of projects as we're building a large application with as many components on chain as possible.

That said I will probably end up doing some client work as well at some point.

The total current value of the tokens I have vesting still doesn't put me at 300k for the year but we'll see.

I earn very well as plumber in canada

It's the high end of the spectrum thats for sure. I'm the architect of the entire project so I'm not paid just for my Solidity knowledge. This was mostly said in jest to spark conversation about ethereum development. But I did get hired for my Solidity knowledge. And it's almost double my previous salary whilst doing an almost identical thing + solidity on the side.

If I'm not mistaken you guys are pumping CAD90k+/yr there. Trades pay well, unlike liberal arts degrees. Glad for you

He's memeing bruv

i don't care how much you're being paid, you're the loser here.

just follow the guide

>not wageslaving while investing
Stay mediocre.

Also - I unironically want to launch a token but have no experience outside of python - i have the money and ability to market the hell out of it, and it's an idea I haven't seen (great use case for trustless blockchain dapp)

Where the fuck do I find somebody to help me launch? Freelancer is full of Indian scammers that say they can do it but are totally untrustworthy, and biz is obviously in a similar vein.

I work in a technical job doing scripting work and know how often technical people dislike idea guys - and I hate that that would be my role, but I do have immense value add and could see this being huge if launched soon. Anybody interested : [email protected]

Local Ethereum Meetups. Any city worth it's salt has one by now. If you've got an eye for talent, you'll find someone there. If you're willing to pay well or have a good value proposition otherwise (large equity share for a quality idea) you're good to go. Wish you luck

Thanks, I'm already signed up for ethereum meet ups in my city, I'll try there.

Any red flags that puts you as a Dev off on a project? What would you need to see in terms of a pitch deck to agree to work a paying job with a non technical ideas guy (even though I'm somewhat technical)


I'd need to see previous experience. You should bring value to the table. Doesn't matter if you're a marketing expert, well connected or whatever else. Also, the idea needs to be formally specified - in the way that you've thought about possible attack vectors and business pitfalls (competition, timing, investment requirements). Be professional, be prepared and I wish you the best of luck.

if you want to develop a coin, I'm in! I just finished school so I never had a job in software development, but I worked on personal c++ backend stuff for the last 4 years. started to learn python as well like a year ago.
contact me at oreion () protonmail com

Is there any guide, tutorial, book or whatever to learn Solidity?

Id like to make a coin. Email me. [email protected]

interesting. Any specific resources to learn it you could share with us kind sir (is anyone like writing books or making courses of this stuff?)

i have a js background (no bully plz, only the gods can judge me)

If you're not meming, this is an amazing accomplishment. What resources do you recommend to learn solidity and to build smart contracts? I work in C++ and Java atm...

js would actually be pretty nice for a light online wallet

>tfw too dumb to learn solidity or anything else for that matter
>only invest in what Veeky Forums tells me
>still tripled my money this month but being able to learn something like OP would be nice