Ruskies are buying it, Slants are buying it, Poos are buying it, even Goldman Sachs are buying it. Have you diversify your portfolio? Are you ready for the biggest transfer of wealth in human history when the West will become broke overnight.
Ruskies are buying it, Slants are buying it, Poos are buying it, even Goldman Sachs are buying it...
Other urls found in this thread:
>a fucking bar of METAL
How long can they keep it this low?
>best conductor of electricity
>used in countless fields
It's inherently valuable to human needs. Evidence that crypto is in a bubble because it is only inflated from hype.
>first element on the periodic table that will become extinct
I dont need to buy it. I have minung claims with tens of thousands of ounces lying on the ground in the form of placer nuggets. I am just waiting for Trump to get the EPA under control so I can actually mine it.
they'll keep it under $20 an ounce until everything starts collapsing. the two biggest increases over the last year were around the US and french elections. so uncertainty in the market is what drives the price up.
once the cracks in the financial system really show themselves people will sell everything they can in order to stay solvent and avoid bankruptcy. this will drop the price of gold and silver for a week or so before people realize the true nature of the problem. after that, precious metals will spike to new ATHs.
Currencies have come and gone, Gold is Forever.
>a bunch of fucking PIXELS
Pixels are ok for now, dont knock it. Just saying 10% in to gold is a smart move.
it's silver you fucking retard. silver
Fuck yeah I have precious metals. You'd have to be a fool to not at this time.
My portfolio has
Real Estate
Im ready for whatever comes my way, even growing a garden in my back yard incase shit gets crazy.
For those who ate not fortunate enough to bebable to physically mine it like myself, that is.
Fruit trees and setting up garden beds is probably the best investment I've made.
Top quality food and gardening keeps you fit and mentally stable
Retard, huh? Silver is a fools game. I have a quartz vein 2 foot wide that runs 83 ounces to the ton. I will govafter my fold first. The only thing I even need the silver for os the inquart refining process.
Anyone here get into mining silver? Is it profitable? Where can I buy the best pickaxes?
we are the silver marines
120 or so ounces of silver, mostly bullion with some 40% silver Kennedy half dollars that I regret buying, but they were the cheapest junk silver. The 90% was 3 to 4 bucks over spot, fuck that.
For gold, few scrap rings and one very nice ring, and some 1 gram and 2.5 gram bars I got on sale.
Now this is diversification. I sold my stocks because I don't trust this Market. The last bit of diversification I need now as a trailer for my truck just in case I have to get out of town or out of the country.
talk to this guy
rune pickaxe 32k from the dwarf under the mountain
To talk about one is to talk about the other.
Sorry for typos. I am on my Mini in Nome and it is cold as a Witches Tit.
There is and will continue to be a shortage in silver. Currently production can't even meet demand. It is one commodity that is considered undervalued in the market.
Silver nanowire will be amajor component in next gen electronics.
And: Antarctic Aayyylmao believer Clif High recently stated that by 2030 silver will be so valuable, that people won't conceive of using it to eat with. Take that for what it's worth though.
Im just now getting into it. I have just a few veggies and some grapes going. I hope to some day be able to feed myself with just home grown food if it ever came down to it.
Im missing a trailer for my truck too, I was kind of thinking a pop up camper shell.
I usually end up buying at least 5 ounces a month, although my focus has been on crypto lately.
I like silver
I really like silver
> Wtf is diversification
How much do those things run?
You know you're talking to a millennial when he doesn't know what silver is.
not really sure but there are some pretty dope ones. I only have a ranger so i might be stuck with a trailer.
Nice just bought 100k
Is this the ultimate flippening?
I'm a millennial too though.
starting to accumulate, I don't trust crypto long term, just using it for quick gains
collecting stones
If I had a dollar for every time a person over 40 told me my generation sucks, I'd have enough money to buy a house in the economy they ruined.
Don't talk shit when you could have invested in:
> microsoft
> amazon
> netflix
> tesla
> google
> bitcoin
Yet you didn't and you sit alone as a 40+ year old weeaboo talking shit about millennials.
Just fucking end it so we don't have to pay your SSI.
Sounds like someone needs a Draft Notice.
too far
Aww the lazy little snowflake mad he missed all the gains and is stuck holding the bags?
And it would be poetic justice for an Officer to deliver a Flag to hos Mother shortly thereafter. The only thing of value she would ever receive for the pain of pumping this gem out.
feelin comfy with my metals. but crypto is also good option before biggest transfer of welath in humand kind will happen 0/ good luck user
Absolutely nothing wrong holding 5% of a portfolio in metals. My goal is to have 5 ounces of gold and 100 ounces of silver by the end of next year.
Perhaps you should take the hint.
> draft notice
> implying
> missed all the gains
> stuck holding bags
> implying
That you know how to samefag?
Perhaps you should go cry to your mama.
How many hot pockets have you eaten today? You need to be burped?
Fucking comfy sitting on Crypto and Metal and real estate
What's wrong with going military? You don't support your troops? That's not very American.
>Perhaps you should take the hint.
Your parents know you're up this late?
You know it really is. The two seem to complement each other really well. The stability of physical assets and the extreme volatility of crypto.
Does your pillow know you're up this late?
>gardening keeps you fit
Jesus, how weak are you?
Those guys who invested it all into crypto intend to live day by day with the chance of crypto going all the way to zero and they're fine with it. Me I just take some profits from time to time and lock them in metals, that way if there's a massive dippening, I can buy crypto bags again for cheap without being exposed to fiat dippening.
Don't tease me I only got 4 hours of sleep and another hundred eighty miles to drive.
for fuck sake, buy gold
Why are you up so late? Shouldn't you be driving?
Yes. Buy something that (((they))) already own massive reserves of and ignore an extremely valuable precious metal that cannot be pulled out of the ground fast enough. And has actual purpose than a 'store of value'.
That was exactly the first thing I thought about. Decided there was no way I was going to put money into crypto unless I had a solid foundation in case it all went to zero.
Problem here lies with the tax on purchasing and the tax on selling for fiat.
You buy above market rate and have to sell below market rate. Do you honestly believe Silver is going to go up higher?
cause you a nig nog
Legit question, what's the point of huge blocks of silver? How are you going to use it to pay your minions in the wasteland? Wouldn't it be better to just buy a 1square inch of gold?
we are the silver marines
The cool thing about Metal is that it can be melted and divided infinitely. So you buy blocks because they take up less space and you don't need them right now.
Where at? I have a big 5" dredge I don't have a good place to use.
When the happening comes and I buy all your supplies using counterfeit bullion because you're the only guy in town who thinks it has value, who is the sucker?
I'm sure he would sell you those supplies he was hoarding for the happening just after the happening happens