Shiva is lord

stop worshiping vishnu

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But isn't vishnu also worrshipped in shaivism, and shiva in vaishnavism? They just have different roles or whatever?

Even Shiva is a great Vaishnava devotee

Shaivism and Vaishnavism specifically places one personality above the other. In Vaishnavism for example, Shiva is considered a manifestation of Visnu or Krishna, but Krishna/Visnu is considered the original form of god. Visa versa in Shaivism. It's like how butter is nothing more than milk, but it is not milk.

Yeah both are full of shit, only Jesus is Lord

God has many manifestations


Vishnu is the preserver. Shiva is the destroyer.

based shiva

How can a religion entertain such abstract ideas and at the same time have such horrible art?


because the art is just a tool to eventually turn you inwards so that you dont need the art anymore. and the outward visuals is mainly for plebs since they cant deal with abstract stuff, and plebs have shitty taste in art

Shiva looks to chill to be a destroyer god. Isn't he also the god of yoga? Do yoga moms know they're literally in the cult of the Destruction Lord?

>Shiva looks to chill to be a destroyer god
he shoots lasers out of his third, seriously

>not praying to Ram
plebs, the lot of you

>Shiva looks to chill to be a destroyer god.
he literally has to be high 100% of the time or else he falls into a rage induced dance and destroys the universe

for some background: that's him destroying kama (deity representing desire. kama tried to make shiva leave his chill meditation zone y evoking desire in him with magick n shieet and he was like NOPE and lazer'd the bittch

He is the destroyer of the false reality projected by the ego

yes, but also the whole universe

The universe is an illusion projected by your false mind

no it's real

t. shaivists and samkhya

>Shiva looks to chill to be a destroyer god
He basically just meditates for aeons until it's time to destroy the world. Because of this extensive deep meditation, he's associated with yoga.

>Do yoga moms know they're literally in the cult of the Destruction Lord?
Devotional yoga, or bhakti-yoga is focused towards one's desired diety, and not strictly towards Shiva. One may devote himself towards Shiva, Krishna, Visnu, Rama, or Hari among others.

also hatha-yoga that is popular in the west has no devotional aspect and very little spiritual aspects, it is mainly for bodily health

wtf I love Shiva now

The what projected by what?

Thanks for the info. You mean that this hatha yoga actually exists in India too, right?

>this hatha yoga actually exists in India too, right?
yes, that is its origin, but there are many forms of yoga. most forms of yoga are mental, not physical

Hatha-yoga originated in India, so yes. However, it's rarely practiced by anyone who is serious about spiritual insight and yogic practice, as there are higher forms of yoga such as karma-yoga, jnana-yoga, and bhakti-yoga that are much more efficient and effective. Asanas are considered important but that's about it.

they also try to introduce hatha-yoga into schools but muslims get really triggered

Bumping this thread. I wanna know more about Shaivism and what sets it aside from other hindu religions.

Both are dirty daevas

I worship Ahura Mazda alone and no ammount of Soma will make me change of God

>a fucking mleccha

Intelligent lasers, tyvm!
PKD explained this third-eye "laser" in Valis, as a golden-pink ray, they'd used to communicate.
It's what's called the ancient Melek script.
Of the Melchizedek Priesthood.

what about YHWH

Shiva as a deity represents the most direct path to moksha (liberation), the ultimate end goal of all spirituality. He is the patron of sannyasins (monks/ascetics). Shiva's path places a greater emphasis on meditation/yoga and less on bhakti (devotional worship). There is also Shaivist bhakti, but it's not as big of a thing as in Vaishnavism. He is no as the destroyer and transformer, the deity of change (hence destruction, since when some thing changes whatever it formerly was is destroyed). He is also symbolically represented by a phallus (lingam) that pierces a female genitalia (yoni) which represents Vishnu, so basically Vaishnavists are eternally cucked by Shaivist masterrace.

known as*

If Shiva is so based then how come he had to surrender to Kali?

He is into femdom.

Vishnu is the highest Lord. Worship Vishnu.
He is descending to humanity in the form of an avatar Kalki.

>Modern scholars have attempted to link recent history to Kalki. Given the traditional account of the Kali Yuga, which will last 432,000 years, and began in 3102 BCE,
how far does humanity have to fall?

REEEEEEEE it's a symbolic number surely it will end any day now *dies alone in cairo*

We're actually in the 10,000 year "golden age" of Kali right now where the lord Hari is present in the form of his name and liberation still possible. The Vedas will still be present during this time and liberation is still possible through bhakti. In fact it's easier to attain liberation during this golden age than any other Yuga, as one only has to chant the names of Hari. Once this golden age is over, Hari will leave this Earth and the world will be fully shackled by Kali.


There are also Shaivite bhakti-yogis

How does a yoni represent Vishnu? Vishnu looks like a pretty virile heroic god to me.

What's a bakhti?

Sorry to break it to you, but Vishnu has literally been fucked by Shiva.
devotional worship
it's much rarer in shaivism which is mainly monsastics, tantrism, etc

Bhakti-yoga is devotional service unto god, usually done by process of japa and constant rememberence of god.

More of Vishnu was powerful enough to entrance Shiva by his maya

But isn't Vishnu actually just a form of Shiva in Shaivism? Does he fuck himself?

What are the different arguments for the two different beliefs about vishnu and shiva?

Shaivists don't actually care, this thread is just memeing. Vaisnavists are a little fanatical though, especially krishna cultists. There aren't any really substantive arguments for either side besides
>our tradition is older and more authentic!
>look at these quotes from x scripture!
>our tradition has been more influential!
>x famous holy man was from our tradition, you have no one that can even compare!

I think he means what make them different besides muh shiva and muh vishnu. If not, I ask this myself.

if you consider Shiva (the destroyer) as representative of the ultimate reality you will probably follow a more extreme, direct, and ascetic path to liberation. If you consider Vishnu as representative of the ultimate reality you will probably follow the path of a householder (but not necessarily) who concentrates on raising a family and maintaining a dharmic social order, or you would be a bhakta (devotee) who spends his time in worship, or a compromise between both.

Also they focus on different texts . Shaivists are more focuse on spiritual texts like Agamas and Tantras, and Vaishnavists are more focused on myths/legends like the Puranas.

Because he's alpha patrician as fuck and enjoys a strong black woman trampling on him

he's just passed out drunk from a night of partying, banging devotee sloots, and performing tantric sex magick. he has no idea what's going on. when we he wakes up he'll be pissed as fug tho

Could it be said that vaishavism is more suited for masses and common folks? It seems so to me, but maybe in reality this is not how it works.

Also, is there a regional divide like in islam, christianity or even buddhism? Are shaivism/vaishavism/etc. more typical of certain indian regions or ethnicities? Is something like an hindu sects map possible? Or is the notion itself incorrect and shaivists and vaishnavists normally coexist without a predominant group? Was this different in the past (either the distribution or the existance/lack of a distribution).

Finally, are buddhism and jainism closer to vaishnavism or shaivism? To me it looks like the later, but it may be a superficial approach.

>Could it be said that vaishavism is more suited for masses and common folks? It seems so to me, but maybe in reality this is not how it works.
yes and no. Shaivism appeals to a "natural elite" known as sannyasins (ascetics). In Vaishnavism someone who has lived a full life and raised a family already and wishes to devote himself to spirituaity in old age will become an ascetic. In Shaivism it's more common for a person to become a sannyasin at younger ages. Shaivism is also much smaller, so in that sense it isn't for the masses. But, that said, sannyasins can be from any caste as long as you possess the qualifications, whereas vaishnavists are much more rigidly attached to the caste system and brahmanic (priestly) elitism.
>more typical of certain indian regions or ethnicities? Is something like an hindu sects map possible?
I don't have a detailed knowledge of that but im quite sure that traditionally Shaivism is more associated with "dravidian" southern india, and vaishnavism with "aryan" northern india. In any case they are distinct groups and there are definitely regions/villiages that swing one way or the other, with some places being more ambiguous and mixed.
Mahayana is VERY influenced by Shaivism and shaivist traditions (e.g. tantras), not sure about jains but they seem more vaishnavist to me because they're quite puritanical and moralizing.

Good, thanks for being so informative. What about sikhs for the last question of my previous post? I forgot them.

Also, is shaktism/devism or whatever an actual contender in the same league as Shaivism and Vaishnavism or is it more of a fringe group? Is it really feminist/matriarcal or it does not besides having a goddess as the head of divinity?

>is shaktism/devism or whatever an actual contender
they're closely associated with shaivism, since even in shaivism proper shiva's relationship with his shakti (female companion, his "power") is very important. feminist is not the right word, but it is a kind of divine mother cult. they're probably more concerned than any of the other groups with gaining siddhis ("occult powers").

sikhs i don't know much about.

Tell me about those hindu occult powers, shaktist or from elsewhere. I was aware that magic played a role in hinduism, but I believed it was more of a superstition to appease folks than an actual part of the theology.

kek basically what you would expect
>mind reading
>thought transference
>influence people
>control people
>extend lifespan to the point of only dying once you feel like it
>change appearance

Yeah well but how do you get it? Is it learned by study or does Devi grant you rad powers if you're a good yogini?

i think it depends on who you ask. some would say devi grants it to good yoginis as you put it, others that deep meditation allows you to enter into your subtle body and access these powers, kundalinifags will say once you activate the energy coiled up at the base of the spine it rises up through your chakras and activates all your powers in one shot

this guy is a shakta, his videos are actually bretty gud

he also made his own hindu tarot deck

shaktists just have female deity equivalents of shaivists, vaishnavists, and smartists
there is more emphasis on tantra and goddesses' appearance but overall its the same shit

dasamahavidya is the ultimate form of all shaktism and compiles all of the different traditions in one single cosmos

patrician taste desu.

He didn't "surrender" to Kali. It was his way to stop her bloodthirsty rampage.

d-did lord shiva allow himself to be trampled for our sins?

she looks comfy af t.b.h

bumping for lord shiva

What are some good reads for Shaivism/Vaishnavism, or just hindu shit in general? I know of a few of the big texts that are universally important, but any suggestions would be good, I just want to understand this shit

Evil Demiurge
The same entity, although a different person

Holy shit what the fuck is that

that's probably his wife parvati gettin snug in his hair

Shiva ain't a daeva, senpai. Zoroastrian here, don't forget that a good god is a Yazata.

Is ahira mazda basically the equivalent of ishvara in hinduism?



they're hindu deities bro, don't think about it too hard. if a river (the ganges) can flow out of shiva's hair, and the moon can rest on his head, then i dont see why his wife can't snuggle up in his hair too


interesting quote from wikipedia


I don't trust people that have "destroyer" tacked onto their name

It's better to have the "Destroyer" on your side than against you, u feel me family?

also he's pretty much the only thing keeping Kali from destroying existence

>"haha dude Shiva is so alpha, he fucks Vishnu!"
>literally lets Kali, the ultimate 'divine feminine' power fantasy, walk all over him

no thank you
for me, it's Ganesha, the thinking man's Hindu god

>larping this hard

>insulting ganesha's daddy
>thinking ganesha will accept your devotion
shiva was out slaying asuras while ganesha was still in his diapers


Damn that statue is aesthetic as fuck.


Didn't Shiva once calm Kali by completely serving her in a dance-off?

Wouldn't be surprised since dancing is kinda his thing. I don't know that particular story though.

>Even Shiva is a great Vaishnava devotee

Ganesha is cute

why is hinduism so spooky?

no one likes a moralfag

Just that kali bitch who is probably a pre-indo-european adopted deity anyways

Some of the designers were nihilists

That's some nice heresy ya got there



I pray to Lord Hanuman before lifting weights.