how to start investing in this cyrpto shit. BTC,ETH, OMG, XRP, NEO etc...
How to get up and running?
I wanna start trading by the end of today...
Crypto Beginners General
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1. create an account with an exchange that accepts real money for bitcoin, this exchange will most likely require some identification
2. buy bitcoin from said exchange
3. either transfer bitcoin to other exchanges with wider variety of altcoins, or stay on your original exchange. once you have traded money for bitcoin you can move the bitcoin to any other exchange easily
4. listen to Veeky Forums
I’ll give you all information you need if you send me 0.5 BTC.
buy lisk, its gona moon like neo did
>listen to Veeky Forums
Lol, that's the surest way to lose money.
Not really, I'm up 80% from biz shilling ZRX and DNT
Coinbase a good option to buy BTC?
do I need to get a wallet if so whats a good free one or cheap one that is not restricted to one device
I've heard coinbase mentioned around here, might be good but I used an aussie exchange.
You only need a wallet if you want to pull your coins out of exchanges which is a good idea if your holding long-term but not if you are day-trading.
Also it's better to buy Ethereum when you trade $ to crypto because ethereum transfers a lot faster than bitcoin (~5 minutes vs 10 minutes to several hours)
Any tips on ICO's? Most of them seem interesting and stuff but I'm not sure which one will actually be profitable.
Plus Ethereum will be +20/-20 for the day, not -500..
Ipso, you invest in an alt coin, pull out for profits, but btc is +500 from when you invested, so sorry mate, you have no additional BTC for the work.
Read the white papers you lazy faggot.
no seriously, the best advice is your own research, because ANY of use could be a pajeet trying to shill you.
hence DYO fucking R
For ICOs start with this. Sign up for 75 free coins for the next few hours via this -
Read white paper before investing your own eth tho for more!
don't listen to guys like this tho
buy only bitcoin.
you WILL lose your money with anything else
This. Unless your lucky.
cyrpto..... gtfo
0.02 Dogecoin have been deposited into your account
This thread is perfect for fags like me
I just set up a coin base account and now am locked out of my my bank account
anybody know why this happening ????
im kind of pissed
Bittrrex, invest in OMG and LSK
LSK will have rebranding in Sept, similar to what NEO did.
OMG will be mooning into double digits.
>transfer bitcoin
Must add be careful when you move your btc, yesterday the jews killed btc with a subscription fee to transfer your coins
the bitpam discord is a great place to start learning about crypto has over 600 people
Wow only half of 1 coin? Is that like 13 cents? Deal!
you both are gay u should suck each others dicks now gtfo and get a room
>listen to Veeky Forums
Listen to this however.
where to buy ether w/btc? I have 100usd worth of btc.
Buy IOTA, dipshit
bitfinesse boi
I literally start crypto like 10 days ago.
I put £3000 in between 14 - 17 of August and have currently ended up with
16k ZRX
14248 OBN (from obsidian ICO)
Already my ZRX is almost £5000 today and apparently it still has moon potential.
Are ICOs reliable if they a working product and low market cap?
BlockCat caught my eye but sadly I didn't go balls deep. Hopefully Obsidian will work out well.
I heard there are pretty good ICOs in September
Bro I used to hold MNE. It's a shit scam coin that some dumbfuck convinced people would go to $30 by now.
Ok t.u now go fuck yourself
What exchange did you use
What wallet is good ?
Etherdelta to buy ZRX, A pain to use but you avoid the shit and hassle that has
I just use MyEtherWallet for ETH and tokens.
Electrum for bitcoin
I used Bittrex to buy ETH with BTC
when dealing with true shitcoins, always sell around 300% profit. after that the risk starts to really out shadow the reward.
"but I want to make more money" that's fine, just be prepared to lose it.
Anyone from NZ recommend an exchange to buy BTC?
Coin base and Gemini won't let me from all the way over here