Sia is getting ready to moon,
Don't say I didn't warn you this shit is going straight into orbit in T minus 5.
Sia is getting ready to moon
Other urls found in this thread:
Just bought 100k
5 minutes? 5 hours? 5 days?
5 decades
5 hours tops, I just bought 1000 dollars worth. I'm going to bed and waking up to a fortune.
Says who?
the absolute madman he actually did it
nice, just pink wojacked 100k
this piece of shit coin hasn't had a moon rally since fucking JUNE.
I still have those July bags.
And how fast did you hit that cancel button?
fuck it mine aswell join in , cheers.
Read the chart. SIA hitted the floor and now will go up.
Pajeet detected.
Check the coinmarketcap history. Notice something changing? Yeah, that's right supply keeps increasing by 100m every week. Supply is infinity and by 2018 will be around 38b; the same like ripple... I like the decentralized storage idea, but from investment point it doesn't look so good. BTC value increase is a concern as well, when BTC was around 2k SIA was ~300-500 sat and now when it doubled SIA halved. What will happen when BTC goes to 10k? I just want to sell my bags at 320 sat and be done with it.
Bought 500k yesterday bro.
See you on 500 sats
Let's go!
still nothing op you are just a faggot
Wait 5 min no-ta faggot