Is being interested in history autistic?

Is being interested in history autistic?


t. History fan who watches channels like LindyBeige and whose favorite game is War Thunder

>star wars
Star wars is literally the most mainstream shit on the planet
who the fuck made this picture

No but the Nazi and Fascist defenders are.

only if you are obsessed with dates

>Star wars is literally the most mainstream shit on the planet
star wars is for reddit and millennials, nobody gives a shit about it besides permavirgin betas

Do I get bingo?

We autists have way better taste in anime than that holy shit

It's not autistic but it is very escapist

Are you content with your lives, Veeky Forums?

Literally no one outside /mlp/ has any reason to worry about their power level. You're not as fucking strange as you think.

I think I get bingo by default

What do I win?

I think it`s anti vacc propaganda considering every single (male) child loved these things at one point except for maybe the MLP thing.

>dinosaurs without plumes

Just modern war history.
90% of the retards on this site don't know a single thing about any period in time further back than 1910.

But I don't like Sonic.

*1939, many of them don't even really care about the first one beyond mud and trenches

Mate you're a normie.

Thank God

wait a fucking minute
you like ponies
you cant be a normie if you like ponies
normie license revoked

>nobody gives a shit about Star Wars
>Force Awakens makes $2,000,000,000

What did they mean by this?

The X's are what I DO like, a la bingo.

It's normie for girls.


Military """historians""" = autism

the permavirgin beta market is surprisingly huge

What makes Star Wars so goddamn appealing?
It's literally a fucking high fantasy fairy tale in space. It's plot is the shallowest shit imaginable, the empire has to do shoehorned random acts of 0 logic put behind atrocities to actually come around as the bad guys, "rebel alliance" is the least likeable good guys group in the history of fiction, whole main cast is a bunch of fucking idiots, lightsabers are the stupidest fucking weapon ever conceived and force is literally magic.
Why people love it so much?


Actually that pack applies more to engineering students

Not at all. Being interested in history is extremely important. An adult must participate in politics, whether he wants to or not (for even if he isn't interested in politics, politics is interested in him), and it's difficult to make sound political decisions without being well-versed in history.

>the empire has to do shoehorned random acts of 0 logic put behind atrocities to actually come around as the bad guys
Sure, but it's not like what the Empire did is without historical precedent. They blew up a planet, but it's one planet in a whole galaxy full of them - so translated to 20th/21st century terms, it would be more or less like destroying a city and killing all the inhabitants, and certainly that's not unimaginable.
>"rebel alliance" is the least likeable good guys group in the history of fiction
What's so bad about them? I don't get it.

Because it is a Fairytale in space, tell me, when was the last time you heard a concise story that you could feasbily tell your kid a simplified version of? Complexity in a story doesn't make it inherently better.

>when was the last time you heard a concise story that you could feasbily tell your kid a simplified version of?
A Polish novel called guardian of the pyramid.
It's incredibly technical, but it's perfectly grounded in reality, while still retaining engaging plot and a grain of mystery.
You could digest it into a picture book for 5 year olds and they would definitely like it.
Face it, western pop-culture is fucking shit.

Star wars is boring or may be I watched it too late in my life ... I think people who enjoyed it as kids are the only ones who bat for it ...meh

What do I win?

Trains, history, computers, and archaeology are all important subjects to society, and in interest in them does not automatically make you autistic. Interest and study into these can lead you to being a very productive person. However, an autist can have special interest in history, but they just usually LARP Nazi or USSR history. Legos aren't terrible if you're an adult, because I've seen some pretty cool things build through legos. If you're into architecture, I can see where it can be interesting, and it's not far away from building train sets like many people do. If you're an adult and have special interest in anime, Star Wars, videogames, and children's TV shows, get help. It isn't normal. I don't care how many of you Star Wars fags get triggered, it's a fucking movie series. Obsession over a movie series is for little 5 year old kids and autists.

>tfw you find dinosaurs boring but are into other prehistoric critters

there shoud be a board about dinosaurs

>is being interested in history autistic?

t. &humanities masterrace