How could a kissless virgin and a lonely autist who never had a real job in his entire youth go that far in life?
How could a kissless virgin and a lonely autist who never had a real job in his entire youth go that far in life?
Beware the power of a determined autist.
Hitler's success in life never ceased to amaze me, Stalin, Mussolini, Mao or Saddam were gangsters from their childhood, they were bold and fearless and were born to rule. Hitler on the other hand was always a lonely faggot who failed to become artist and wasted his 20s as a insignificant soldier in the great war. How in the hell, this weak fucker managed to rule over the brightest & strongest generals of the greatest European nation during these hard times?
He was a very, very talented speaker.
Almost every major disaster in the 20th century can be explained by autism.
>Everyone not-starting WW1
>Hitler being Hitler
>Pol Pot killing everyone who wear glasses
>Mao doing everything he can to kill off 4 specific kinds of animals
>The US constantly going to war against factions they moments ago supported as if trying to make a point no one else in the world understands
>Everything about the Soviet Union
sure, but this can't be enough to rule over this great of a country during such a hard era, 20s and 30s of the 20th century in Europe were as hard as Game of Thrones
The only really plausible explanation for the Hitler phenomenon necessarily relate to the occult. No way around that.
Funnily enough, the vast majority of the German general staff were almost all from aristocratic Prussian families and knew each other from a young age. Hitler, being a middle class Austrian, was socially shunned by many of his generals and commanders and would often promote generals from non-prussian backgrounds just because they wouldn't ostracise him.
Truly autistic.
He had a son with a French woman during ww1
>Who never held a job
He went through ww1, thats a bit more impressive than flippin burgers or whatever shitty "blue collar" jobs you merryfat have to do in order to pay for college
He had more friends than you
> He had a son with a French woman during ww1
> He went through ww1, thats a bit more impressive than flippin burgers or whatever shitty "blue collar" jobs you merryfat have to do in order to pay for college
> He had more friends than you
fun fact: he had a sister
>He had a son with a French woman during ww1
>He went through ww1
As did a lot of people during WW1, nothing extraordinary.
>He had more friends than you
Before his political carreer he had 1 real friend, who happened to be a Jew ironically enough.
You sure that's not just him in a wig?
Are you suggesting that, in order to survive, he had to CUT all ties to his past?
please elaborate
Her son - William Patrick Hitler started the "Hitler is actually part Jewish XD" rumor in order to blackmail his uncle.
> He had a son with a French woman during ww1
> He went through ww1, thats a bit more impressive than flippin burgers or whatever shitty "blue collar" jobs you merryfat have to do in order to pay for college
Come on now user, Hitler was and is well known for his veterancy in WW1.
He was blinded by gas for a while even.
>However, the dominant view represented by historians such as Anton Joachimsthaler,[2] Timothy Ryback, Sir Ian Kershaw,[3] and Belgian journalist Jean-Paul Mulders,[4] is that Hitler's paternity of Loret is unlikely or impossible.
>>The US constantly going to war against factions they moments ago supported as if trying to make a point no one else in the world understands
fantastic accuracy
>How could a kissless virgin and a lonely autist who never had a real job in his entire youth go that far in life?
Yeah fuck that soldiering business. Fucking manbabies sitting in those trenches through 1914-1918. Why didn't he just get a REAL job in retail or some shit.
Dominant view =/= untrue
>soldiering business
more like postman business
Because he wasn't a kissless virgin and lonely autist. I have no idea where you got that. Probably British yellow press and that TV series.
Hitler volunteered for war, by all accounts was a brave soldier, was wounded twice, worked for the army (or was it police) after WW1, joined Nazi party and made it a relevant force.
Also, he was quite charming (according to many women) and a good speaker. He was pragmatic and ruthless.
You got a wrong impression.
>1 real friend
Mate if you have a one real friend in life, you're good to go.
>Come on now user, Hitler was and is well known for his veterancy in WW1.
And everyone knows that he was a glorified messenger who tried to act cool after the war.
Look, we aren't trying to salvage Hitler's reputation here, but you got it wrong, that's the point.
I now imagine Hitler explaining his autistic reasons for enlisting to the german army instead of his native austrian one, and the officers laughing their asses off to his face while they say "Okay Adolf, you will carry letters like an ubermensch lmao".
> Hitler was not an autist
no he was
He was charismatic as fuck and could capture an audience with stories of his ideal future for the world.
Being a post runner was a suicide job
as much as well all hate it and pretend we're above it,
being a politician is 95% charisma, looks, and speaking/speechmaking ability and 5% policy
hitler was probably the single greatest orator of all time
he was also a decorated war hero
he was also in the right place at the right time
>Regimental postman
>Suicide job
That being said Adolf was quite frail and unfit for frontline service. His superiours must have seen so, when they transfered him from infrantry to a less demanding job.
>Run over trenches in full view of everyone with a rifle on the other side while everyone else does fuckall until a whistle blows and then there are dozens of other bodies to hit besides your own, with only some bandages wrapped around your arms to show you aren't an enemy soldier to your own
No, it was a fucked job, it doesn't matter if Hitler was a faggot, I'd rather sit in the dug out all day
If Hitler was so cool and charismatic, why did his fellow in the company dislike him and why did his superiors claim that he had no leadership skills? How was this charismatic alpha dude unable to even make her town waifu aware that he liked her? How come that he couldn't convince the artist community of Vienna, or t least a minority, that his works had merit?
"Regimental" is the key word here
That's still several hundred meters of running in wide open view of anyone with a gun on the other side of no mans land
That´s why he moved to Germany.
>stalin was 5' 5"
not a chad, trotsky was the chad
>Almost every major disaster in the 20th century can be explained by autism.
you mean ideology
it was still on the front lines, you can be on the front lines and not be in the trenches
>why did his fellow in the company dislike him and why did his superiors claim that he had no leadership skills?
trench guys disliked anyone who wasn't in the trenches, at the end of the war most men in his unit had died and had been replaced with commies
>How was this charismatic alpha dude unable to even make her town waifu aware that he liked her?
>How come that he couldn't convince the artist community of Vienna, or t least a minority, that his works had merit?
shit at art
Messenger with an iron cross.
because he cared about his people and his culture. he believed in a stronger better world for his volk and he believed it with everything he had. something which men today have lost.
rather a kissless autist virgin with honour, loyalty and nationalism than a man whore with all the money in the world but not a shred of pride or honour.
Fighting in WW1 is far more meritorious than "having a job".
>he cared about his people and his culture
>Abandons 400,000 Germans in Stalingrad, not even giving them the option to break out
What a great guy
He should be an inspiration for many.
>it was still on the front lines, you can be on the front lines and not be in the trenches
Yup, yet the post of messenger is far less dangerous.
He got it for getting shot, what a hero
>literally taking a bullet
>not heroic
>the post of messenger is far less dangerous.
If anything it was more dangerous because you were the one guy running around while everyone else sat in their trench lines and had smoke, messengers were high priority targets like cutting communications is now. Are you being intentionally disingenuous?
Again, he was a regimental messanger. You are talking about tactical messangers.
You're an idiot.
Do you think anyone on the battlefield chose to discriminate? My great grandfather was a fucking regimental runner for the Black Watch, shot thrice, all they saw was a guy with bandages on his arms which marks him out as a runner
all front line positions are dangerous retard, regimental runners had a high casualty rate
>But was Hitler really the brave front-line fighter sharing "the misery of millions of Germans who squatted in their trenches for weeks at a time, permanently subject to mortal fear," as he claimed at an NSDAP meeting in Munich in September 1930?44 In the 1920s and increasingly in the 1930s, doubts arose as to Hitler's depiction of his military past. In the spring of 1932, two veterans of the List Regiment published articles in left-wing newspapers, the Braunschweiger Volksfreund and the weekend edition of the Hamburger Echo, in which they accused Hitler of spending the war in the safety of the regiment's main headquarters, and not at the front as he claimed.45 Runners did indeed enjoy easier conditions than the soldiers in the trenches: they had dry quarters and were given better food, and they were not permanently exposed to machine-gun fire and sharpshooters' bullets. "Every soldier in the trenches thought that the regimental staff members were lucky bastards," another former comrade wrote to Hitler in March 1932. "It's true, and no one can deny it, that things were much better in the staff than they were in the company."
>When we weigh up all the sources, we can conclude that Hitler did not stand out as particularly brave but neither did he occupy a "shirker's job" guaranteed to keep him out of harm's way. Attempts to cast Hitler as a coward are misleading.51 Even an outspoken critic of Hitler like the writer Alexander Moritz Frey, who also served in the List Regiment and was forced to emigrate from Germany after 1933, stated in 1946: "If people say he was cowardly, that's not accurate. He wasn't brave either. He lacked the coolness for that."
it was dangerous but it wasn't as dangerous as being in the trenches
I thought Mussolini was just a socialist journalist... although granted, that took some balls back then.
Well looks like British army worked differently.
>However, based on his own personal experience in the Great War, Moritz Frey came to the conclusion that despite obvious devotion to duty, Hitler was content to remain corporal for the self same reason that Frey himslef was happy to remain medical assitant. The regimental runners were mainly engaged in running messages from Regimental HQ, which could be 5km behind the lines to the Batallion HQ which could be 2km behind the lines. Unlike the company runners who served in the frontline trenches the regimental runners were not routinely exposed to the dangers of life in the front lines. It is ironic that those serving in the rear areas under the eyes of regimental staff were also more likely to obtain promotion, there were certainly fewer privations behind the lines and a far higher chance of survival.
>In his unpublished essay, M. Frey was able to sum up a lot of the regimetal courirer from first hand experience: "Compared to the terrible hardship of serving in the trenches and the corresponding high mortality, a posting to a position behind the lines was a small improvement which came complete with small comfort."
>Bob Carruthers, Private Hitler's War: 1914-1919, p.82-83
What else is ideology but an autistic devotion to a set of ideas.
Hitler is a far more preferable alternative than what we have now in Europe and in America. At least leftism was banned and the cucks were out of power.
>cucks were out of power
Sorry to ruin your worldview, but Goebells was in pretty powerful position.
>the cucks were out of power
Someone post the "there's nothing to get up for" Goebbels quote
What year even was that?
1923, from memory
I'm surprised they let him into the party considering he look like stereotypical jewish.
>Not letting Skeletor join your council of evil
That would be even worse
>a real job
Earned war medals as a message runner in the Bavarian 3rd Army in WW1
>glorified messenger
Being a trench runner was a madman's job, he earned an Iron Cross doing so
Why wouldn't they? Hitler and Heydrich were bullied for looking Jewish.
lot's of dudes were like that. just look at tesla or marx.
>kissless virgin
He had a couple of relations before he came to power
>lonely autist
He was pretty extroverted according to his bio
>never had a real job in his entire youth
He served in WW1
I get that Hitler's an asshole, but come on.
Hitler look frenchy and Heydrich is okay as long you didn't look at his side
Because he was right.
>council of evil
Good goy.
>Can't take a joke
And you claim to be a /pol/ack
That didn't stopped them from getting called Jews.
>He had a couple of relations before he came to power
>He was pretty extroverted according to his bio
Goebbels wasn't a cuck. He was a noble German patriot that loved Germany and its volk.
I'm talking about liberals and cucks who demonized Hitler and Germany and sought to undermine the Reich.
I wish we had a leader who had enough balls like Hitler to shut up and shut down the lugenpresse for their foul lies against Hitler and the NSDAP.
He was determined to defeat (((them))) and used his amazing speaking powers
He earned an Iron Cross First Class
There's no denying his battlefield bravery, it's literally on file.
>tfw america becomes to intelligent for socialism
>tfw the world has been autistically screeching about it ever since
Your post is actually unironically true.
>Goebbels wasn't a cuck
>named all of his kids starting with H for Hitler
Even more cucked than letting your wife get blacked tbqh
>Goebbels wasn't a cuck.
Look at the picture again.
That's not being a cuck if you are doing it for the devotion to the fatherland and the cause of the Fuhrer Adolf Hitler.
That picture is the image of German nobility and German pride. You wouldn't understand because Germany is now Germanistan with Islam and Sharia law taking over the country as we speak.
So you'd let Hitler fuck your wife? lmao, look at this cuck
>Unlike the company runners who served in the frontline trenches the regimental runners were not routinely exposed to the dangers of life in the front lines. It is ironic that those serving in the rear areas under the eyes of regimental staff were also more likely to obtain promotion, there were certainly fewer privations behind the lines and a far higher chance of survival.
He was solid and responsible soldier. But words like "battlefield bravery" or "war hero" should be reserved for other men, who actually were on the battlefield and were exposed to danger on daily basis.
That's not cuckolding, its being patriotic and devoted to a cause that is against plutocracy and Judeo-Bolshevism. Too bad Islam has replaced Judeo-Bolshevism as the threat facing Germany today. Of course you scoff at the Fuhrer's achievements and you listen to the lugenpresse about Adolf Hitler instead the real historical truth about National Socialist Germany.
>Heu dude you can fuck my life if you're a LARPer obsessed with Germanism
Dear sir, or madam,
it appears your IP has been violating global rule no. 2.
Please provide your ID, passport or a driving license.
technically not if he just named his kids after him
>Letting your wife name your kids after your best friend
Pretty cucky dude, I'll give it a pass for 2, but when we hit 8 you are well and truly being cucked
not really, if he'd actually fathered the kids then you'd have a point but it's just weird devotion.
Goebbels wasn't a cuck. He was actually pretty good with women, from what I understand. However, he was the chief propagandist of a monstrous regime - which is plenty of reason to condemn him.
You sound like a bot that was trained by feeding it neo-Nazi propaganda.
It's cucking, he got off on the idea they were Hitlers kids by some pseudo-retarded notion he had, and then he and his "wife" murdered them all
His wife basically sucked Hitler off in an attempt to stop him from killing himself, and Goebbels watched
I'm not a Neo-Nazi, I'm a real bonafide National Socialist patriot that wants the people to know the troll. I'm not a bot and I certainly don't like degenerates like Andrew Anglin.
Goebbels was quite literally a cuck (but he also cheated on his wife).
>Baarová, still working for the Ufa studios, met him when Goebbels visited Fröhlich's home in 1936. Gradually, they became closer and, under the urging of Goebbels, started a relationship that lasted over two years.[1] Their love affair caused serious complications between Goebbels and his wife Magda. When the minister began to show up in public with his mistress, Magda Goebbels in turn began an affair with Goebbels' state secretary Karl Hanke and eventually asked Hitler for permission to divorce her husband. According to Baarová's own statements, she herself, fearing Goebbels' wounded pride, approached the dictator for help.
i'm pretty sure he was just a devoted weirdo like alot of people were.
> I'm a real bonafide National Socialist patriot
Does = the most likely possibility based on peer reviewed research. Look to some primary sources for evidence, not a Wikipedia article that disproves your claim.