Bancor = all going according to the plan.
WTF, Veeky Forums was right for once
Other urls found in this thread:
Phishing for sympathy ?
she belongs in the oven.
>Could harassment slow blockchain's growth?
How deluded these cunts are
Can anyone tell me the story behind this?
>be jew
>launch ico scam
>shill on Veeky Forums
>"fuck off jew"
>cry at newspaper that if the coin doesn't appreciate it's because of antisemitism
That's it?
Yes. Also jews runs fiat and is trying to take over crypto before it is to late
Why are you guys so mean? Like seriously, I once posted a troll comment with negative meaning towards them, but I regret it and I don't think people should insult each other
know your enemy
when you have a highly calibrated moral compass, those charts mean nothing, each and every human is should be respected, and if they do regressive things, removed from society in order to allow the rest to progress, even if she is a terrible human that aims to destroy the civilization, she should be removed from the position that allows her to do so, but not hated, nor insulted
/pol/tards are so easy to trigger
what happen to you image I was looking at
my advice to you is to educate yourself about what and who you are, and how things actually work on the cosmic scale, the hatred that seethes from you would vanish and you would see why and how I am right.
protip: it takes severe dedication and research
power of /biz
>wewuz victims
>it's anudda holocaust
never change, jew
>every human is should be respected, and if they do regressive things, removed from society
these kikes have been physically removed from various societies over 100 times
problem is they keep returning and then go bck to their old tricks
let's consider that that is true, that still implies that they should still be removed from society if it does indeed ends up that they plotted to harm the progress of humanity
my point that they should not be insulted, or hated, still stands, that is all I am defending here
feeling hatred and insulting someone is a typical example of a creature trying to blame some other creature for endangering them even though they know not the exact truth, but even if they did know the truth that the other creature is dangerous, they should be so powerful to avoid hatred and other high level emotions, but to try to control the situation and make it turn for the better of the system
Optimization of the systems, that is the whole point. Barely who here can truly comprehend what I am talking about, and that is the same source of why most of those who don't will never be able to amass value, let alone material wealth.
Economy is all about efficiency and optimization, you think that without optimizing yourself, you can truly understand the optimal systems on the outside? I cannot dumb this down further.
>social darwinist
>but even if they did know the truth that the other creature is dangerous, they should be so powerful to avoid hatred and other high level emotions
nonsense, hate and other emotions are natural and there is no way to "avoid" them
if I piss in your face youll be angry and rightfully so
even the dalai lama is angry that the kikes are flooding europe with shitskins, google that shit and stop being such a fag
what does this have to do with bancor
Prime example of energy wasted on a meaningless thing like saying kys instead of, if this one really disagrees, presenting a valid counter-argument that would further develop the conversation, and if he doesn't deem it worthy of his time, the others that come and read my opinion might agree, and further expand the pool of "invalid thought" that he doesn't support, but he supported the growth of that which he doesn't support which makes it not optimal.
Yes, your machine will do as the code says to do, which is secrete hormones that will increase the chance of you surviving so you can further reproduce, but you have the power to percieve those happenings beyond, if you are truly educated. How do you think some people cannot be interogated? Or bullied? The comprehension of the fact that you are not your machines reactions, they are just that.
you are the absolute last type of person that should get the benefit of the doubt. The audacity of you people.
I don't understand what type exactly do you deem me to be? The bluepilled sheeple that doesn't understand that (((they))) are controlling every aspect of my life?
You don't even know how free exactly I am, even money vise, which seems to be the only discourse most of this board is following, which is a bit contradictory as most of the hatred here towards jews comes from the exact some source
hey user why jews do not want any refugees in izrael? They only shill to invite them to other countries. They know that all that refugees bullshit is scam and they want to make a conflict about that
>the plan
would that plan be to remain the only coin in existence that hasn't mooned nor will ever moon?
I am currently a part of an educational organization that helps the migrating children who have lost everything in the wars.
Your inability to even begin to comprehend what is actually going on is actually amusing, the feeling is almost like watching kindergarden kids getting too serious in their role playing game.
you mean a cuck that facilitates the displacement of natives with economic illegal migrants who want gibs off of natives' taxes
hope you get culturally enriched with a dull blade
You read the Diamond Sutra
Don't give a fuk about this shit but is this coin ever going to fucking go up
150 million dollars raised
Just lmao
blatant trolling, 3/10 for actually trying.
I hope you at least have 3+ native children and that you are a great father to them because in other case your argument has zero weight.
I hope everything good comes to you, and sorry that you wish me such horrible things.
No, but from the title I can say that I have nothing like that in my library.
Not even trolling. I am pretty amazed that literally everyone is against me, this board is really far away from humanity.
nope and I'm not buying into sustainability of government ponzi monopolies that necessitate an ever-increasing flock of goyim to be expropriated from nor kike banking system that makes it all possible
the future is libertarian right; such a future will provide no gibs for niggers and sandniggers - both of which depend on them, therefore their r-selected societies of low-iq inbred subhumans will inevitably dwindle all the way down to equilibrium state for tribal gunter-gatherers their sandboxes/jungles are able to take
He can't really be a father to 3+ native children when he cannot afford it financially as he does not have free welfare like the culturally rich people that are being imported in. You know, those who breeds and keep people impregnated, then demand from whatever government there is, even if its not theirs, to provide welfare for them to keep their kids alive.
check those numbers btw
shoo jew shoo
Making money is really easy, even more so if he is the master race that he claims to be due to his superior intellect that the lesser race cannot come close to.
If he seriously cannot make easily 5x more money than welfare(read adapt and provide), then how is he the fittest that should survive?
You think in a libertarian society there would be no people who are intelligent enough to accumulate huge amounts of wealth and ethical enough to redistribute them to those in need with no other reason but altruism?
You should check what the richest people in the world are doing.
inb4 money laundering and tax evasion, those are memes
>unironically being a /pol/tard
anyone who does this shoot themselves please
Ya'll act like you wouldn't bend this kike over and rail her.
voluntary charity is admirable and should be encouraged, however in-group preference takes care of the problem where it goes
for example, I'd give my left nut for my local community (village), I wouldn't lift a finger for an alien parasite
Every time
Well it is natural for you to think that since you are from a small community with little genetic diversity, if you were from a multi million people city where you grew up seeing genes from each and every part of the world, alien parasite would have a different meaning to you.
Humanity peaks at the moment where everyone would give their left nut for every and each living organism that helps sustain scientific progress.
Would you decline for example a life saving medicinal procedure that was developed in the "sand nigger" country? And let me tell you, my uncle, who you would probably consider a "snow nigger", is leading a team of highly educated and experienced scientists that are r&ding great medicinal research that is sponsored by the "sand niggers". Would you consider it inferior to your superior non-existent-because-(((they)))-prevented-us-from-making-it-first procedure?
us Slavs have much cultural experience with invading jihadists, so much so that it entered our cultural lore
I don't give a single fuck about citycucks, this ain't industrial revolution to necessitate anthills of people, landless people who aren't meant to be living in tiny concrete boxes
don't give me that shit about genetic diversity, we're highly mobile, we choose to stick to our own ethnicity because numerous reasons
I don't even pretend to be the one behind the discoveries that made Europeans masterrace but I sure can see that introducing subhumans into the mix leads to low social cohesion/trust, gibsmedat parasitism, increased authoritarianism, increased violence and self-segregation on both sides
this is my land and it shall remain so
The Diamond Sutra is a religious thing. The perfection of wisdom. Some Buddhist shit. Can change your life if youre willing to put in the immense effort to receive it purely
Ok sir, I hope your opinions and actions will bring you and your family prosperity and happiness.
Ah, well I do think that my philosophy overlaps with the vedic stream of thought, and buddhism as well as it is a natural branch of the vedic philosophy.
Sanatana Dharma it is. Funny how they were, after all, the aryans. Even more funny how many people don't know that aryan is only a philological group, pseudo educated neo nazism
>cosmic bullshit
>sanatana dharma
Are you a fucking pajeet? How much is Galia paying you to shill this crap here?
No, I just said that the philosophy from a long time ago that originated on those grounds overlaps mine, which are hegelian. I am a european through and fro.
>cosmic bullshit
How asleep really are you?
>Humanity peaks at the moment where everyone would give their left nut for every and each living organism that helps sustain scientific progress.
This is subjective nonsense. I would normally gloss over pseudo intellectual posts but since you claim that people ITT and on this board aren't intelligent enough to comprehend what you're writing, I'll take the bait.
>Humanity Peaks
The peak of humanity is highly subjective and there's no authoritative scientific consensus about what would constitute the peak of Humanity. I do not know of a method that would effectively quantify it.
>the moment where everyone would give their left nut for every and each living organism that helps sustain scientific progress.
How do you determine what constitutes scientific progress? If I am to assume the definition that it is "increasing problem solving ability through the application of the scientific method", then who decides what organisms are best for "scientific progresss". You seem to abide by the fallacy that because something is rational, it is also ethical, and if something is unethical, it is also irrational.
What exactly did I shill here except human compassion? Seriously people, you don't even need to be educated nor intelligent to get the basics.
>ree let me be evil and edgy
>money laundering and tax evasion are memes
This is some serious bait right here.
it's called survival, circumstances and other euphemisms when niggers and sandniggers are doing it
it's money laundering, tax evasion etc when natives are doing it
First of all, thank you for at least not insulting me, it is refreshing. And I wasn't baiting, I am really being open here about my perpetual claim that humans should be kind to each other, I shouldn't have used the term intelligent because you and I both know that beyond a certain limit it basically doesn't matter, and the limit is pretty common. The rest is education and discipline.
You assumed the definition correctly, and I agree that my opinions were purely subjective, I cannot claim that what I constitute as scientific progress or humanity's peak are objective terms. I probably should have added, in my opinion in front, but I thought it goes without saying, since we all here are just expressing how we think about things.
Why do you claim that to be a fallacy? My assumption is indeed that something rational is indeed ethical, but I do not claim it to be objectively true, it is purely an opinion like those of the people above.
>ree let me pretend to be better than everyone else by being a Gutmensch
The only reason you are working at an organization that helps immigrants is because you get paid for it, otherwise you wouldn't do it, you champagne socialist. The audacity of fucks like you to advertise it on social media/Veeky Forums for your own personal gratification. The reality is that if you moved to an Africa or Middle Eastern country with your cosmic bullshit and western ideologies, you'd be raped and thorn to pieces. I am one of those Immigrants and trust me, most of us think you Europeans are extremely gullible. You have a condescending minority savior complex that clouds your judgement and makes you assume that we don't have the brain capacity, or dare I say, evil in our hearts, to exploit your welfare system. Laughable. Take a look at the figures, 70% of immigrants, male, ready and willing to live on welfare in Europe. The proof of that is that only 2% of those who came during the refugee crises got jobs in Germany, the rest are on welfare and committing crimes as we speak, some are even repeat offenders who will not be deported thanks to retards like you. Congratulations on helping increase criminality in Europe, you absolute cuck.
Did you hear what Gates had to say about people accusing him of tax evasion? You seriously think that guy is evading taxes by launching projects to exterminate poverty and sickness in africa?
That man probably paid more taxes then the rest of humanity combined, since the taxes exist.
>working at an organization that helps immigrants is because you get paid for it
Not true, I was kindly asked by a psychologist from the organization if I would do such things, no money was mentioned, I am doing it purely in my free time and for the benefit of humanity. I am not advertising myself since I am anonymous, there is zero ego involved here. I could be lying for what it's worth.
Far from that that I think migrants are all good people, they can be 99% jihadists that are going to rape and kill my close people, and I would oppose them with full force. But if there is 1% good among them, I will contribute any way that I can, rather than watch tv series or video games. Innocent until proven guilty.
Also, the children I met are good, kind, peaceful children with eagerness to know stuff, like all other.
Well you hang me brother, if you really think that with kindness towards a less fortunate soul I am endagering our safety. Lead by example.
Ok Veeky Forums, I am out, it seems I triggered a lot of you, I am not angry at your insults, I just hope I saved some child's head if some of you one day start cutting them off because of your insecurity and suddenly remember that there are other ways.
Try to keep the crypto world from collapsing, since it is the single most greatest thing that happened since the internet, not because of the money but the potential of the technology.
I like you.
I agree with a lot of what you say, but what's impressive is how you say your words.
You act like one of the more active participants in one of those productive Veeky Forums threads.
>confusing w and v
Native Hindi/Urdu speaker confirmed. Or German, but that's not pajeet meme.
Thank you. No I was cba to check how it's spelled, *regarding money*. I am not native english speaker that is true, but am fully european.
Wait, did she actually shill her coin here?
Got links? I imagine that's an entertaining read.
Lol gates has put more money into getting children vaccinated than actually bringing food to the poor.
Starving to death in Ethiopia? At least you got vaccinated, thx big pharma.
Btw, most international charties - especially those to "help" Africans - actually make those countries worse because it incentivizes the recipients to become gib-me-dats from the white man instead of being interested in building their societies for their own autonomy.
until the day you take in fuckloads of chinks and pakis/mohamedan death cultists in your poo-in-loo-land, provide for them and cater to their needs by even locking up natives for speaking up against the invasion... good riddance
no but Veeky Forums kike shamed her on youtube and twitter
>Well you hang me brother, if you really think that with kindness towards a less fortunate soul I am endagering our safety.
I came to Europe for safety, and you are helping destroy that with your bleeding heart open borders support of indiscriminate immigration. Why do you think Europe needs more immigrants at this point? The war in Syria is over. If you're European as you claim, there's literally millions of Europeans in dire need of help right now, homeless, poor Eastern Europeans, etc. But to brainwashed imbeciles like you, people in need = only blacks and sandniggers. You probably believe there's no such thin as white oppression. Just take a loot at Eastern Europe.
>with a fancy car
Gets me every time.
good goy Hanz, remember to help build a local mosque where you churches once where to!
He sounds like a Hindu Pajeet larping as European and a dead give away is their use of "sir" here
Implying pol is smart enough to hate Jews. Pol is full of trumpestein fanbois
You think I don't help everyone. You don't think I help my closest people the most. You think I am not aware of the state of the eastern europe. You think I think only blacks and sandniggers are poor people. You think I don't think there is white oppression. All of those things you concluded with prejudice, I nowhere stated such things, which are all incorrect.
You are proving that you base you opinions on extrapolated assumptions, bear that in mind.
>mentioning organized religion
You people... I think organized religion is the most dangerous thing that spawned on earth, anyone who gives advantage of one over another is making a mistake in it's root.
Check the time zone. Respect is the cornerstone of communication.
Well this thread really became interesting.
What's the final verdict on Bancor?
Do we invest or do we avoid
Answer this question using as little memes as possible
bancor a shit, nothing but an elaborate scam to pull a vast amount of shekels at ICO
you'd be better off speculating on ETH
You made it clear your "genetic diversity" talk right here Of course, that "diversity" applies only to Europe. Why aren't you pushing said diversity in Africa or Japan or Israel? Because you believe in "white privilege." It's all very clear, no assumptions made.
>Check the time zone.
I can also change my time zone, Pajeet.
I mentioned genetic diversity because I followed the stream that the person I talked to was on that trail, I couldn't give less fucks about what kind a human was if he is, in fact, a human in my book. I my book is subjective, as I have to stress because of another user that thought I am claiming objective truths here.
I am not saying genetic diversity is good, I am saying it is irrelevant, we are entering an age where machines are taking over, and you are talking about organic reproduction. You people have monkey mentality. I really hope all of you people have white children and loving wives at least, because it would be a silly situation for you to claim your things against mine.
Sure I would do that just to prove that I am not Indian, implying that I would even need to hide such a thing. I just realized you people actually dismiss a 2bilion people population as retarded haha
Anyway, I am gone, might lurk still but won't reply, this is getting stressful. Bye
You just hate it she is trolling you guys back by pulling the SJW card
>You people have monkey mentality.
Said the dipshit who advocates mass immigration. Nothing is more progressive than flooding a developed country with 3rd world savages and jeopardizing safety, when robots are taking over. You make no sense. I despise uppity hipsters like you who adopt some 3rd world mantra and try to apply it to western societies. It doesn't work in those failed shitholes and it certainly sin;t working over here.
You do realize that giving subsidized food to African nations completely destroys their agricultural economies, which further leaves them dependent on food aid, all the while, facilitating unchecked population growth.
Hmmm kind of like govt gibmedats in the US...
those savages live in present tense only, they have a mix of tribalist-communist tendencies and should be treated accordingly
Note how he tried to play the 'too stressful' card and wussed out of honest debate since his Commie pablum doesn't stand scrutiny
acid can help too
Make no mistake, they are still lurking and hitting "update" at every minute. They believe in absolute idealism, which is a higher, more cancerous form of communism. Hegelianism isn't very common in Germany, but once in a while you bump into some raving lunatic such as this one preaching about it. I enjoy thoroughly debating them because I am the minority they like to think as inferior, in need of help and enlightenment, but once I oppose and debunk their flawed communist theories, I'm no longer useful for their propaganda. That's just how altruistic and tolerant they are. Even more laughable is how Germans like this one with the mindset of a pajeet want communism back in Germany. They wouldn't even be allowed to post here.
keep fighting the good fight breh
my great-grandparents killed commies for sports... now these brainless faggots want to bring communism back because "Muh feels"
commie scum needs to die
They best is how they keep telling themselves how "educated" they are because they are able to regurgitate words from some Communism 101 book. Only in this thread alone there'a bout 6 instances of that from the same poster. Zero thoughts of their own.
Why do you guys care so much about them being jewish? We are here to make money, I couldnt care less about them being jewish if their token will rise in value
Because just like Jews like to create banking monopolies, and now are trying to do that same with Bancor (it's a shot at hosting every new cryptocurrency on their own network), we can refuse to support them.
Also Bancor goes against the fundamental of decentralization, as it's right now centralized.
Learn history
>My assumption is indeed that something rational is indeed ethical
You could argue that killing disabled and elderly individuals during labor surplus and economic struggle is completely rational, as it frees up national resources and creates jobs. This would be highly unethical though (in most people's opinion).