I sure hope you idiots aren't still shilling a stupid coin when you can buy the dip on this bad boy...

I sure hope you idiots aren't still shilling a stupid coin when you can buy the dip on this bad boy. I've already scheduled a meeting with the Lambo salesman.

>he thinks there is actually a "winner"

>Implying you shouldn't get a trust and actually accept the money yourself

Do you just hate your life or something?

Yeah there is, it's me you dumb motherfucker

>implying that trust was owned by a "winner" and not the government or an insider

God could you imagine looking at your numbers and seeing every single one match? Must be the best feeling in the world.

You would literally never have to worry about money again

1 in 292,000,000. just think about that for a second

except where to keep all of it


Just use it to buy more BTC duh

Seems about the same odds as retiring off altcoins

Nice just bought 100k

Someone has to win it.....

this is true but the chance is near zero. have you ever won a raffle or a contest? getting 1/50 is considered lucky

Current jackpot 700 million, buy every combination for $292 million, $408 million profit

And the rich get richer

check your math. each ticket costs 2 dollars. also you wouldnt be able to print that many tickets out in a 10 year period

>buy every combination
How do you do that?

not to mention tax, and taking the lump sum cuts ur winnings in half

1 in 292,000,000. That's almost you vs. everyone in America. 2,000,000+ people have been playing for weeks straight and no one has one. But keep throwing that money away.

Did you miss how the man said he's the winner? Sounds like the FOMO got ya

A guy actually did this for the Australian lottery years ago. He was a math wiz though, and had to get loans and strike deals to buy tickets in bulk to get them filled out. He also would've been fucked if another person drew the same jackpot, but had all the risks calculated and got off with like 7 million. It's not possible to do anymore though.

Ticket is $2. Chances really are 0 without one.

When people calc the ROI of a lottery they miss a very, very important fact. Larger amounts of money is more valuable per dollar than smaller amounts. Sounds counter intuitive but everyone knows its easier to make money once you have a lot than it is if you have relatively nothing. For example, give 1,000,000 people $1, and you will have created about 0 net happiness. Because $1 on its own has almost no use. Buy give 10 people $10,000. Its 1/10th the total money but has a lot more net impact.

Another example: having $1,000,000 is way more than 100x better than getting $10,000. $1m is getting close to never having to work again in your life, while $10k is like a single weekend's bar tab in NYC. Loosing $2 is meaningless. As literally no impact on your life. But knowing you can win actually does make you happier. You don't buy a ticket because its a rational investment. You buy because its fun to know that you COULD win. Even if its less than a 0.000001% chance you'll win. You COULD win. Even if you have I higher chance of dying of heart attack or being run over by a car, or burning to death in a house fire tonight. You COULD win the $700,000,000 powerball jackpot. But only if you buy a $2 ticket.

A bottle of Cristal is 900 buckeroos at Sapphire NYC, 10k isn't a bar tab unless you are a cuck and buying drinks for every Tom, Dick and Harry.

I only buy in the pool at work so I don't fucking kill myself if they win

>has never had a 10k bar tab
Are you a virgin too

If you want to pick up chicks and save your money, you go to the public pool/lake/beach or maybe the synagogue, not the bar.

>$1M is getting close to never having to work again
jesus have some ambition.

but anyway, I agree 100% with you. So many autistic mongloids screech about playing the lottery being "idiotic" and "retarded". You literally are playing to have a CHANCE at winning, which is exciting. Its not like you are gambling your retirement savings thinking its a good investment.

True, a couple dollars a week vs. the amount retards spend on crypto and lose here make lottery look like it's for geniuses. Why not just play smaller lotteries that have better odds? The backlash from winning (unless you hire a legal team/trust/etc. which you should) could be very catastrophic.

yesterday a normie asked me if i bought a Powerball and i said I'd rather earn my millions. then i proceeded to tell him about cryptocurrencies and block chain. he said he was going to buy some but i bet he wont

cool story bro tell it again

>about to go to bed
>realize lotto is on
Evens I go buy a ticket. odds I go to sleep.

If I won the lotto I would cause the biggest crypto pump ever

>Get out of bed
>get there
>it's not even taking tickets anymore

Better hope that no one wins this time then

this, I would buy 100k of every coin

You stupid fuck, you can't buy in less than hour before the drawing. Lrn2buythedip