Also Republic vs. Empire discussion.
Post Your Favourite Roman Emperor
Why Caligula?
I'm a fan of his conquests and tactics.
Fuck the haters.
No one better post Nero.
Nero was a good emperor tho
It's just christians that spread lies about him
>Favorite Roman Emperor?
>Republic vs Empire?
It put an end to the destructive conflict of over a century and half of civil wars, secetarian violence and conflicts, rampant corruption of the patricians and Senate, etc...
Literally bankrupted Rome
Nice try jew
Nigga he burned down Rome.
I like Tiberius and Domitian. They were ruthless, sure, but they were competent stewards. However, the senatorial ranks wrote the books, and they portrayed those they hated in a very bad manner.
You can argue that he wasn't the best, but you can't deny that he was the last great Roman Emperor
Those were Christians
>Favorite Emperor
Augustus, Claudius, Hadrian, Antoninus
>Republic or Empire?
Expansionist era Republic, then Julio- Claudian until Marcus Aurelius Empire.
The second Punic War was Rome at its finest.
The decline began around Aurelius' time and continued despite reforms for centuries. Not sure if it were Caracalla or Diocletian who truly ended it.
He was the only actual Emperor, not just an impotent fool, a puppet Master, a madman or a hollow pretender.
Julius Kaiser
L V C I V S · D O M I T I V S · A V R E L I A N V S · A V G V S T V S · O P T I M V M · I M P E R A T O R E M
Severus Alexander. A kind young man who was killed by his own soldiers for being a beta who let his mom tell him what to do.
->Favourite Emperors; Augustus, Tiberius, Traianus and Aurelius.
->Favourite Era; The Empire.
>my nigga
>Fuck it, you're both in charge.
Caracalla. He made my ancestors Roman
Augustus, and the early Empire or the post-Punic War Republic,
Nicholas II
Donaldus Triumphus
Early roman republic
The republic was a bloated mess. Evolution to an empire was inevitable.
Standard answer desu
Why Tiberius?
I turned my answer into a picture
I'm surprised no one mentioned him yet.
Hadrian. He had all the prestige of Trajan but the pragmatism to pull back from useless conquests in the mid-east.