Why were labor unions and their political representatives historically so racist and xenophobic? When and why did they change their outlook?
Why were labor unions and their political representatives historically so racist and xenophobic...
Because nobody likes niggers.
Unions in the 1880s were against Chinese migration because they saw the Chinese as taking their railroad jobs for lower wages.
However, labor in the 20th century cooperated quite a bit with the civil rights movement and today, union members are more likely to be black than the general population.
Labor unions were also the driving force behind the Immigration Act of 1924 that severely limited the amount of immigrants allowed into the country. They were also initially opposed to the 1865 Immigration Act. They didn't really change their tune and membership demographics until after the mid-1960s, so why was that?
>import cheap non-union labor
>union workers get fucked
It's that simple.
>why did they change their outlook?
They did? Iirc Hillary lost because white blue collar workers turned away from the Democratic party.
Their leadership certainly changed their outlook and started embracing neoliberal pro-immigration labor policies. But it's true that rank-and-file members usually have a stronger self-preservation instinct than the people at the top.
Could be that the unions began to wed themselves too closely to the Democratic Party and their donors.
muh jobs!
Union leadership was always someone's puppet and never actually represented the people in the actual fucking union. See all the mafia faggotry from the 20s through the 60s.
People who say Unions never did shit for the working man are retards. The immigration act of 1924 made the working American the most prosperous in the world. Open immigration is a weapon of the rich to drive down wages and divide and conquer by introducing mutually hostile ethnic enclaves.
This, unions used to recognize and call out mass immigration as a ploy by corporate interests to subvert working Americans and drive down wages via labor surpluses. Now union leaders are totally on-board with the neo-liberal race to bottom. It sucks.
Divide and conquer strategy via the capitalist class. While it is definitely true that various unions have been corrupted the genuine unions that struggled for worker's rights during the early 20th century were very accepting of all fellow workers
>people defending their own interests and the value of their labour is "divide and conquer strategy via the capitalist class"
I hope you don't have the same dumb sheepish view of current mass immigration and xenophobia in Europe.
The capitalist class was literally bringing in masses of Chinese, South Asian, and eastern European workers to flood the labor market and drive down wages. They even admitted all this at the time in their private correspondence and sometimes in public hearings when they felt bold enough. Don't be an idiot.
Actual labor knows that mass immigration will beat out native workers for cheaper wages.
While I typically dislike the Marxist more than the Liberal, this is an area where the Marxists are 100% better than the Liberal.
Don't nativist and protectionist labor movements undermine orthodox Marxist "workers of the world unite" rhetoric? What Marxist philosophers if any advocate protectionist labor policies? Seems more like a social democrat kind of thing.
Union leaders are parasites and behind 90% of the decline in unions and the sour taste they now have for people here in the US.
If that's you're goal, then you shouldn't be some tool of your Mr Porky anyway. Organize in your separate countries if you actually want that to get off the ground.
>party has interest in keeping jobs for its members
>partyt has interest in keeping wages and workplace safety as good as possible for its members
>group comes by that doesnt care about wages or workplace safety, just the oppurtunity to work
>unions campaign against chinese immigration
I don't know what this means.
This is one of the few things I actually agree with commies/socialists on. Capitalism and free enterprise NEED labor unions in order to function properly and stay free. There have to be controls on foreign immigration so that the markets for labor can't be flooded and above everything else all of this needs to be kept in the public eye to influence consumers. If you can't produce a product for the price that you want then you're producing it in the wrong place or you're producing the wrong product. There's nothing wrong with employing low-skill low-wage workers but you don't flood your host country with a huge impoverished underclass of them just because you want cheaper tomatoes.
Captcha: Mexico Mexico
It sucks, almost seems like the leaders are controlled opposition put in place to actively sabotage their own movements. Eugene Debs and Big Bill Haywood were probably the last honest labor leaders.
The white working class is still extremely racist and xenophobic, why do you think they voted for Trump?
Bigger labour pools dilute the bargaining power of the individual worker, lowering their salaries as more labour is supplied than is demanded, a union that advocates for ideas that hurt the individual worker is gonna fall apart and get replaced with a new movement.
because foreigners have always been scabs to da werkun man.
This the reason why economic Marxism has withdrawn in place of cultural Marxism, the flood of women and dirt worlders into the workforce will decimate capitalism's power to provide one paycheck homes making it easier to go full gommunism.
Kinda curious now if European labor unions were racist and xenophobic too? I know they were in the Anglosphere (Canada, Australia/NZ, South Africa).
... I know this is bait, but I can't quite tell who its supposed to be against.
They were white. Most union members today are niggers and mexicans.
>most cops and teachers are spics and niggers
kek, got 'em
Unions are a white male invention and have only ever served white patriarchal interests.