Why hasn't America apologized for the Native American genocide?
We stole their land, raped their women, took their sons, and now even their land into our malls.
I say it's time for America to apologize for their colonization crimes.
Why hasn't America apologized for the Native American genocide?
We stole their land, raped their women, took their sons, and now even their land into our malls.
I say it's time for America to apologize for their colonization crimes.
nah senpai, nah
Why haven't Native Americans apologized for scalping European settlers?
>tfw we killed most of them and the only ones left are alcoholics living off government assistance so it's irrelevant now
Why not?
Germans paid for the Holocaust crimes. Japanese (although not as bad as the Nazis) paid for their Chinese crimes.
I say Americans need to pay for their crimes against Native Americans damn pigs!
so salty, maybe if the prairie niggers built up their shit tier immune systems america would still have no infrastructure and be a bunch of retards fighting each other in an empty continent
It was more like an accidental genocide if you ask me cause of the diseases killing most of them off? I could be wrong about the disease part though
The europeans were just refugees escaping harsh religious persecution and the racist bigoted native americans tried to keep them out! colonists dindu nuffin
>dying due to disease
You're completely wrong. In North America, Indian populations were spread out, so epidemic disease wouldn't have had the same impacts as in Meso and South America. Dale Hutchinson writes on this topic for Spanish colonialism, and Mike Wilcox has good articles about retroactive passive scientific narratives used to conceal ongoing legalistic and violent removal of Indians from their land through the 20th century.
None of that is to say disease played no factor, but calling it an accidental genocide is laughable and indicative of how poor the US is at even I introspecting about the problem and teaching their children the truth, let alone making up for it.
>literally being proud of being disgusting india tier disease vectors
Pick 2
So we pony up say, 50mil, divy up their personal holdings on the rezzes for their private use, annex the rest, and never hear about this again? Deal.
Shit, you're right.
Tell you what, how about we give them equal citizens rights and legal protection against those who discriminate against their race, plus a few other perks? Then they have a level playing field with the modern white man, plus a few little bonuses here and there?
You had the redskins mining till they dropped dead and killed them when they "dint mine enough", stop denying your crimes Americans
What are you gay?
After my experience with Amerindians I can attest they're all subhumans. Never met dumber people in my entire life.
I feel like you have an ulterior motive here, buddy
>Native American genocide?
No such thing. Most were killed by disease, the rest by fair-and-square warfare.
Yeah no, the native population went from 50 million down below 6 million over a century before we even became a country. It was disease that did most of the work. Stop trying to revise shit.
I know I'm being baited but I'm still responding to it for some retarded reason. Well done.
That was self defense from invaders moving into their lands.
Every single redskin killed saved the taxpayers a colossal amount of money in the future.
No one gives a shit that Muslims repeatedly genocided people but whites are the target of cultural marxists.
They have, you retard. Obongo signed an official resolution, and the trail of tears is pretty much required teaching in all middle schools.
Genocide occurred after disease epidemics. Just look at what happened in California and the various Indian removals.
do you wanna give a source on your 50 million -> 6 million figure? i wanna see the methodology behind this demographic study and also a date on the paper.
i ask this because the most north figure of population of the Americas as a whole in 1492 was 30 million. so i'd be surprised if you had a study that had an estimate of 50 million for just North America, where we're talking about.
there is no question of the impact of disease on all native populations. there is question of the magnitude of impact, especially in North America (as distinguished from Meso- and South) where populations were more dispersed
The 50 Million he's referring to is actually the population of all Native Americans in the Americas as a whole, not just the USA.
I've heard the statement that Native American populations in the USA were too dispersed to be affected by disease, I don't remember where I heard it though, outside this thread.
They have. Natives have special areas were they more or less have self rule, and the law varies depending on their customs
I don't really know why most natives would choose to stay on reservations these days. From my understanding the land was garbage that european settlers didn't want. Bad for farming and such. The reservations are infamously impoverished as well.
meme, there are plenty of reservations that are actually quite nice. not all tribes are attawopiosiajskajat-tier.
the media just likes to focus on the really awful ones for (you's).
Americans are spaniards now?
Whatever the causes, they were genocided and their land spoiled, yes. BUT it wasn't a deliberate act. It took place on a very long period, with different actors, different factor and different politics. They were just the losers of history, victims of wars, of disease, of exodus, of cultural death, etc... The whole world should apologize, and we won't, because shit happens, end of the story.
Because (((((white)))))) americans are part indian themselves
Both whites and indios are genocidal scum. The american (KEMET) continent belongs to the (black) KEMETian man, who originally inhabited it and who created this nation
Apologies mean nothing and are just a way to pat yourself on the back while not doing anything to help those still alive. I would support ways to alleviate the current suffering in the Native American community, especially on reservations that suffer from awful living standards and rampant alcoholism.
The 21st century white man's burden.
Apologizing for being white and being a man.
You think Indians were kind to each other? You think they didn't murder each other?
Who helped the Spaniards conquer? Who helped the French and English in their wars? It was the natives. They helped construct their own downfall.
But it's the white man's burden to be apologetic, to be weak
Cry me a river. Stop victimizing yourself it's not an attractive trait.
Because it never happened.
We got the asians to do the mining you cunt
Relocations mostly
Incas were superior to europeans though.
ya, and that's part of the reason why God has orchestrated a refugee crisis in Europe
The finnish were superior to the incas though
>when someone uses the false 100 million meme
Natives were pretty far behind on medicine as well
Dancing with a rainstick doesnt fair well against chickenpox
>implying euro medicine was any better in the Fucking 1600s
literally what
I didnt do shit
Self defense is mowing them injuns out
First come first get.
"We". By the time my dirt poor Irish ancestors got here the Indian wars were skirmishes at best.
All white men should be castrated and be forced to become trannies as reparations for slavery and the genocide of the native americans.
sorry mates
Great, sounds like you saw Bone Tomahawk, too.
So all is gucci now?
>n-nu uh
What the fuck are you talking about retard
Yes that's the word he said. Do you know what it means?
Nigger please.
Natives genocided those before them, and them before them. The "original" land claim these tribes try to justify is a meme.
See "first" peoples of Canada
When are the Sioux gonna apologize to the Kiowa, Omaha, Ponca, Otoe, and Pawnee for slaughtering them?
>a bunch of hopelessly backwards dumbasses spend centuries doing nothing of value whatsoever, just killing each other and smoking
>Europeans come along and start participating in the local pastime, war
>Europeans spent the last few centuries doing something other than smoking and developing a retarded worldview, so they conquer them pretty easily
>give their descendants a ton of free land and legal exceptions
>offer them a bunch of free money
>use the rest of the land to create technological advancements and a culture that isn't totally buttfuck retarded
>backwards morons still feel like they've been wronged
>Paying for their war crimes
Next you'll be saying that Turkey recognizes the Armenian genocide.
This is a simple google search away, you know.
Wow you know nothing of native americans or their civilizations do you?
maybe they shouldve fought harder lmao
its ours now
Growing up in new mexico surrounded by natives everywhere I actually sympathize and have grown to love the art and culture of the pueblo tribs settled along the rio grande.
However, most of the tribes in the great plains/desert basin region of what is now the US were primarily nomads that followed herds of Buffalo from chihuahua mexico all the way up to canada, and as far east and west as the buffalo had good grazing land and water. They did settle in places seasonally and did grow squash/maize/beans when they could, but for all intents and purposes, the western united states as a whole is no more "their" (also we're talking dozens of different war-like tribes here) land than all of central Asia's steppe belongs to the Mongols just because a war party could rampage across it on horse back setting fire to the prairies and all other settlements in a matter of weeks. So although tribes like the commanche, navajo, differing apaches, etc eventually got squeezed into small pockets by the US Army and were given reservations in which they adopted a sedentary-mercantile society to live on, as far as I'm concerned all the nomadic tribes don't have particular lands as they would travel hundreds of miles seasonally to vastly different and far away regions without building permanent settlements like the pueblo Indians along the rio grande did.
Know the best part of all? The pueblo tribes that built permanent settlements of Adobe and stone along the rio grande never had to leave. Of course they were conquered and lived as vassals of the spanish, mexicans, texanos, and finally americans, they never lost their land or dwellings because they built PERMANENT STRUCTURE SETTLEMENTS.
That still doesn't excuse the subjugation the Spaniards had them under, but they were one of the few groups of tribes that were civilized enough to band together and collectively kick a European occupying force out of their settlements for some time. Look up the pueblo revolts
Disease killed the vast majority of them.
No one gives a shit, not even the Injuns so long as they get their government check
They can apologize when Rome and Greece apologize.
That's basically like MJ paying off the parents, mate.
They already have.
The India in the United States and Canada are essentially mascots of the wild west and frontier American spirit of yesteryear. Nowadays you see stories of big government or corporations Rolling over people and people emphasize and romanticize the Indians who were the first ones this to happen to.
People fucking love indians. They are part of our national mythos, countless people pride themselves on having Indian blood in them. The 'white quilt' thingy only scratches the surface of what the red man means in American civilization.
Don't forget Red Man fashion in Canada. I'm sure it exists in the US, but it's absolutely huge in Canada.
>You dun know them man, you're from the suburbs and I'm living on da streets
godamn anecdotefags
I have seen that happen once, there was a forest fire and a bunch of people were evacuated and ended up in a native community. Giant outpouring of helping hands but when the media came they wanted to focus on one isolated incident of a guy breaking down over his house burning down who got drunk and started a fight. They were told to fuck off if that was all they were interested in.
We signed treaties with the Indians. We have broken these treaties in places, and this is being adjudicated.
That's all they get.
That was the Spaniards, but this is clearly bait.
It's no genocide because Indians aren't people.
MJ also didn't do anything criminal (was never charged or convicted), and the boy later said that his dad forced him to make accusations against MJ so that he could make a tidy little settlement.
So that might not be the best comparison, buddy.
>trusting Chinese lies
god, journos are so scummy
Nearly 100 million were killed by disease spreading from the very first contact, but there were still 10 mil+ that we genocided and forces from their land
The were aware of how diseases spread through sick people. A person with the plague would show up in a town and a few weeks later he was dead while the rest of the town now had it. The benefits of having a written language.
Quarantines have been a thing since the black death, all of Poland had its borders closed ffs.
Do you? It doesn't mean 'plague'.
If they are superior to "people" (eurangutans), then it's obviously a crime more evil than genocide.
We have. My only regret is we never finished the job, and now everyone's too much of a pussy to do it, because muh brown skin
Native Americans were obviously able to tell if someone is ill. You can shitpost all you want but it was the fact that Europeans brought a disease from another continent to somewhere the nstives had never encountered those strains of viruses/bacterium before. Medicine had nothing to do with it, if it was the other way round, Europe would've experirnced another black death tier epidemic.
Which genocide? Honestly, it wasn't a constant policy to attempt to destroy the native people, there were even treaties we signed, many of which we later broke when it was convenient, and sometimes we just moved them from one place to another because we wanted the land. The periods of actual intentional extermination don't comprise the entirity of native-settler relations.
Uncapable of finishing the job. Even though eurangutans pestilence killed 90+% of Amerindians, and the technological offset favouring euchimpeans... they couldn't even kill the ethnic groups. Incas were superior to europeans. History demonstrates it. Hehehe
The eurangutan race is facing its extinction soon.
Chimpos, get over it.
manifest destiny ISN'T THE FIRST POST
There is no need for apology, we liberated the continent from savages. Even the Native Americans alive today are living in better conditions than they ever were before. They should be thankful instead.
>technological offset
You have no idea what you're talking about lmao.