>muh degeneracy
When will this meme end?
>muh degeneracy
When will this meme end?
It already ended, only /pol/ are sperging out their autismo.
I mean, yes, when will the /pol/acks being on Veeky Forums meme end?
it won't, you're on an anonymous imageboard on the internet
if you want serious discussion you will need to go to somewhere like, dare I say it, reddit
I still do not quite understand how this site, what with the fact that it's basically degeneracy:ground zero in internet terms ever attracted people like the current crop of unironic /pol/tards
Because even if they fap to hentai and facial abuse videos they "realise" it's bad so it must be stopped.
That's why you see lots of those screencaps about "It's sad that this place full of degeneracy is the last website that stands for western civilization against degeneracy". It's massive cognitive dissonance.
I'm afraid this logic will label us all pedophiles due to a choice few retards
Don't worry, all is done just for laughs. Nothing is real, nothing is serious.
I'm not joking, just look at the people who actually want to turn the alt-right (a name invented by their rivals to group all of those who oppose them) into a serious political movement are ridiculized. See all those threads about "le kekistan". Everything is fine dude, relax and enjoy the new Chanology.
Explain to me why it's just a meme, I'm almost buying it
BASED (something) IN A MAGA HAT
Literally off yourself, Veeky Forums is the very best place for discussion, it's one of the only places free from the passive aggressive popularity contests and censorship that makes up every other site.
The fact that someone can call you a nigger here is irrelevant, just fucking ignore bait and continue on with your discussion.
Because it boils down to
>shit I don't like is degenerate.
>best place for discussion
No it is not. There is no impetus for discussion here. A shitpost carries the same weight as a well thought out and researched post. This place is a nice place for niche hobbies, and that's it.
Don't turn it into something it's not.
>when will the /pol/acks being on Veeky Forums meme end?
Never, you will always have the fat hispanic Americans making endless "Hitler would have won if..." threads
Look at that whole pewdiepie think a while back, pol was convinced that he was "redpilled" now because they're that incapable of understanding jokes.
The level of self awareness is absolute zero.
You haven't lived until some guy who jerks off to cartoon horses calls you a degenerate before thumping his chest and ranting about faggots and nu males.
>A shitpost carries the same weight as a well thought out and researched post
It's better than the reddit alternative
>Your post upset me so I'll downvote it
>Few people do that
>Your submission is now hidden at the very bottom of the page
>The left wing hivemind force their opinions to the top of the page
There is literally no point in going against them since you will just be censored.
>its better than the reddit alternative.
The reddit alternative on a well curated history board is much better. At least mods there delete shitpost threads about hitler's dick bulge.
you have to go back....
if you say nigger just as a word is ok, if you really think blacks are sub human and shit. Then you gotta go back. We discuss history. Not memes
Conservatives, or those on the right, are more suspectible to threats and so on, see Jonathan Haidt and John R. Hibbing for the explanation.
>complaining about Veeky Forums
>on Veeky Forums
It sounds as if you use this board as a dumping ground while using reddit for "real discussion" and it disgusts me for obvious reasons.
If someone makes a bad post, or a meme thread that you aren't interested in, fucking scroll past and find something else, i've had many good discussions here about things that could not be discussed nearly anywhere else, with people who would never otherwise meet, and they can come here and butt heads without resorting to passive aggressive bullshit or forced positivity, they can say what they really feel.
If you want clinical info dumping than go read a book.
By the way if a post is actually funny then it is not a shitpost, it's a contribution to the board.
I'm not buying the "I don't like is degenerate" but the idea of certain behaviour can lead to eventual problems in society. Specially if the behaviour is seen in "popular" individuals which are held as idols/examples to others
They're never able to explain why "degeneracy" is immoral, and as a historical force it's Victorian nonsense when applied to anything other than individuals.
Sure, if your general is a drunken sot that's going to have an effect, but why bring morality into it? Why not call incompetent leadership what it is?
>Complaining about hedonism, excess, impulsivity, and general carpe diem
>A bad thing
Learn to have some self control m8
>They're never able to explain why "degeneracy" is immoral,
Degeneracy leads to social dysfunction, mental /physical illness, and intergenerational decay. "Generation" is a key word, where certain behavior is "de"-"generate" . It's that simple.
It's just a meme word.
>Complaining about unhealthy, anti-social, or self destructive behavior is a meme
Wew lad
when this neonazi fad goes away
When (((they))) no longer control society.
>Why bring morality into it?
I think a more interesting question is why exactly do you shrink away from the idea of morality and judgement?
What difference does the drunken general's failure make if you do not attach moral approbation to success?
Why do anti white leftists want a safespace?
A shitpost carries the same weight as a well thought out and researched post
>It's better than the reddit alternative
>Your post upset me so I'll downvote it
>Few people do that
>Your submission is now hidden at the very bottom of the page
>The left wing hivemind force their opinions to the top of the page
>There is literally no point in going against them since you will just be censored.
Get fucking real. If Hiromoot ever decides to make an upvote/downvote system here. Any point of view that is remotely Left-Wing will get utterly bombarded with downvotes. This website doesn't engage in popularity censorship simply because it can't. Veeky Forums is just as much of an ideological ghetto website as Reddit is. The cancer that Veeky Forums spreads is just the type of flavor that you like, unlike that of Reddit's. Don't try to lionize and glorify this website as some sort of Free Speech platform. It's just a forum to discuss Japanese cartoons and it's pornographic parodies
>anti white
have a (You), you poor attention starved nitwit
fuck off, SJW
>Any point of view that is remotely Left-Wing will get utterly bombarded with downvotes.
not your fault that you want to destroy the white race
>Degeneracy leads to social dysfunction, mental /physical illness, and intergenerational decay.
As discussed on an anime imageboard frequented by school shooters and owned by a japanese conman.
I wonder what's the lifestyle of the bastion of morality that spends his time calling people "degenerates" on such website
It's been growing every year since 1945.
I come here some times after pol, well the most common is blacked, even regular anons go there to see fap able shit and post comments instead of reporting and saging obvious spam
Just because we are degenerate ourselves doesnt mean we cant point it out. Just because you're a drunk doesnt mean you want it for your kids.
When western civ collapses under the extreme individualism and freedoms, it wont be a meme any longer.
degeneracy is real
>I think a more interesting question is why exactly do you shrink away from the idea of morality and judgement
Because morality is subjective. Your personal opinion on a person is meaningless when talking about the past.
Then what the fuck are you complaining about?
>Morality is subjective
because it is based on a value judgement, so to some things can be immoral and that is their right to deem it so. Are you honestly pretending you don't have a subjective moral opinion that if you had the power, you would transcribe on the world? Holy fuck this is such a redundant argument from a failed understanding of nihilism.
Guy in the pic isn't necessarily an SJW, just an average Englishman.
I'm not sure if you understand this, but the term "leftist" actually has a meaning in politics. It doesn't just mean "everybody I disagree with".
>It doesn't just mean "everybody I disagree with".
yes it does, cuckboi
Pewdiepie is redpilled. He said he left Sweden because of the "situation" there a while back. The Hitler images, the "Death to all Jews" sign don't come from nowhere, you know? Not to mention it's confirmed that he visits Veeky Forums and the most popular Veeky Forums board is /pol/ so you take your guess if he has ever visited it. Of course Pewdiepie is unable to show the true extent of his power levels, that will get him shoah'd in a matter of seconds as we've already seen what happened after he made a couple of jokes about the kikes. The point is, even if he is redpilled or ironically memeing, he is still doing a good job of furthering /pol/'s cause and that's all that matters.
The cartoon horse thing comes from /b/ which you've no doubt visited as you seem to be knowleadgeable on this stuff. Sure you are not projecting much?
I don't really care because I have no stakes in it but I think things like cuckoldry, single moms, self-hate propaganda and drug abuse are definitely degenerate and a way to gauge the decline of society.
> Are you honestly pretending you don't have a subjective moral opinion that if you had the power, you would transcribe on the world?
Yes, I am. Not only is it wrong to judge the past by the standards of the modern world, it's also fantastically irrelevant and startlingly arrogant to even presume anyone else gives a shit.
People point to 50's American as some sort of golden age when in reality it's where things trully started to "degenerate"
But, in addition to all of this, some certain fuckwits then go on to treat "degeneracy" as if it were a physical law, try to argue that civilisations fell because they became "degenerate". It's pure Gibbon, and it's just silly, frankly.
So which one of those things are you involved with degenerate?
So in the end it's self hate, right?
I approve of single moms, as a young man with low standards insecure older women are a godsend.
>history master
>unironically agree with pol
I honestly don't know what to believe.
>As discussed on an anime imageboard frequented by school shooters and owned by a japanese conman.
>Using such a strong nadir fallacy
Wew lad, thats like saying because someone attended Columbine that they are school shooters.
Not my fault we have so many boards dedicated to extremely degenerate hobbies. The entire chan is not responsible for /b/ or /r9k/
so basically if something is fun is degenerate
makes sense
>Arguing that one of the reasons a civilization fails is that they become weakened with internal strife, hubris, and gluttony is ridiculous
Yeah no it's not. Bread and circuses is one of the reasons Rome fell.
>carbs destroyed the Roman empire
>is fun
Things that are fun and self destructive aren't fulfilling and shouldn't be the focus of ones's life. Complaining about degeneracy is complaining about self control in the face of vices that can harm other people.
I know stirner fags might be psychopaths who think this is a spook, but normal non autists think otherwise.
>Not knowing what bread and circuses refers to
Carpe diem you moron
lol one of them literally implied that all /pol/acks are non-whites with a Hitler fetish
>Implying that everything that disagrees with me isn't just Freudian projection
Wew lad,the only people who think murder is wrong are actually just murderers in secret if you think about it.
That's good for you but not for society due to the bastard being inevitably brought up wrong and the welfare sustaining them.
One of us
One of us
bad attitude
Dissenting opinions get more replies, which means they gather more attention rather than get hidden.
If you make a good argument, people see it.
It's like they never heard of the Libertines, and yet they complain about """""""""""""""""degeneracy"""""""""""""""""" in today's culture.
Do you seriously believe this?
Like seriously, it's straight out of the 1950s.
Why would you say single moms instead of divorce and deadbeat dads? It's not like a woman who is abandoned or whose husband dies is doing anything wrong by raising her child without (re)marrying.
>Not my fault we have so many boards dedicated to extremely degenerate hobbies.
It is your fault that you browse a website with so many boards dedicated to "degenerate" hobbies.
I can't find any proof of that, and contrary to what you might think it is extremely common to joke about jews and hitler, i literally don't have any friends who didn't and seeing swastikas drawn on school desks during highschool was ridiculously common.
I don't even know what the fuck you're saying about projecting. /mlp/ is filled with unironic nazis just like every other r9k tier board.
>the parent continuing to raise the child is the degenerate
really revs-up rumination
Women whose husband died count as widows i think, they get benefits, but they also inherit the debts if they had sons same goes for the men
When mods decide to follow the rules and not allow Veeky Forums to be treated as /pol/ with dates.
>Masterbation to lolis isn't degenerate
>Shitposting 24/7 isn't degenerate
>Bragging about how much meth you're addicted to on /b/ isn't degenerate
>Porn doesn't kill your brain's ability to produce dopamine through over stimulation
Wew lad, enjoy your early onset erectile dysfunction
>the parent continuing to raise the child is the degenerate
>The parent who rode the cock carousel with every man she met isn't the degenerate
>The parent who banged her and left her like 90% of the guys she dated is the only one who was irresponsible.
Rly makes u think
Anybody who disagrees needs to go look at the level of discussion in r/AskHistorians versus here. I'm not saying that it's always bad, but actually forcing you to back up your opinion with sources is kind of wonderful.
I don't see any discussion actually, it's literally an entire board of questions and answers.
It sounds more like you don't understand what Veeky Forums is about.
>Even more proof that Veeky Forums is full of ledditors
Wew lad
Reminder that Mr.House is objectively the best choice.
Veeky Forums is reddit
I heard he has hypospadic dick :)?
Quora's my go to actual discussion website
people who answer the questions more often than not engage in discussions
Why in the hell would anyone ever write this is just way beyond me
It's like he gets off on letting people know he's engaging in sexually deviant activity
It's perfectly fine to do that shit but I don't want to fucking know about it, just like how I don't want to know about how someone's shit smells like or what their dick size is.
I didn't know this was a youtube comments section, well I'll be on my way then
because they are cowards
When it stops being true