-Copy pasta from last time with minor edits-

-Copy pasta from last time with minor edits-

Hey Veeky Forums, I've been mining Magacoin for quite some time now. I'm here to distribute and share some of my mined coins with you in hopes to kickstart the network and share my thoughts on why Magacoin will become one of the largest crypto networks.

Magacoin is named after MAGA, quite possibly the largest counter-culture and counter-establishment movement for the past 40 years or so. It is a movement created and undertaken by the greater internet community. This falls directly in unison and parallel with the cryptocurrency revolution. Magacoin *will* spread like wildfire amongst the internet community, the right wing, the conservatives the moment the slightest spark is lit especially with the current political turmoil that lingers in the west. While most of you are out there vehemently chasing shoddy pump and dump schemes, ponzi ICOs, overused buzz-words coupled with nice visuals, and the-next-great-thing for a quick buck or two; you fail to realize and acknowledge the true and inherent power of network effects.

Magacoin will be completely mined by 2020 with a maximum supply of 62,984,825. It is currently not listed on any exchanges, I highly advise that you begin mining and collecting this. Magacoin will become one of the top cryptos, I am confident.

Stop chasing and start creating.

Wallets can be downloaded at: magacoin.org
Paste your addresses and I'll send over some coins. Limited to one time per ID in this thread.

A lot of us and myself can also be found on our Discord, join us here: discordapp.com/invite/pkUzHR2

proof: See image.

Other urls found in this thread:



Sent over 50 MAGA brother.

user, I'll be around for another hour or so before going to bed. Keep the addresses coming for airdrops and join our Discord. Lots of work to do!

mexico will pay for magacoin as well

Thank you!

Here's 50 MAGA for you to dump on the Mexicans. Let me know when you get it!

Sent 50 MAGA brother.

Come on Discord guys. discordapp.com/invite/pkUzHR2

We are 50+ strong at the moment, we need all hands to get this coin off the ground.

Thanks OP


I'll take a dose

Sent 50 MAGA over to the both of you. Let me know when you guys receive them!

Keep the addrs coming and keep joining our Discord.

Make my wallet great again

Hit me up boi, I believe.

Sent 50 MAGA brother, let me know when it arrives!
Why not right man? Fucking free shit, maybe it takes off. I mined because what if it takes off.

Received! thanks bro

people who truly believe in crypto know trump is nothing more than (((their))) puppet
fuck trump and fuck your shitcoin

Didn't this hit tradesatoshi? Plz take me to the moon

Send me moniesss


Your shitty political viewpoints will only be your downfall. Learn to be more of an opportunist.
Sent 50 MAGA to the both of you! Let me know when you get them!

Got it, sir! Thanks again

Can't wait to see this coin hit $5

The meme is strong with this coin.

Join our discord guys! We got work to do!



The wall just became 50 feet taller, let me know when you receive it.

Got it!

im to the moon!! got it thankss

Hey guys, I'm going to go to sleep now. Its getting very late.

I'll be back in the morning. Keep pasting your addresses and I'll send out MAGA in the morning when I wake up.

Goodnight user


OP you are doing gods work.

early CPU miner here, sitting on 60K coins. give the next person my share.

Sure, why not.


this has potential if we shill it in the right places
