Why is there a distincition between anarcho-communism and communism? Aren't they essentially the same thing?
Why is there a distincition between anarcho-communism and communism? Aren't they essentially the same thing?
The methods to reaching communism, Marxism calls for a transitory socialist state on the path to communism while anarcho communism skips that step
An-com skips the Socialism/ Dictatorship of the Proletariat steps.
I see, thank you.
Anarchism itself is an extreme libertarian idelogy without a large government or means to redistribute wealth. An-Com is a paradox if it is used beyond a single village because it's about a stateless society where the wealth is shared but that is assuming the first person you ask for their things won't blow you away with a shotgun, and if you go and ask for their shotgun blow you away again, and there's nothing you can do about it because there's no police.
>Aren't they essentially the same thing?
Yes, they are fucking utopian bullshit
t. doesn't understand anarchist ideology at all
It's was basically the same originally, but communism has ended up being associated with the soviet system for obvious reasons.
Why don't you go and ask the sailors at Kronstadt?
An-Coms typically "should" push for less government and devolution of powers but currently most do the opposite.
There's pretty much no differences between them and Communists today as it's the same general people you expect to find in these movements today, they OWN Bakunin, Marx and others but they don't read them.
what would fascist counter-revolutionaries know about communism?
>Wanting elections and right of assembly
Fuck off tankie
give me a reason why i'm wrong.
Kronstadt was always a nice example to see how small societies functioned but unfortunately they were TROTSKY'D after a moment of peace. The only thing about this is that a society like that would not funcion for a larger mass than a town or two.
>anyone who isn't me is fascist
>The only thing about this is that a society like that would not funcion for a larger mass than a town or two
That's all it's ever designed to operate at, anything bigger is for the elected delegates to sort out
elections are a bourgeoise illusion used to control the proletariat
>Unionism is fascism
Shoo, shoo Tankie
>Kronstadt sailors
>Fascist counter-revolutionaries
Now that's what I call historical revisionism.
all counter-revolutionaries are the tools of fascism or western capitalists. They deserved what was coming to them
fuck off you stupid autist, no one takes you seriously.
can't wait to send you revisionists to the gulag
You'll be the first batch faggot, not like sucking some Stalinist dick ever saved anyone
Fascism was barely even a thing when they were executed.
Tankie shits up the conversation as always the thread
t. the worker's paladin
because communism got hijacked by Lenin and turned into totalitarianism, which to be fair was always a weakness within Marx's writing. This was actually realized before the Russian revolution and people like Kropotkin created anarcho-communism to distinguish their anti-state version of communism from Mark'x state-hijacking version of communism.
Well said comrade
maybe if they'd executed more of them, it wouldn't have been a thing for longer
Bakunin and Proudhon called him out way before that
Anarchism is the ultimate redpill
Stop LARPing tankie
It's amazing how much influence fake quotes can have on the uncritical.
Yes "fake" quotes, also why you lefties venerate this edgy rat?
He looks cool with his beret
>opposing communism is fascism
Why are commietards so daft?
The revolution will never happen. Marx was wrong again. You'll be flipping burgers until you die.
someone is salty they got BTFO by Czechs and Poles in 1920
so bernie?
But Bernie is a rich jew, even worse he's a social dem
And that's why it's such a trainwreck of an idea if ever carried out. Without the first phase of a communist society there would be constant counter-revolutions to get some of the state back so the issues that appeared in a suddenly-stateless society could be fixed. Only by taking the path through communism's first phase, until the state dies away because there is no longer any classes for it to sustain itself on, can the highest phase of communism be reached.
I think he means that Bernie IS the aforementioned "rich jew in the american government"
You realize it was anarchists that saved the Bolsheviks from a major counter-revolution (Makhnovists cut Tsarist supply lines as they were attacking Moscow), right? It's not as though they're incapable of organization.
>You gotta suck some dick to get anywhere
t. Commicuck
>implying the state would ever wither away
Marx literally got told by Bakunin at the First Communist International but he wouldn't listen.
>I told you, I told you about states dawg!
Anyone got that comic?
Their heads explode a bit different when you shoot em'
>First Communist International
No such thing, the Internationals were dominated by anarchists until the Great Cucking of WW1 where all the socdems decided to kill the youth over some gay shit none of them would benefit from
Marxist communists believe state power is necessary to preserve revolutionary ideals, while anarcho-communists (and some Marxists) believe that the revolution must co-opt state power but also transform society.
Marxists, particularly Marxist-Leninists, are generally more tolerant of some elements of class society being preserved under communist watch, at least until the international bourgeoisie is overthrown.
Bernie isn't very rich by political standards and he's the most anti establishment member of our legislation, so no
>Falling for socdem shit
Look I know over there anything funded by the state at all is gommunism but come on, Bernie is a cunt who lives on million dollar lands and gives fuck all to his own constituents, typical socdem advocating everyone else giving their wealth instead of himself
elections maybe, right to assembly is not.
>Marxism calls for a transitory socialist state
No it doesn't. The dictatorship of the proletariat is the revolution itself, it is the imposition of the proletariat's will onto society by abolishing capitalism. It is not yet socialism during this stage.
You're right, but many Marxist Leninists would disagree with you
>The dictatorship of the proletariat is the revolution itself
>The revolution is the imposition of the proletariat's will onto society.
But, how can they achieve unity having many different lefties tendencies?
Edgy and leftist as opposed to just edgy
I wish it weren't so
I wouldn't want Stalinists agreeing with me.
Our goal is not "left unity", communists should oppose the left wing of capital just as strongly as we oppose the right.
>Our goal is not "left unity", communists should oppose the left wing of capit
And if they oppose you, you will to purge them, right? Nice true communism you have there.