>Be Ottoman sultan
>See the pope wearing 3 tiered papal tiara
>decide to create and wear 4 tiered tiara crown based exactly on papal design, even commissioned Venetian craftsmen to do it for accuracy
Was it autism?
Be Ottoman sultan
p*pists BTFO
Always found it odd that they never converted, given the love/envy they had for civilisation.
Is it weird that he now looks like the ideal Byzantine emperor cranked up to 11.
Nothing weird about it
Every T*rk is an autist, so yes.
This is a good thread
Inb4 wh*Te roach
West did not hold monopoly on civilization, turks were heaivly under the influence of China and later on Persia before they were even converted to islam. Ottoman empire was influenced mostly by the Persianized Turkic culture with a dash of Eastern Rome.
>West did not hold monopoly on civilization, turks were heaivly under the influence of China and later on Persia before they were even converted to islam
Well, the founders and his soldiers were. The Ottoman Padishah has "Khagan" in his list of titles.
>calling everything autism
>Russian Tsardom = Roman Empire
>Kaiser = Caesar
>"Lol Ottomans go WEWUZ TURKS N SHIT!"
>Well, they wuz.
>"blablabla Roman Empire"
The fuck point are you trying to make?
I do believe we should examine Ottomans not in the turkic or Roman but in the persian sense, Ottomans resembled Sassanids more than Byzantines or Turkic Khaganates, albeit, as I said, certain aspects of ERE and Khaganates survived, Sassanids for one, were not dependant on one capital, but Ottomans were completely dependant to their capital, ala Byzantine style. But other than that, a heavily centralized state who uses appointed delegates rather than vassals, and an empire based on one dynasty reeks of persian culture.
A more appropriate model than the Sassanids are the Seljuks, who adopted the title of sultanate after subjugating the Abbasid caliph after all.
>see something you like
>order one for yourself
Alpha as fuck.
Yes its quite noble to imitate your betters.
>ottoman sultan
>ruled a massive empire
>catholic pope
>cucked by a random german priest
i think we both know who the real better is here
Stealing a hat isn't quite imitation, nor sign of inferiority.
t. Saltine Mehmet Fägöylü III
>The Emperor had with him the brother of Vlad, son of Dracul, and was his favourite, living with him. And so it happened that when he began to rule, the Emperor wanted to have a relation with this boy that almost killed him. Because he liked the boy, he invited him to parties and raised the cup with lust asking him into his bedchamber. And the boy was taken by surprise to see the Emperor rushing on him for such a thing and stood against it and did not concede to the Emperor’s craving. But the Emperor kissed him against his will and the boy sheathed a dagger and cut the Emperor’s thigh and then ran away. The doctors healed the Emperor’s wound. And the boy climbed a tree nearby and stayed hidden. Only after the Emperor left, the boy descended and walked away and then came back to the court and again he was the Emperor’s favourite.
>Unoriginality and childish imitation isn't the calling card of an inferiority complex
KYS humourless faggot
>triggered by a king wearing a crown
>calls other childish
>alpha enough to get cut by your concubine and not even give a shit
>had your entire church literally cucked by a random goatfucking german priest
just proving my point pal
Yes, he had a small penis and felt intimidated by the one true religion. The turk fears the papal warrior
quite epic roachposting
>being a pathetic, scrawny beta that enjoys being used and abused by your rent boys
>so alpha and confident that you let this random german bloke spit his autism, not even giving a shit when it backfires because you know that God has a comfy spot for you in heaven
you are proving HIS point mate, we can play these games all day
Woe to the nibba who get between a man (roach) and his woman (boy)
What did the pope get for being this alpha though?
I mean christianity in general is dying in the relevant parts of the world.
>so alpha and confident that you let this random german bloke spit his autism, not even giving a shit
yeah he gave so few shits he only excommunicated luther, probably trying to choke back his pathetic tears at the same time
Many are called, few are chosen.
>defeated by Austria, the worst military in WWI era Europe
>later defeated by Italy, the second worst military in WWI era Europe
Even more embarrassing desu
EREIDF won't like this post.
Not him but whatI he tries to claim is basically Sasanians > Abbasids/Buyids > Seljuks > Ottomans.
I can't say I agree entirely. The Ottomans were a persianate, of course, like basically every turkish state in the area. But there's too many intermediaries to claim that the Ottomans were "like" the Sasanians.
The Ottoman family, who privately owned all the people and material in the so called Ottoman Empire, were very much lovers of Persia and Persian culture, and tried to be as Persian as possible, silks and slippers and perfume and all of that. They most definitely weren't leathery steppe nomad warrior kings.
Popes excommunicated people all day left and right tho
Sounds roughly analogous to the Normans, who were culturally very French and carried that influence with their conquests while having an identity rooted in their Norse origins.
All turkish persianates were like that. Some generations of leathery steppe nomad warrior kings and then it's all harem boys in silk. The Ottomans just existed for longer than anybody else.
Turkic peoples are to the islamic middle east what germanic invaders were to christian europe.
He even showed it to everyone when he came to siege Vienna. Like the madman was riding before the city gates with his crown while the besieged watched.
I wouldn't put it to that extreme. If we were to draw comparisons I think Spengler had it right, with the Turks being the Romans to the Arabs as Greeks, or the Assyrians to Sumerians.
Can you reword that? I can't understand who is whom to what.
Arabs create a civilization -> Turks expand on it and round it off
Greeks -> Romans
Sumerians -> Assyrians (not sure about this one, early middle eastern history is really confusing)
>Sumerians -> Assyrians (not sure about this one, early middle eastern history is really confusing)
Upon reflection I think the Babylonians are a better successor than the Assyrians. Sargon is a Napoleonic figure, Babylonians then take over and create an advanced mathematics, sciences, and large cities
Assyrians famously saw Babylonians as their predecessors, which makes it awkward that they had to conquer and reconquer them all the time.
But arabs were themselves germanic invaders, just shortlived.
I think the turks are closer to the Franks.
Turks have an easy comparison right there in the area - Bulgars.
They are the same leathery nomad roughneck warrior kings that show up, conquer the place, get fat and drunk, and go extinct, leaving only their name to be appropriated by the locals.
Bulgaria - slavic speaking greeks.
Turkey - muslim greeks.
I consider bulgarians to be turks (turkic) when I make this comparison. When I say that turkic peoples are like germanic invaders I mean all of them, not just ghuz osmanli turks. Bulgars are out of the middle east but basically work like their middle eastern bethren.
Well the Assyrians were not well-known for showing clemency in victory or mercy in rulership. But it's only after the brief Akkadian period, in the 2300s, that the Sumerians briefly regained control (Ur being top dog for a bit) before the Babylonians conquered all of Mesopotamia in the 1700s BC. Hammurabi is then the parallel to Alp Arslan, Augustus, Ching Shi Huangdi, and Ashoka.
In the usage of the word "Arab" am including all other Semites after the Achaemenid period in the middle east, such as Aramaic speakers, Chaldeans, and Jews. Its cheating, I know.
No, the Abbasids are the Carolingians. They created a distinct cultural lineage while seeing themselves as a successor to an empire in the distant past. The Parthians/Parni are like the Franks, being tribal barbarians who settled into a feudalistic system of government with levies and aristocratic knights. Just, like, think about it man.
Turkic or Iranian, depending on who you ask, like Scythians.
Certainly googling about it gives you plenty of papers supporting both sides.
>In the usage of the word "Arab" am including all other Semites after the Achaemenid period in the middle east, such as Aramaic speakers, Chaldeans, and Jews. Its cheating, I know.
Not cheating, it's simply retarded. Hijazi arabs were not part of this civilization. Persians were closer to this middle eastern ethos and they weren't even semites.
>No, the Abbasids are the Carolingians. They created a distinct cultural lineage while seeing themselves as a successor to an empire in the distant past.
What empire? They were the direct successors of the Rashidun, like the Empire was the successor of the Republic.
Also the parthian bit is absurd. It has nothing to do with the subject we're talking about. Parthians were iranic civilization retaking what is "theirs", albeit using an uncivilized part of it. I can't think about an historical parallel although I'm sure it exists.
It's the first time I see anyone claiming bulgars to be iranian. Nobody who isn't a turk would claim that scythians are turkish.
>It's the first time I see anyone claiming bulgars to be iranian.
Well, these links are quite literally the first result in Google, part of a response on Quora:
>Leading Turkologists have also presented evidence that the language of proto-Bulgarians does not reflect the Turkic linguistic family; instead it gravitates toward the Pamir languages of the East Iranian group, which belong to the Indo-European branch of languages (Bazin 1974; Manchen-Helfen 1973; Menges 1968; Pritsak 1955).
I don't know, and this knowledge is probably lost (I mean, how could we prove if they didn't write down in their own language ever?), just reposing what I read.
>Nobody who isn't a turk would claim that scythians are turkish.
We had a thread about that a couple of days ago, it was about 50:50 on Turkic:Iranian.
>Not cheating, it's simply retarded. Hijazi arabs were not part of this civilization. Persians were closer to this middle eastern ethos and they weren't even semites.
Yes it certainly was, in the trade cities along the Red Sea.
>What empire? They were the direct successors of the Rashidun, like the Empire was the successor of the Republic.
I fucked up, meant to say the Sassanids. They saw themselves as successors to the Achaemenid empire, leading them to try to conquer the eastern portion of the Roman Empire.
>Also the parthian bit is absurd. It has nothing to do with the subject we're talking about. Parthians were iranic civilization retaking what is "theirs", albeit using an uncivilized part of it.
Nah mate. The Parthians were Parni, not Persian. They were Iranic, sure, but this did little to persuade the native Persians that they weren't illiterate barbarian nomads from the steppe. And since you didn't notice, I was responding to someone else. Not everything revolves around you.
is that pic from the turkish soap opera about Suleyman?
I would watch it if it wasn't full of romance, then again, it's a soap opera.
All the posts you were awnsering to, except for the first, were mine.
I don't think the Sasanians can be compared with the Carolingians or with any medieval germanic kingdom in this sense. Germanics are by definition newcomers and upstarts, even at the time of the Carolingians, and their claim to mediterranean/roman civilization completely fake. Sasanians on the other hand were, if probably not actual descendants of the Achaemenids, true inheritors of Iranic civilization. If you want a medieval equivalent, they're better compared to Leon or Castille, and even there the comparison is weak.
Your dismissing of the Parthians is completely unjustified, as by the time they founded the Arsacid dynasty they were part of iranic civilization as much as the Sasanians. By the time they were dethroned the claim wasn't that they were too steppary but that they were too hellenic, a necessary step to slander the dynasty who saved iranic civilization from the hellenic one. Note too that you cannot blame someone of being puppet to alien influences if they're not expected to be "one of us", that would be useless. All high noble houses except the royal one during the Sasanian period claimed to be parthians when most of them probably were not, meaning that parthians were not only considered part of iranic civilization but a prestigious one. If the sasanians are Leon, the parthians are the wild hillmen of Asturias.
>In the usage of the word "Arab" am including all other Semites after the Achaemenid period in the middle east, such as Aramaic speakers, Chaldeans, and Jews. Its cheating, I know.
>be western
>be bitter that your civilization only stopped being garbage 300 years ago
>shit on anyone who wasn't a shit tier feudalism shithole in the last 1500 years
Why are /pol/tards so bitter and insecure?
Late repply but I'm not a t*rk, I just hate the occidentalsit idea, of "only civilization is western civilization". Nevermind the fact I was not defending turks but persians
Today? sure, if you count industrilization, modern technolgoy etc Back then? No
It was pretty good till they changed actress for the main wife of Sultan. Since then it were getting worse.
Based Onur
It's true though
t. Turk who LARPs as a byzantine
>They are the same leathery nomad roughneck warrior kings that show up, conquer the place, get fat and drunk, and go extinct, leaving only their name to be appropriated by the locals.
Except that you're wrong and you talk out of your ass
Please kill yourself and refrain from talking about things that you don't know.
oh and don't forget to print this pic, roll it and stick it up your ass, wh*Te subhuman.
>Germanics are by definition newcomers and upstarts, even at the time of the Carolingians, and their claim to mediterranean/roman civilization completely fake.
You can't equivocate mediterranean civilization with Roman civilization. The Franks based their claim on succession to the Romans on the fact that their sacral authority derived from the Pope in Rome.
The Sassanids were quite different from the Achaemenids, more decisively Middle Eastern in the contemporary sense than the Babylonian influenced Achaemenids.
>Sasanians on the other hand were, if probably not actual descendants of the Achaemenids, true inheritors of Iranic civilization.
Again, what the fuck is "iranic civilization"? No one thought in these terms back then.
>meaning that parthians were not only considered part of iranic civilization but a prestigious one
The Franks enjoyed such an aristocratic status over the Gallo Roman peasants.
Not every Autistic person is a Turk
But every roach is autistic.
If you talk shit about us, expect me to fuck you up.
For some reasons retards here don't know anything yet love to talk about us. You just trigger my genocidal senses.
LOL you are what you are trying to genocide.
I don't hate you, I just think Roach memes are funny. I've met Turks and they all pretty decent people for the most part. My experience on Veeky Forums is that Turks are super nationalist WE WUZERS, and they often have no idea what they're talking about.
I don't care what a pathetic wh*Te subhuman thinks about us, you could hate us or love us. It's nothing.
Nevermind, I do hate you. You're autistic like the other roaches. Have fun throwing your tiny chance at a secular state away.
Good for you.
>Again, what the fuck is "iranic civilization"? No one thought in these terms back then
>The Old Persian and Avestan evidence is confirmed by the Greek sources. Herodotus, in his Histories, remarks about the Iranian Medes that "Medes were called anciently by all people Arians" (7.62). In Armenian sources, the Parthians, Medes and Persians are collectively referred to as Iranians. Eudemus of Rhodes (Dubitationes et Solutiones de Primis Principiis, in Platonis Parmenidem) refers to "the Magi and all those of Iranian (áreion) lineage". Diodorus Siculus (1.94.2) considers Zoroaster (Zathraustēs) as one of the Arianoi.
>Strabo, in his Geographica, mentions the unity of Medes, Persians, Bactrians and Sogdians:
>The name of Ariana is further extended to a part of Persia and of Media, as also to the Bactrians and Sogdians on the north; for these speak approximately the same language, with but slight variations. —Geography, 15.8
>The Franks enjoyed such an aristocratic status over the Gallo Roman peasants.
Different dynamic, Parthians ruled side by side with the Persians by Sassanid era, not over them, they themselves are remnants of former Arsaces dynasty see en.wikipedia.org
Interesting to note though that one of the main reason of fall of Sassanids was their military ineffectiveness due to constant bickering between Iran and Parthian faction
You spend your time saving pictures like this? It says 2, which implies you have more. Is there really that little to do in Turkey? Like I get being bored but holy shit.
Refresh your webpage.
Greek ethnography stating the obvious fact of relation between similar groups ≠ concept of "iranic civilization." The Safavids (Oghuz Turkic Azerbaijanis) were different from the Seljuks (Persianized Mamluks) were different from the Abbasids (Arabs) were different from the Sassanids... and so on. There is no concept of "iranic civilization" with a set identity. This kind of rhetoric is always motivated by propaganda to legitimize whatever state is controlling that region, insofar as it is acknowledged at all.
>Different dynamic, Parthians ruled side by side with the Persians by Sassanid era, not over them, they themselves are remnants of former Arsaces dynasty
The Merovingian dynasty was forged out of dynastic marriage alliances between the Frankish and local Roman nobility. The Franks maintained the local Roman bureaucratic structure to run their state.
Boy to your wh*Te masters, Greco-Kurdish shitskin.
those are British not Ottomans you dumb wh*Te monkey
>Osmanoğlu must be of Norman derivation, not the dynasty ruling over roach subhumans for a almost a thousand years
>Underage screeching
they're literally British you dumbass. Only their mother is Ottoman
Why are wh*Tes so retarded? Is it monkey genetics?
The backpeddling ahahahaha
>Salaheddin (her husband) is a proud British name
>wh*Te son of a whore screeching
Ayşe Gülnev Osmanoğlu Sutton is married to a Brit named Nicholas Sutton and those are his kids. According to Turkish tradition those are not Ottomans if they don't descend paternally descend from Ottomans.
Now SHOO you wh*Teoid subhuman.
That's right: we dismantled your empire, now we're taking your women.
>we dismantled your empire
are you Turkish? AFAIK it was us who dismantled Ottoshit empire in 1922.
also wh*Tes are subhumans, this is why Ottoman Empire died.
So you admit you had nothing to do with the empire that lasted almost a thousand years? That you're a shitskin roach who never actually did anything but WE WUZ and die for your Mongoloid and wh*Te masters?
Jesus, the last 10 posts or so were the most autistic i saw the whole week.
Mate are you literally autistic?
>le autism :DDDDDD edgy 4chun meem
>A-am I fitting in?