Historical memes thread, WW1 preferred
Historical memes thread, WW1 preferred
These are pretty low quality I'll admit, but I lost all my old ones
Ever "notice" how people always forgot to conjugate when asking if yiu ever noticED something?
No, I can't say I've noticed that
And then the real police come for your ass
Why should it be in the past though?
Both variants seem grammatical to me.
Language and logic have nothing to do with each other, keep that in mind.
He did nothing wrong
>not for her
It matters given that it's an expression.
I tend not to notice it either
It should be in the past if you say "have you ever noticed," but in the present / iterative aspect if you say "do you ever notice."
The main issue is that saying something like "do you ever notice that" sounds more clunky than "have you ever noticed that" or "do you ever notice when / if / how," even though all these examples are technically correct (of course, you could argue that "have you ever" indicates a continuous time period from the past to now in which there was a singular incident, whereas "do you" or "do you ever" indicates either only the present or some iterative action, meaning that "that," which is often used with singular nouns / instances, isn't perfectly correct). Then, when in common speech the helper verb is omitted, it could be either the present or the past, but people remember the clunkiness of "do" + "that" and think that something is amiss.
Aaand saved.
kek, nice one my brother.
That's fucking great.
This is one of the best things I've ever seen
Its because "have you ever noticed" can get changed to "do you ever notice" in the speakers head when you abbreviate it to "ever notice"...
basically, "ever notice" can mean multiple phrases as its being spoken so the listener and speaker usually don't notice the difference
this doesnt even make sense
Can I get a link to the austro-hungarian one?
but I'm already a wizard