Was there a historical event that caused other countries to hate America? I don't get it, we didn't actually do anything.
Was there a historical event that caused other countries to hate America? I don't get it...
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America is one of the most popular countries in the world. What are you on about?
kys A*erican. I pray fir the day Yellowstone erupts.
Pretty much every war since 1776 senpai, but luckily most of the world sees that we're benevolent dumbdumbs trying to keep the peace and not passive aggressive race warring krauts.
Historically all the smaller Empires always hate the larger more successful one, usually out of fear and jealousy. It's a natural occurrence.
>I don't get it, we didn't actually do anything.
this is (mainly) why Iran hates America
Iran was a democracy, and their democratically elected government didn't like the fact that Iran's oil fields were being exploited by foreign (mostly british) companies as they felt too much of the money from Iranian natural resources was leaving Iran. So to correct this they set about nationalizing the oil sector, which of course is one of the risks any company runs by operating overseas. Because of this, and concerns that Iran's democratic government was being overly cosy to the Soviet Union the US and British inteligence overthrew their democracy and replaced it with a brutal fascist dictator who promised to always be loyal to America and let American companies pump as much oil out of Iran as they wanted. He was understandably seen as an American puppet and because of that the revolution which overthrew him had a distinctly anti-american streak. Worse however, when he was overthrown he went into exile in the US and America refused to extradite him back to Iran in exchange for America's captured diplomatic staff.
The American embassy in Tehran had long been called a nest of spies by America's harshest critics inside Iran, and after its capture a tremendous effort was spent reconstructing top secret documents that were hastily shredded before the embassy was stormed. Many of these documents confirmed that the CIA had been lending a great deal of assistance to the previous regime's secret police.
Holy hell this is the funniest thing I've read in weeks. Just imagining the immense butthurt that drove somebody to make this is absolutely delicious. Seriously, just think about how long it took to google all those images, size them down, organize the flow chart, and type up all those captions. Somebody probably spent hours on what is essentially a digital monument to cultural inferiority complexes.
Holy fuck I love the internet for exposing me to such ridiculous people
generally speaking, america has a bit of a reputation for doing heavy-handed shit abroad with big consequences for the people living there while not having to deal with any of it itself. gets a bit tiresome.
in recent years it was the invasion of iraq that really did it. shit, meme justification that everyone and their dog knew was total bullshit. blowback has been pretty bad, but it has been pretty much everyone except americans dealing with them. and while the middle east has always been a slow-burning shit show, the invasion of iraq basically poured jet fuel on it.
also america has a bad habit of reading its own press, so to speak
Hahaha yeah funny r-right?
Think about how funny this is when the next 9/11 happens or dead soldiers are brought back home to the shithole you call a country.
Hahaaha rofl lel kek amirite
>Think about how funny this is when the next 9/11 happens or dead soldiers are brought back home to the shithole you call a country.
americans do not care about their dead soldiers beyond feigning outrage. they over 4,000 of them for literally no reason in iraq and they still don't give a shit.
volunteer army m8, its the future they chose
Do they care about dead citizens killed by terrorists?
Reminds me of germans crying about Dresden.
You get what you deserve that's about it.
>he thinks 99% of Americans really care about 9/11
We don't. It's just an excuse to be outraged and feel good about bombing shitskins. NYC might as well be in a different country for how far away and irrelevant it is to my daily life. They could have knocked down 20 sky scrapers in NYC for all I care, wouldn't change my life at all. Only thing I noticed is airport security got stricter, but I barely fly at all so whatever.
Also soldiers know what they sign on for, dying is literally in their job description. Nobody I know is in the army so I don't give a fuck.
Stay mad and irrelevant.
Plenty. The fact they interfere in other nations to further their own gain while claiming its benelovent and for the worlds best interest is just one of a mountain of horrible things americunts are guilty of.
>The fact they interfere in other nations to further their own gain while claiming its benelovent and for the worlds best interest
Gee I wonder who they learned that from?
thats a lot of butthurt
Not a justification whatsoever, but the fact the worlds gotten smaller has much more to do with it
>They could have knocked down 20 sky scrapers in NYC for all I care, wouldn't change my life at all.
I understand your point, but that's a terrible thing to say.
Oh it would change your life when the same terrorists start killing people in your hometown.
I don't care either way.
You deserve all the terrorism and murder you get.
The US are a 3rd world country in so many ways I still kaugh when they call thr US n1 of le world.
No. It's only terrible to want it to happen. Hypotheticals cant't be hurtful.
>Stay mad and irrelevant
Oh the good ol butthurt fatburger.
Irrelevant? My country is objectively better in any way compared to the US.
Stay overweight and irrelevant son.
>I still kaugh when they call thr US n1 of le world.
what's wrong with being overweight, people with an overweight BMI are overall healthier than those in the healthy weight category
Having to listen to americunt media is life changing though. The more i hear and see, the more i want to convert to militant islam.
a series of aggressions in names of freedom and democracy, conducting military operation against civilians and being proud of it while shutting its doors and following a damaging and selfish foreign policy
i think the turning point for me was leaked heli gunning of civilians, fuck america
America's ""liberation"" of Europe destroyed all semblances of old Europe, and American intelligence agencies coopted the Second Ecumenical Council and that's the reason why the Catholic Church is cucked as hell today
>US turn on their ally and help the rebels oust him
>Western media forgets to mention all the good he'd done for his people and country like constructing one of the largest water pipelines in the world to bring water to the desert and create more agricultural for the populace
eat facts and keep denying them
mr healthy obese american
Sry as a fit first world human being I don't see a difference but I guess if you live in a country of fatasses you take every possibility to look not as fat as the next guy.
But muuuh I am healthy-fat.
Can you even see your dick ?
>I don't get it, we didn't actually do anything.
>the fact that I was wrong proves that I'm better than you
So you can't see it .... that's unfortunate.
Have a nice day, gotta go to work.
pro tip: ignore all the other links I have sent that prove how shitty your country is
>fdr sold half of europe to his sugar daddy
>general american neocolonialism in south america
>fucking up middle-east every couple decades (lol lets bring democracy to them, it is not like last dozen or so attempts to do so ended up failing and making things worse in the long run)
Your hypocrisy is a reason. On the one hand, you're a democracy supporting human rights and anti-imperialism. On the other hand :
>vietnam war because vietnam shouldn't be free
>you just called the Us an "empire"
>guantanamo, east timor, bangladesh in 1975, Iran in 1979, just a few modern examples of the american atrocities...
I genuinely don't understand. Is this a desperate strawman ?
Butthurt euros.
Feels good to be #1
>Be American
>Be fat
>Take 10 waddles down the road
>Get shot up by Tyrone
>He takes your wallet
>Roll to the hospital using your own grease to more or less glide there
>Have to pay 120k because Trump care best care
>Motorized wheelchair home (Another $2k)
>Watch news on how current generation of peaceful protestors and college students have another "Peaceful" protest about education, and basic economics.
>Take a swig of your "Heavy Cream Wet Dream™" transfat drink
>Feel your heart stop beating because it's covered in fat
>Cry a single cholesterol tear as you whisper
"God Bless America"
>ree muh death penalty
>ree muh war on drugs
>ree how dare they lock up more people from ethnic and financial groups that statistically commit more crime
>no shit m8, usa is the only develop country where guns are available for most of population so no shit that more people get killed by them
>health care system is inneffective because of the influence the state has on it? better double down letting state influence it, it is totally gonna magically fix it
>ree muh teen pregnancy (ignore the fact that there is a 100% effective birth control system called abstinence freely available for every american)
>ree muh paid maternal leave (honestly, if you can't financially support your children then you probably shouldn't breed)
>muh schools for poor don't get as much money as the ones for rich kids. so what? given how most of the proles never will use any of the more advance subjects taught to them in school them having less than stellar education is no big deal, most of them will either end up as menial workers or gangbangers anyway
>ree muh inequality. this is just you whining for more welfare gibs, isn't it? yup looks like i was right, this is you whining for more welfare
>ree how dare more successful people have more chances to bring forth their political options!11!11!!
>europeans can use aqueducts built by romans to get their water but as soon as americans have to use perfectly fine wooden pipes it is a horrible crime against the public
>most of the infrastructure that isn't maintained is either rarely used or completely pointless and only was built in the first place because of communistic government interference so it rotting away is a good thing
excuses by a 3rd worlderner
Sounds a lot like the bad excuses we get from commies.
So you admit that you live in a 3rd world country?
>Was there a historical event that caused other countries to hate America? I don't get it, we didn't actually do anything.
Instead of harassing or propping tin pot dictatorships, why isn't the US busy funding space exploration and adaptation against climate change?
They hate us because they are jelly hypocrites who hate us because we don't possess the same post modern Marxist self hatred as the """"enlightened"""" europoors do.
We are the most benelovant empire in history
I think it's the general attitude of acting like you own the entire world while simultaneously being ignorant of the entire world.
Alongside a history of invading random small countries over and over (and then losing each time lel)
Nah, Iran and the rest of the Middle East hate America for shit like pic related.
> we didnt actually do anything
what the wtf
Dude europeans hate the USA as well.
>still Think abstinence propaganda will work instead off the more sensible option called condoms
Trully a third world tier way of thinking
it literally happens to every most powerful country/empire/state in their time because simply by virtue of being powerful they are more likely to have their way at the expense of others. if you went back to roman times and asked all the surrounding people's their opinion on rome they would hate them, same goes for the british empire etc.
>we don't possess the same post modern Marxist self hatred as the """"enlightened"""" europoors do.
Most of Europe don't have shit like BLM, black history mounth etc.
Infact shit like "le White privilege" that plauge the modern west orginated in america
> irreversible condemnation of innocents to die
> war on the poor, literally spend decades running drugs internationally with the resources of a fucking intelligence agency to undermine SA states
> American prisons = criminal factories
> ok yeah guns are pretty sweet
> abstinence
> effective
> bahahaha, just because you can't get laid
> big steaming dump on childhood,
> no effort to present alternative to crime, then wonder why you have so many criminals
> not realising starvation and poverty are the main incentives behind criminal economy
> fuck public utilities
> fuck public utilities 2: ancap dreamland boogaloo
Great points mate, real nice, well thought through, not based in utter fantasy or denial of social responsibility because you're a greedy coward unwilling to commit to ones fellow countrymen's well-being. Or you're living under the delusion a society with no cohesion where everyone fends for themselves is sustainable.
Are you retarded? That's exactly like when the CIA overthrew Mossadegh
*raises paw*
The invention of reddit.com
>vietnam war because vietnam shouldn't be free
It was to stop the commies from taking over the south.
How is that bad? Are you a niggerlover?
>tell gadaffi to get rid of nuclear weapons program in order to get rid of sanctions
>Allow france to convince you to go back on your word and kill the bastard to protect muh francafrique
>surprised when Kim Jung Un sees this and decides to develop ICBM's and nukes and doesn't want to agree to get rid of them
American foreign policy is cancer
Yeah wow realpolitik is so much worse than being a megalomaniac dictator who sucks his own dick every day
Invasive American culture
>muh dictator
This whole we're bringing democracy shit would be so much more believable if Gadaffi had been up to anything beyond sitting in his palace tent and fucking his harem, sure the guy was a dictator but he kept the region stable and was willing to work with the west if paid to do so.
Or you know, Kim Jong Un could've been reasured that if he reached a nuclear deal with the US the US would keep it's word? If anything from a real politik standpoint, they should've gotten rid of Kims first
>he kept the region stable
Yeah which is why we played games with him for 40 years. "Bringing democracy" is just advertising. Doesn't change the fact that any sane person would a) prefer to live in the US and b) if given the chance, enact the same foreign policy as we did because it was the best option at the time
Do you even know why we got rid of Gadaffi. Protip he wasn't threatening our interests, he was threatening France's. In fact sarkozy had to convince Clinton to convince Obama to invade because the French reassured Clinton that they would clean up the Post-intervention mess instead of dropping the ball and walking away like they actually did
How does any of that contradict or even relate to what I said? You do know we didn't "invade" Libya right? You do know the CIA was trying to get rid of Gaddafi for 40 years, right?
Suprisingly accurate.
>i dun geddit we dindu nuffin
That's one of the reasons desu.
About Vietnam, you intervened in order to put an American puppet dictator rather than a Vietnamese commie regime.
About segregation, saying that one people should have less right because of his skin is incompatible with the ideas of democracy and the american dream.
There are 800 American military bases around the world.
Banana republics
>commit atrocities against the japs
Americanization. European countries were cucked after WW2 by inherently America democratic/socialist ideals, which is killing their societies through the refugee crisis. The English language and American business is homogenizing their culture.
But America routinely fucks up Middle Eastern countries (ie Arab Spring, 80s anti-commie intervention). Muslims either fight or cower and try not to prick the bull.
America did nothing wro-
Hillary Clinton wanted a victorious war on her record as Sec. State so she talked Obama into it.
Ever wonder why /pol/ accuses the US of being ZOG? You really ought to look into the US' involvement in the middle East/africa , especially Iran. Somehow it got even worse under Obama with the toppling of Libya and Iraq...
>Blatant leftypol propoganda
Noriega and Allende had it coming, especially Noriega because of his connections with money laundering and the Meddelin Cartel
>We didn't invade Libya, we just armed and actively assisted the rebels with bombing runs and drones leading to a civil war that has lasted half a decade
Thankfully Trump has actually stopped you burgers from literally arming radical jihadists in Syria , and now the war there is down to the SDF and SAA.
*Except Iraq was under bush, but to be fair Obama made Iraq much worse which is what lead to the creation of ISIS
>Britain goes back to more important matters
I love how John Bulls try to act like losing the colonies was just a minor trifle that didn't do everlasting damage to Britain's standing in the world.
I dont think there was a single accurate panel in that picture
10/10 bait tho
>race is only skin deep
Shut the fuck up and go suck some more nigger dick faggot
Actually big minh was the one who organised the coup iirc, besides the country had been split prior to then.
Not really, America was pretty racist for most of it's history.
For my final exam at "highschool" (here in Germany, the school system is different, (mündliches Abitur)) I had the subject: " the role of the Vietnam War for the change of the social values in industrialized nations" (die Rolle des Vietnamkriegs für den Wertewechsel in den Industriestaaten). I actually read quite a few books on the topic, I came to the conclusion, that the protests of '68 in France, Germany, Japan and the USA were seen as legitimate because of the brutality and uniqueness of the the Vietnam War. The War acted as a catalyst for underlying social problems. Seeing the USA act as a "brutal aggressor" (this is because the common populace had never really been exposed to war, Vietnam was the first televised war) the public opinion shifted away from pro-America and started to question American politics. Media, social unrest and the boomer generation led to anti-Americanism.
tl,dr the USA being dicks in Vietnam caused ppl to think, that the USA was just another imperial power
Mostly out of jealousy
Idk why people think they have a right to judge us like theyre perfect
In most manners most countries are a lot worse than us in terms of human rights but think theyre in a position to judge us
Most people are also capable of writing in their own language.
I still mostly blame bush, the reason why ISIS so effective was that they co-opted a lot of former Sunni Baathist military officials, allowing them to form a somewhat crude yet effective terrorist army
this is literally propoganda, childeren in north korea are probably shown this image
also you are supposed to substitute a vowel for *, not a consonant
But Allende ?
>a guy disagree with me
>i should kill him because muh freedom and muh democracy
Ceci n'est pas un argument, дypaк.
Unifying the country is an admirable goal, even if you're communist. Forcefully unite a foreign country under a puppet dictator is not, and the us shouldn't expect to be applaused about that.
About segregation, there's a gap between believes and laws.
>i believe all blacks are inferior (not absolutely true)
>therefore all blacks should have less rights
>Executive Order 6102
Apart from the 30 odd year global murder spree you're currently carrying out you mean?
Can't think of a single thing otherwise.
My country is not perfect (I'm french, we were in vietnam just before you do) but it's not because you can criticise me that I can't criticise you (doing otherwise is called ad hominem). And I'm not jealous of your country. I hate your food, your people, your roads, etc... (it's not an argument, just to highlight that I don't like your country)
If it's propaganda, you'll have no trouble explaining us what is wrong in this pic.
Retarded subhumans deserve to be taken out back and put out of their misery, not educated
Yeah its mainly countries like France, Germany, and Canada whose existence as welfare states depend on US protection who hate America, while actual poor third world shitholes who you think are so oppressed by it like the Philippines, Kenya, and Chile love it.
Congratulations, with an entire continent of resources and man power you were able to become a world power after profiteering from two of the largest conflicts ever to blight the planet, good job.
>You are successful and I'm bitter about it