Holocaust revision general

Post your revision(denial as well) theory

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History revisionism is the epitome of degeneracy so kys

I'm just trying to discover real history that actually happened

According to the current status of knowledge one can assume that 5.6 to 5.7 million people lost their lives on account of their Jewish origin, besides at least 100,000 Sinti and Roma. About 3 million inhabitants of the Soviet Union who became prisoners of war died, most because they were denied the necessary food, but at least 150,000 of them were shot. Especially high was the number of victims among the population of Eastern Europe that perished in camps, in "bandit-fighting operations" and in other murders. Respectively far over a million civilians died in Poland and in the occupied Soviet territories in mass murders, several hundred thousand in Yugoslavia, in each case without counting Jewish victims. Largely unknown is the number of victims of selective hunger policy in the east, presumably far over a million civilians had to pay it with their lives. Even though establishing a total number still requires further laborious calculations, the order of magnitude of people murdered under German rule should be 12 to 14 million. Most of them died between mid-1941 and mid-1945, i.e. in the course of less than four years.

most of them are died due to diseases; which Germany can not care.

>selective hunger policy in the east
Care to elaborate pls?

Even worse is the judicialization of history.

Ok then here's mine
The Holocaust killed eleven million people. It is criminal to leave the non-jews out of this.

>confiscating the property of people, forcefully relocating them and forcing them to work for no compensation, under such conditions that many die, and only doing it based on ethnic background
>"lol germany no care"

Holocaust yourself.
Even if there were no mass executions, even if it was just forced slave labor to the death, the Germs still deserved everything they got and more.

>b-b-but muh clean wehrmacht muh common german people
They knew it was occurring, and tolerated it, and made use of it. I don't give a fuck if every german held a gun to a jew's head, they all permitted forced slavery and selective killing to take place in their state in the middle of the 20th century.

What a disgrace.

The Holocaust = 11 million people
The Shoah = 6 million "people"

So? Even United States and Soviet Russia did it as well, Slavery was a common thing at that time; It is so unfair to blame only Germany for it.

Also there was a fucking pool
Auschwitz was like summer camp

This theory would require a conspiracy almost as big as the Flat Earth desu. Admit it it's just because you don't know much about the subject and have something against the one group that milks it the most.

just because the pool was there doesn't mean it was meant for inmates for use numbnuts

there was also a brothel but does that mean prisoners could use it?

You mean water reservoir in case of fire?
I recommend you to read short stories from Tadeusz Borowski they give you a really good idea about the daily life in Auschwitz.

>slavery was a common thing in the 1940s

He's talking about this water tank by the double wireline.

Best most absurd case scenario, that it was a pool meant for inmates, still doesn't excuse that said inmates were arrested on ethnic background, forced to work, and forced to work under conditions where many DIED from exposure to elements, malnutrition, overworking, and disease caused by the aforementioned.

So even if the nazi was taking care of his tools (he wasn't, but lets assume), it doesn't excuse enslaving people to use as tools.

No need to speculate. It was built in 1944 as demanded by the Alianz group (some insurance shit). What else people were doing with it? Well Auschwitz never was a safe happy place especially after 1944.

>They knew it was occurring
In the 40's you could have easily ignore what happens in the village next to yours, especially if it was secret. Besides, the death camps were far from the German population.

/pol/ also likes to post one fake picture. A map with German camps and in the first segment all are listed as "death camps", You know the one. Whenever I see it I always point out holes in this theory. And there are lots of them.

that one always bugged me, pls explain it

Yes, because western European Jews are well known for living in tiny villages out in the sticks where noone notices them being kicked out of their homes and put on trains at gunpoint.

I'm just waiting for the fake photographs that always lead back to some site like stormfront and were never posted in an actual publication

Yes it was
The difference between Lincoln time was that only government owns them.

I'd rather read a theory on why there's so many retards that think they know more about a subject they barely studied (if at all) than historians that spent their life on it. Also why the infinite access to information that is the internet resulted in the spread of obscurantism rather than learning.

Oh look it's that time again


A netflix documentary I watched said there was a bubble at numbers of holocaust

I don't have it saved but I'll explain.

Some camps have ALWAYS been known as concentration camp. Including Auschwitz which is really two camps. It was one with high death rate but officially still concentration camp. The only reports exist from people like Witold Pilecki who went there to invesetigate.
Just like Stutthoff which was a place of mass executions in 1939-40 (and beyond of course but Polish inteligentia and POWs from 1939 wre usually sent there).

Treblinka on the other hand was only a death camp. Never claimed as anything else ever.
The map also suggests that the fact that the worst camps were checked by the Soviets is the proof of some fuckery. In reality it's because Poland was the epicenter as a place with a large number of Jews.

Because it's a conspiracy and the historians are in on it. Therefore everything they say is suspect and no actual evidence needs to be produced because the evil historians faked, tampered with or misinterpreted it. It's the exact same "logic" as the "everyone in history was black" stuff.

See also: the Mary Beard thread from a few days ago.

Or they themselves make photos like Hitler looking at a pile of corpses and then fake outrage "Look at this horrible lie"

Polish death camps weren't a lie, wtf is wrong with people claiming otherwise?

>make a claim
>add "this is a fact" at the end of it

wew lad
finishing with COMPLETE AND UTTER BOLLOCKS doesn't make the read more respectable either

note, i am not a holocaust denier, i am just critiquing your text
it is full of claims, and void of references


The rules are simple, answer a single question from the pic related and WIN A PRIZE!


only 800,000 people died during holocaust.

/pol/ BTFO'd

Seeing people being put on trains at gunpoint is still very different than "they knew about everything". And how many people did see that?

Dude even if it was really 6 million it wouldn't be the largest number of deaths by nationality. It would be more or less equal to ethnic Poles but still fewer than Ukrainians and Belarusians.
People are just obsessed with Jews one way or the other.

They certainly knew SOMETHING was happening though. They knew that Jews were being kicked out, their stuff given to other people and them being never heard from again.

Goring listing the order of priorities for foodstuffs:
>First come the fighting forces, then the remaining troops in enemy countries, and then the troops at home. The daily rations are fixed accordingly. Next the German non-military population is supplied. Only then comes the population in the occupied territories. Basically, in the occupied territories only those people who are working for us should be assured of appropriate food supplies. Even if one wished to feed all the rest of the inhabitants, one could not do so in the newly occupied eastern territory. As for issuing food to Bolshevik prisoners, we are, in contrast to the situation with other prisoners, not bound by any international obligations. Provisions for them can therefore only be determined according to the work they do for us.
Memorandum of Maj.-Gen Nagel, 16 Sept. 1941, No 003-EC, IMT xxxvi. 107.

>1. Provision for the rural population will create no special difficulties. 2. The urban population can only receive very meager quantities of foodstuffs. For the big cities (Moscow, Leningrad, Kiev) nothing at all can be done for the time being. The consequences of this are harsh, but unavoidable. 3. People working directly in the German interest are to be fed by direct distributions of food in the factories so that their ability to work is more or less sustained. 4. In the Ostland too, the food rations of the local population are to be set at a level well below the German, so that the greatest possible surpluses can also be obtained there for the Reich.
Memorandum of a discussion with Goring on economic policy and economic organization in the newly occupied eastern territories on 8 Nov. 1941, printed in Deutsche Besatzungspolitik, No. 82, p.199.

Even the Russian workers were allocated a maximum of 1,200 calories a day in 4 November 1941. The starvation situation is portrayed as inevitable, when 600,000 tons of grain alone were in storage in Ukraine waiting to be shipped back to Germany.

>equal to ethnic Poles
what are you smoking

Poles and Jews about 3 milion each and the rest is shared between the two.

Here is a good article.


How would they have killed so many Poles when the extermination of the jews already was such a huge effort?

It seems like history sciences really derails when it comes to politically charged historical events

3 million ethnic Poles was a number established by the Communists after WW2. The policy was to minimize the number of Jewish victim.

Estimates vary, They are higher among Polish historians and lower among non-Polish historians (from 1.5 million - Snyder to 2.7 million - Polish Institute of National Remembrance)

According to IPN Poland lost 5,620,000 to 5,820,000 people (including Jews).



treblinka revisionism, this book blew my mind

>and them being never heard from again
Which was normal. There was no reason to receive letters from unknown neighbours.
That Germans were considered as responsible is ok, that's what happens when you elect your leader and show visible support to him. But claiming that they knew what was going on is highly irrealistic. Not at a time where communications for average people was minimalist. Not to mention they were drowned in propaganda and barely knew how the war evolved until they heard the sound of the shells.


Another mistake. First of all it means killed by both Germans and Soviets. And not just in concentration camps.

This is what's also incredibly stupid. Deniers think (or pretend to think) that holocaust is supposed to be 6 million Jews put through the oven. Then they make calculations to show how it's impossible. No shit. Bonus points if they debunk it as if all 6 million died in Auschwitz.

I don't know how many died. A lot. I never cared about the numbers. But obviously it means killing of civilian population at any given time anywhere in the world.

>Soviets are scared shitless of what Germany might become after losing WW2, seeing how losing WW1 turned out for them
>le never again.jpg
>try to find and fabricate as much leverage against them to justify expanding their sphere of influence into central Europe, redesigning Poland and Germany in the process
>that thing with the German gulags seems to work with the international press
>oh and the Jews want an own state in the Levant now, what a nice way to get them out of the Soviet Union relatively peacefully

Other than that there is only the Jewish ways of "indebting" goyim by constantly reminding them of muh holocaust and capitalizing (heh) on it. Which is not a crime or necesarily revisionism, mind you, but annoying as heck and seemingly disproportionate towards other people who suffered through WW2 and camp internalization. Definitely makes it understandable why some poeple are so keen on revisionism, if the guys who supposedly suffered the most from the Holocaust do that, too, rather shamelessly.

>Soviet fear of a strong post war Germany
>Jewish love for making money in any way possible, even their own holocaust
>monkey see monkey do denier revisionism
>some bureaucrats wrote down the numbers incorrectly so they are off sometimes

I wonder why people who clearly don't know anything about holocaust (or WW2 history really) even post here. You don't know anything, kid. You don't even know that the first reports of gas chambers and mass shooting operations came from Poles, not from the Soviets.
Just stop, it's embarrassing. This is a history board, you know.

Look at IPN numbers. The Soviets killed "only" 150.000 Poles during the war. 100.000 were killed by Ukrainians, but more than 2 million were killed by the Germans.

>Deniers think (or pretend to think) that holocaust is supposed to be 6 million Jews put through the oven.
I was taught at school that 10 millions jews were gased... I think I can still find the books.
Now when the topic comes I say "nobody knows", it's the closest to the truth.