Prove me wrong.
Veeky Forums is where /pol/acks go after 25
I'm 20 and only visit /pol/ when some major event is taking place
Veeky Forums is where ledditors from /rlAskHistorians go to when they realize leddit sucks balls. They don't go to /pol/ because "ew racism"
Prove me wrong.
I go to both. Here, proven wrong.
/pol/ may as be renamed /trump/
as a non-American, I find it kind of annoying.
Incas were superior to europeans though.
Newfag here. I came because most history websites are dead with the exception of historum.
That would actually explain the anti/pol/ autism. They're morons who took it all at face value and now they desperately want to distance themselves from that stage of their lives because they're ashamed of themselves.
I "grew out" of pol when I was like 21-22. I was never a stormfag or anything like that, but I just couldn't take the constant shitposting and the echo chamber it became. Diverge from the norm even a little bit, even playing devils advocate, and the thread will be derailed by "OMG YOURE A JDIF ZIONIST COMMUNIST!"
I came cause it`s fun
How can we disprove a claim founded on 0 evidence?
And /pol/ is where /b/tards go after they're 18. Cancer is still cancer no matter how many boards they change, it's in their blood.
What if you skip /b/ and go straight to /pol/?
Is proven 100%
>Implying /pol/ is ever like this
This is an extreme exaggeration of /pol/ for people who never really posted there in great depth
Never been to reddit. Suck it faggot.
Sounds about right
t. Someone who's never been on /pol/
Go to any thread on pol right now and disagree with the general consensus of the thread and see what happens
I'm there all the time, calling someone a shill is mostly a joke. The few who aren't ironic about is are pretty easy to pick up by their schizoid non sequiturs. /pol/ died with /b/ though, now 8pol is the spiritual successor.
the 2016 election is actually about ethics in vidya game journalism.
Correct i drifted from 18 years old b - r9k - new - pol - his im 25 now, good observation
This site is ours.
>tfw grew out of my /pol/ phase at 20
Am i advanced?
Lmao is this a fucking joke
I'm a 24 years old /pol/ack and I've been coming here since the beginning
You are inferior to me. I stayed the same before and after pol.
t. grew out of my /pol/ phase at 17
What's with the blurry post in the middle.
That dude sounds very butthurt.
I've never been to reddit and I don't go to /pol/ because it's crawling with teenagers and insufferable faggots who don't realize that the reason everybody hates them is because they constantly derail threads outside of their board.
I think OP is right, I'm 30 and I migrated from /pol/ to Veeky Forums because /pol/ is nothing but teenage shitposting with no real discussion going on, it's basically /b/. Also never went to lebbit.
You're wrong.
I've been on Veeky Forums since 2007 and I browse /pol/ as well as Veeky Forums. I just think that /pol/ is primarily for shitposting and political discussion, while Veeky Forums is good for history.
I immediately grew out of /pol/ because I'm a slav, had really no choice
and also, I wonder how many people on /pol/ are actually white at all.
I wouldn't be surprised if there's a higher white percentage here than on /pol/. Every other person there is some shade of spic or a nigger.
I had to stop going to /pol/ during the elections because it became absolutely cancerous, and I've only been back once since then.
Slavs are worshipped on /pol/.
Yeah except every thread about them has pollacks screaming slavs are subhuman, mongoloid, mongrels etc.
Only Russians, when they oppose the west.
You're confusing /pol/ with /int/ and specifically Krautchan /int/, retard. /pol/ is all MUH BASED POLAND and MUH PUTIN SAVIOR OF THE WHITE RACE AND BASED ASSAD shit.
It's ironic since a lot of /pol/acks aren't even white as well.
>yfw the term redpill is taken from a movie directed by two transsexual siblings who support socialism and left-wing politics
Is it? I would say the ratio of slav-hate against slav-love/indifference is 70/30
They where still mentally sound when they made the matrix.
>yfw the term redpill was first used in a political context by men so pathetic that they have straight up given up on sex and relationships
That's pretty good.
Yes. Have you seen all the threads when Trump went to Poland? It was full-on masturbation over Poles.
>I don't understand death of the author concept
Actually red pill was first used in a political context by 9/11 truthers in the early 2000s. Its use then spilled over into other conspiracies.
Yeah, which was taken from The Matrix
Every thread about every group has something like that. Slavs get off quite lightly compared to, say, Indians.
There is nothing pathetic about giving up on women. In fact it's the opposite.
>I'm there all the time, calling someone a shill is mostly a joke.
you say that. but there is nothing to signal on a post whether someone is ""joking"" or not. its like that voltaire quote (i'm guessing apocryphal) saying something like "people pretending to be idiots will attract a swarm of idiots till its indistinguishable which one is which"
I've seen more threads shitting on Germans/Swedes/Anglos than shitting on Slavs, and it's not even close.
At least they were still the wachowski brothers back then.
stop attributing this fucking quote to philosophers god fucking damn
it was a just a comment on a forum
I don't really think you understand. MGTOW is more "I won't date girls" than "Girls won't date me". Don't confuse that with failed normies who cannot get laid and would jump after the first woman that expresses interest in them. I'm talking about rejecting women even if they want you.
Sour grapers are different people, the /r9k/ type. I'm still talking about /mgtow/.
did you read my post? I said it was most likely apocryphal but the only reason i mentioned voltaire is because i see the quote posted with his picture or with his attribution even though i always found that highly suspect.
Except when WW2 comes up of course
Which is really amusing since Veeky Forums also has an anti-German(ic) obsession but they think they're the "opposite" of /pol because of this.
It's really that autistic. I remember posting that I don't care about gender roles and find Indian women more attractive than whites. I got called a cuck shortly after.
/pol/ is ok for happenings but Trump put the final nail in the coffin. It's a shitflinging contest now where /r/thedonald refugees go to vent about Jews spics and niggers, jumping from their hug box safe space to a slightly different one that actually allows expression but you're still ostracized for questioning le god emperor
That which is claimed without evidence can be rejected without evidence
>proclaim that your an SJW
>get surprised that you get called out for it
why are you leftists so stupid?
Who else here thinks that /pol/tards ought to be killed?
They're useless, excessively stupid, tribalistic and immoral to the core. There is not a single positive quality in them, not a redeeming factor.
They are useless for society, on a genetic outlook (a favourite of theirs) they are basically non-entities, they do not have the intellectual faculties to achieve anything in life, and on top of that, they are fucking evil.
If it were for me, I would round them in the streets and execute them, but only after having explained to them what a joke their whole existence is.
Veeky Forums is literally /pol/ and lefty/pol shitposting 80% of the time.
The rest of the time it's posts from genuinely informative anons who should know better to fuel the cancer that is Veeky Forums.
>not caring about gender roles either way makes me an sjw
>liking brown women makes me sjw
That's pretty retarded user and you know it.
>not caring about gender roles either way makes me an sjw
No that literally makes you an SJW , like the main point of their anarcha feminism is to undermine the teleological purpose behind traditional gender roles.
>The rest of the time it's posts from genuinely informative anons who should know better to fuel the cancer that is Veeky Forums.
You forgot that the other 19% is actually know it all ledditors and then the 1% that is actually informative which mostly comes from academics who come here in their spare time and don't really have a preference for the chans or leddit
It's ironic how you sound just like them
>wants a leftist safespace/BLACKED fanclub
perfectly sums up the cancer killing Veeky Forums
People on Veeky Forums don't hate actual /pol/ but some retarded strawman in their head they think represents /pol/. I gotta laugh every time someone on here claims that /pol/ is "worshipping Germanics".
Go back to /lgbt/. I know exactly who you are.
Aryandied soon, brother
My hate is based on their statements and beliefs, not their nationality and skin color. This aggressivity of mine is at the very least informed and based on facts.
Go back to your board. Your buzzwords are tiresome.
I've never posted on /lgbt/. Nice try.
I don't even need to go to /pol/, they do exactly that all the time here.
>Go back to your board. Your buzzwords are tiresome.
not your safespace, SJW
Then stay here, at least we will be able to quote your posts everytime some fellow Veeky Forumstorian will have to prove how stupid /pol/ips really are.
>tfw when at 30 you advance to Veeky Forums and start being religious and you influence /pol/ yet again because
Veeky Forums was the first board that started being not so much anti-christfag and the first board to talk about Evola, de Maistre and Spengler. Best board all around.
>leftypol shills actually think they belong on Veeky Forums
I can only speak for myself but I went from b to lit and then branched off to a bunch off different boards (int, k, g, his, u) when lit became shit
posting quality of the average lefty/pol/ poster is objectively better than that of /pol/acks.
I dare you to prove me wrong.
>it wasn't REAL communism thread #12782
Only because it's less popular.
why dont you go back to pretending roman britain was black
Grew out of pol at 15 :^]
I'm 15, been browsing /pol/ since I was 13 and ditched that bitch when I was 14
>yes, I know how to use airplane mode, ban me I don't care
You've either never been there or you're stupid
Do me a favor and lurk for an extra year or so.
I started this place when I was 15, over the summer of 2011, and it amazes me when I look back at my old posts and remember how shit they were.
How the fuck do you remember what you posted well enough to look it up in the archives?
I'm the kind of person who remembers conversations and arguments years after I had them.
I can't tell if I'm a savant, or it's just a lack of poon.
>tfw underage dumb fucks browse this board
at least it explains the shitposting and lack of quality
Probably the former of the latter
>my age makes me inherently wrong
>my race makes me inherently wrong
>my X makes me inherently wrong
Hey I'd rather everyone here be 12 than a /pol/tard
Ive been browser when i was 15 and didnt post until after 3 years
Teenagers are brash,opinionated and has no self reflection or sufficient critical thinking
I wont say that posting in Veeky Forums isnt something that is held in high regards or shit but dumb teenager posting contribute nothing
>Ive been browser when i was 15 and didnt post until after 3 years
Objectively false
>Teenagers are brash,opinionated and has no self reflection or sufficient critical thinking
Objectively true
>I wont say that posting in Veeky Forums isnt something that is held in high regards or shit but dumb teenager posting contribute nothing
Too many double negatives for me to understand this