dude fuck prosperity lmao
Dude fuck prosperity lmao
dude fuck democracy lmao
what a fucking loser lmao
>"no nooo he was just misunderstood all examples of communist countries in history are really just state capitalist"
what a waste of time trying to clean up this guy's messes
Where the fuck are the mods?
As if anyone on Veeky Forums actually follows those rules
t. Classcuck
Oh boy you called me a cuck. I guess that proves that your system is better than mine.
This is why I've given up on trying to convince low IQ commie troglodytes to see reason. Every piece of evidence that stacks against their delusions are somehow some sort of mechanism through which the "ruling class is fooling you bro". This is why Marxist drones, like their belief system, is rigid, inflexible, outdated and destined for the dustbin of history. It is a religion without a god.
Marxism is not dead brainlet, it's evolving to respond today problems, unlike you who still are attached to the wage slave system.
>*hates himself for being a straight white male*
Identity politics are a pure product of neoliberalism
I bet you believe in "cultural marxism" too
Have you ever read any of Marx's writings?
Why is class most important identity group?
Relax, this is a communism/socialism/anarchism general thread, like the Game of Thrones general on /tv/.
If someone is willing to underconsume, invest the money they saved and wait 20+ years to get out more than they paid in, to be honest they are doing the economy a favor. Capital markets are very competitive which makes "rent-seeking" very difficult.
You will never have a decent critique of capitalism without taking this into account.
because is related with your relationship with the means of production (those who own them, and those who don't) and not with religious beliefs, sex, race, or nation bounding.
Name a single fucking way in which Marxism has changed. Protip: it hasn't, because communist regimes around the world continue to fail and collapse, just as they always do.
I'm sorry you're easily fooled by romantic rhetoric and utopian ideals and unable to evaluate simple macro historical evidence
The argument is that practically any societal disadvantage one may have can be offset with the prestige of being wealthy and being considered upper class, a black ugly woman is far more likely to fail to rise if she is poor compared to if she is rich
>If someone is willing to underconsume, invest the money they saved and wait 20+ years to get out more than they paid in, to be honest they are doing the economy a favor. Capital markets are very competitive which makes "rent-seeking" very difficult.
So this is not true capitalism then
It's always amusing too since they always jerk off to groups like the black panthers.
>Name a single fucking way in which Marxism has changed. Protip: it hasn't, because communist regimes around the world continue to fail and collapse, just as they always do.
Are you don´t listen already brainlet?marxism is not attached to the XIX's now is exploring new ways to achieve socialism and democratic control of the mean of productions (cybernetic planning, automatization etc.). Also, all this regimes did it is using marx teaching in their own political benefit, but if you actually read marx you can see how different were the things they did it in respect of the theory.
>Are you don´t listen already brainlet?
Holy dyslexia
I am not american, but you actually have an argument or just going to reply me with ad hominems?
I don't think that guy can even understand what you're saying
Henry VIII was an absolute monarch with power of life and death over his subjects and thus could undermine capital markets.
>Also, all this regimes did it is using marx teaching in their own political benefit, but if you actually read marx you can see how different were the things they did it in respect of the theory
>Not real Marxism
There it goes again folks, like clockwork
Also, if you want an egalitarian utopia trough automization, that literally is not Marxism, you're talking about a post scarcity economy.
>cybernetic planning
Want to know the easiest way to plan an economy? You start with a market, and then tweak it's incentives and correct it's externalities through government policy. No need for computation technology that is hundreds of years distant from when Marx wrote.
Dude it's ok, just admit that he was a hack, there's no shame in it. Join the right side of history
yes the"right" side
Is this the best leftycuck can come up with?
>implying I am talking about henry VIII
Depends, do you want memes or arguments?
>They don't even deny being from there anymore
>A utopian society built entirely on slavery, proving Plato and Tomas More right
>Or a society ruled by Thinking Machines where humanity has been surpassed by its own invention.
>The Great Revolt happens, over throwing the God of Mechine Logic
>Humanity is now ruled by a neo-feudalistic society.
>mfw communism is just one step towards the coming of Muad'Dib and the God-Emperor Leto II
Can't you see the connection? You are not talking about a capitalist country in which 1 person happens to own all the land (a virtual impossibility IRL due to competition), but a dictatorship which does not have to respect free markets or individual rights which are part and parcel with property rights.
We could be talking about the former, but I am responding to 6 or 7 word replies so I'll just leave it there.
Capitalism tend to the accumulation of largest amount of capital and land in hands of only a few (monopolies, trusts, multinationals), and those have many influence in the political system to change the laws in their favor and made the things more dificult for the average small enterprises. This is the tendency in capitalism in the world.
keep LARPing, you can´t stop the future.
>Says the commie
I'm sure your gay space robot trans luxury communist revolution will happen any day now.
You tards realize those "tribal/hunter gatherers" in that picture are the closest thing that's ever existed to communism right? Even commies' own dumb history narrative images seem to show communism as something of the ancient past, not the future, portraying a historical trend away from communal living as important and helpful things like societies, governments, power structures, and trade economies develop.
>Marxist horseshoe
Liberals get the wall too, wageslave
observe how the main argument of every commiecuck in the thread is simplistic and unintelligent enough to be summed up in an image macro, yet the argument of every free market advocate is sophisticated, and harkens back to a long intellectual, mathematically driven school of thought
>abstract bullshit concept is more objective than your physical genitals or biological race
wew lad
>Muh master race and chosen pronouns bias are a better criteria to organize people.
>arbitrary metaphysical concept that cannot be falsified is what we should base our identities on
>sex is only about pronouns
/leftypol/ BO detected
t. not a commie, just not a lolbertarian either.
>too intelligent to understand class struggle.
Why you don't read marx first before start to talk bullshit?
jokes on you, that's my fetish.
>arbitrary metaphysical concept
>feels vs reals
What is so difficult to you understand brainlet? class it's about your relationship with the means of production ,those who own them (capitalist), and those who don't (proles and (you) classcuck).
Because the relationship between other groups is subject to change depending on the needs and ideas of the people involved, because they primarily based on immaterial things. So a Muslim can make common cause against the Jews against the Christian, or vice versa. You can emphasize different parts of your identity as you please, maybe you feel more like a Southerner than an American somedays, and sometimes there's no conflict at all between the two. But class you can't get away from, no matter what, because it's based on a real thing in your life, how you are allowed to interact with objects.
This is why liberals are insane, btw. Because they try to remove the effects of their class interest from view while also holding on to their class interest. It's a neurotic behavior that results in a giant beuracracy to try to hide the fact that as long as you have classes, people are going to act in class interest.
-Schismatic, hopelessly fractured, irreparable divides between sects
-It's an economic theory ostensibly, but fails LITERALLY the first stress test: proving the LTV
-In reality it's dialectic materialism; a metaphysical model based on Hagel
-It reduces literally all of human struggle to material circumstances, blissfully ignoring all culturual, spiritual and transcendental aspects of the human condition
-Claims history is an inexorable process, a meta narrative which will end in class warfare then true Marxism
-Too bad the only Marxists left are old ass professors and fucking weak ass nerds that never even played team sports as children, let alone can fire a rifle or run for more than half a kilometre
Absolutely the cringiest ideology available, embarassing.
>postin ebola
The fact you believe that image is some sort of argument at all just goes to show that you hav absolutely no idea what's going on. You're lost and confused.
>a long intellectual, mathematically driven school of thought
Hi Mises