*singlehandedly and unintentionally ends communism in the world*
*singlehandedly and unintentionally ends communism in the world*
Other urls found in this thread:
He didn't end communism, which has survived in China and North Korea. China itself is coming up onto another five year plan later this year, which is a major problem as it pits communist bureaucrats against younger banks and the reality that Chinese businesses cannot hit their quotas unless they lie (a similar problem Soviet businesses had). This has major implications as China's market economy cannot tolerate impropriety, as investors will flee (as they've been trying to do hence why the stock sell ban is still in place). But this is more of an /int/ topic than a Veeky Forums one.
Anyway, what Gorbachev did was probably for the best. Had he tried to fight a Soviet civil war, it would have easily been the most destructive conflict in human history as 50+ years of stockpiled arms (including gas and nuclear weapons) would be unleashed by all sides in order to maintain control. This would have likely resulted in a fascist Russia (actually fascist, not just the soft authoritarianism Putin uses) which would have meant Soviet invasions of any SSR or Warsaw Pact state attempting to break off. From there it is likely a NATO or US ship/plane/convoy would have been blown up and WW3 would begin.
Gorbachev realized that and chose not to do it.
>he still calls China a communist country
Opinion discarded
>China is communist
Nice meme. It's a capitalist dictatorship with substantial state interference in the economy.
>North Korea
Do you even understand what communism really is?
More like a hegemony
Nah. It's a dictatorship of a party.
China's core political and economic systems are still communist, everything is still centrally controlled and planned. However in the 90s and 00s Beijing smartly stole western best practices, instead of stagnating and failing like the USSR. Specifically China bought majority stakes in conglomerates that formed, and allowed them to operate (mostly) independently of Beijing (in the sense that they could accept private financing and did not need approvals for making new products). Wages increased and Chinese citizens could suddenly afford western products (which were built in their own country anyway).
It worked well until growth began leveling off a few years ago, a problem that even complex and mature economies like the EU or US have hard time handling. China is in the same boat except instead of only risking a stock crash (wiping out the private investment side), they are also having a massive breakdown inside Beijing as everyone lies to "make" the state quotas demanded of them.
>not true communism
>gommunism is when gobarment do things
>everything is still centrally controlled and planned
>only 100 SOE
Pick one
Communism is a capitalist dictatorship of the state. It's no different than a massive trust of all businesses forming and running everything themselves. Swap a "cabinet" for a "board of directors".
To that end, China is communist by most technical standards. Communism does not preclude private enterprise, it only requires that most things (including the things private enterprise use) be owned and distributed by the state. China fits this as nearly all of their conglomerates are majority state owned.
>is only communism if it doesn't work!!
Socialism with Chinese Characteristics is objectively not communism
here you go, this is undeniable proof China is a communist country:
I wouldn't necessarily call it a dictatorship as its more of a single party state than a country controlled by what one often thinks of a dictator. Splitting hairs I guess.
I'm not a Marxist but you can't possibly deny that China is a part of global capitalism, even if its government structure is that of a Marxist-Leninist state.
>I still don't have an argument so I continue spitting strawmans.
Communism doesn't require an absolute rejection of global capitalism. China discovered that communism can easily work within a capitalist framework, if effectively managed (namely by making state control not absolute). China ran itself as a private business and private businesses don't have elections (except amongst top investors).
What the fuck was he suppose to do?
He got dealt an extremely shit hand with no viable means of sustaining their union. Blame Bresniv for being an alcoholic luddite or Stalin for purging too many non sycophants or Lenin for dying too soon.
Communism is a failed ideology and no one could have solved the USSR by this time range.
>Communism doesn't require an absolute rejection of global capitalism.
WHAT!!! But communism is the rejection to capitalism
But America is a communist country.
t. Moldbug
The biggest possible rejection of capitalism is using capitalist methodology against capitalism. This is where Communism triumphed where religious-based distributive systems failed.
Also, Marxism does not have a monopoly on Capitalism and Marx is not Communist Jesus although he was very important. Communism has evolved and grown without him.
communism is a mode of production where class state and private property have been abolished.
is that true at all of china?
no, ergo, not communist
>posting the man of Steal
If the property management company is owned 51% by the state, then it's communism. This is how China operates, ergo China is communist.
>If the property management company is owned 51% by the state, then it's communism.
Nice definition out of your head.
if something is owned majority by the public, then it is not a privately owned entity
what's so hard to understand?
China doesn't have elections or any mechanism that ensures the state represents the people, if the people can't influence the state, and the state owns things, that's not communism, that's dictatorship, that being said i don't htink communism would ever seriously be achieved.
communism is not inherently a democratic system
communism is an economic system
Based Gorbachev
The free world salutes you
free world is a meme
so is communism. some memes are good, some are bad