To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Rick and Morty. The humour is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics most of the jokes will go over a typical viewer's head. There's also Rick's nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation- his personal philosophy draws heavily from Narodnaya Volya literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realise that they're not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Rick & Morty truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the humour in Rick's existential catchphrase "Wubba Lubba Dub Dub," which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev's Russian epic Fathers and Sons. I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Dan Harmon's genius wit unfolds itself on their television screens. What fools.. how I pity them.
/rmg/- Rick and Morty general
Why is this on Veeky Forums?
Hello /trash/, don't forget to read history books
Thankfully school is about to start again. Once summer break is over, kids like this will be back in school at least.
you can't forget the extensive references to Voltaire and Rousseau's stormy relationship, Morty being Rousseau of course and Rick Voltaire
People have to ruin everything
I thought Rick was Hobbes
its a cartoon
tell me this doesn't sound familiar to you
oyaaa I can recognize that from anywhere, a shame napoleon dismantled it because now we have a united autism of g*rmans
And the bible and quran are just books with pages with ink on them, yet look what they have done
You really do need to get into the mindset of the faggot atheist Redditard to understand why this show is so popular. These people have never heard of adult animation in their lifes that wasn't stuff like Family Guy, it was completely alien to them. And they can't laugh at these shows because they consider these shows stupid. They want a show that isn't necessarily smart or funny or well-written, but that appears to be to appeal to their surface level taste. Because these people live for that mindless self-validation. They don't actually understand what makes for good writing or good comedy, nor have they ever picked a book about physics. They want to pretend they do so and circlejerk themselves, that's what matters. Rick and Morty is just perfect for its demographic: these same college-age self-important Bernouts who "fucking love science". The entire foundation of the show is built upon the dichotomy between "silly sci-fi humor and references" and " things are super deep and tragic bro". This pseudo-intellectual "nothing even matters, I'm insecure about existence, we are all going to die" bullshit that R&M shits out in almost every episode is what appeals to it's audience. The show doesn't actually have the tact to even begin to offer an interesting presentation and discussion of any philosophy, so it spouts these edgy teenage catchphrases. Nevermind the bean-headed, noodle-limbed unexpressive character design, or how the story is non-existent and only comes up when the writers beg you to feel something for these characters so devoid of substance, or how the entire show is a trendy forgettable scenario of the week memefest with just enough sci-fi references to trick kids into thinking they are smart for understanding them, or how the characters have somehow been reduced to even more obnoxious caricatures than before, none of these things matter. What matters is that it appeals to the millenial redditor audience, and that's what's selling Rick and Morty.
Ever notice how rick and morty rhymes with dick and horny? I think people forget how much sexual tension between the main protsgonists exists and OPs picture captures this dynamic well (rick shamelessly giving up his ass in a spieful diciking to get attention from morty
holy shit, woke as fuck
This has to be bait
"Ewww... Go away you sick goyim! I don't want my baby to see that."
Jesus Christ died for your sins, show some fucking respect.
rate my idea for a Veeky Forums-approved R&M skit
>Rick & Morty teleport/time travel in the middle of an abandoned room
>"Where *burp* the Hell *burp* are we *burp* Morty?"
>"It's say we uhh... In Amsterdam, Holland. In the year 1944..."
>"So like does that mean *burp* we *burp* can get weed super cheap? *burp*"
>"The Netherlands was under Nazi occupation in 1944, Rick. Oh shi-, we need to get out of here fast."
>"Why's *burp* that Morty? Scared?!"
>"I have a Jewish sounding name. If the Nazis catch us, they'll kill me on the spot!"
>"Chickenshit" *makes bawking sounds*
>"Come on Rick, this is deadly serious."
>screaming comes from upstairs
>Rick pulls out his laser
>"What?! Who *burp* goes there?!"
>"Calm down Rick, firing your gun will definitely give us away."
>they open the door
>Anne is labor and swearing profusely in Dutch, Peter is trying to keep her calm
>"Who the *burp* Hell is this?"
>Morty notices her diary lying on the ground
>"I-I think that's Anne Frank..."
>"Anne *burp* Frank?! Wait a *burp* second, when was she preg-*burp* oh never mind."
>Rick shoves Peter aside.
>"Alright Miss, not to *burp* worry. I am a *burp* fully *burp* qualified *burp* doctor."
>Anne continues cursing him in Dutch
>"Will you quiet down? You'll wake up the whole town."
>retrieves a bottle of tequila from his coat and forces it down her throat
>"Jeeze *burp*, you're louder than a line of Louisiana *burp* Tigers giving the Rebel *burp* Yell."
>"Rick, I don't think giving pregnant women alcohol is very safe."
>"Shut up *burp* Morty. I'm the *burp* doctor *burp* here."
Sound cringy enough or no?
>Dat spacing
>no DO IT AGAIN HARRIS at the end
missed opportunity
would watch even if cringy 10/10