Is the only reason hes seen as a "bad guy" because he fucked with hollywood elite when they decided to play communist? Then they just spent years after churning out media shitting on him
Is the only reason hes seen as a "bad guy" because he fucked with hollywood elite when they decided to play communist...
He's seen as a bad guy because his actions run in total opposition to the founding American freedoms of free speech and freedom of association, if he was around in 1776 he'd be cracking down on Washington
>being a spy for a hostile foreign power and a traitor is free speech
Oh yeah, because being a member of the American Communist Party means you're a totally great spy. The "Un-American" activities were so loosely defined it meant people who thought child labour was fucked, in the 1930s, don't pretend just because he nailed some legit targets everyone else deserved it
Daily reminder he was right about almost everything.
American communist party did certainly deserve it. They were being financed by the Kremlin.
>Oh yeah, because being a member of the American Communist Party means you're a totally great spy.
It means you're a fifth columnist, which is half a step below a spy and was rightly recognized as such in most developing countries until very, very recently in historical perspective. You're just rationalizing now because the ideology of this particular fifth column is to your liking. If it was switched you'd have no trouble calling these people traitors.
t. Alex Jones
Truman's re-election was funded by Israel, wonder why they didn't apply the same vigor?
>It means you're a fifth columnist
Not really, no one ever charged them for being fifth cololumns of the French Republican Party or British Democrat Party. Communism is fucking gay, but in your supposed land of the free I don't see how you can excuse actual attacks on your constitution because you agree with the outcome
>muh Alex Jones
Venona papers, faggot.
>the communist cries out as he strikes you
>Much more controversial than mere funding, however, is the alleged involvement of CPUSA members in espionage for the Soviet Union. Whittaker Chambers has alleged that Sandor Goldberger—also known as "Josef Peters", who commonly wrote under the name J. Peters—headed the CPUSA's underground secret apparatus from 1932 to 1938 and pioneered its role as an auxiliary to Soviet intelligence activities.[37] Bernard Schuster, Organizational Secretary of the New York District of the CPUSA, is claimed to have been the operational recruiter and conduit for members of the CPUSA into the ranks of the secret apparatus, or "Group A line".
furthermore, there are receipts in the moscow archives of money paid to Gus Hall, Chairman of the CPUSA
>Venona papers, faggot.
now is when the leftypol goes full pol and claims those are all fake because it proves them wrong
>To what extent some of the individuals named in the Venona papers were actually involved with Soviet intelligence is a topic of dispute
Seems like it isn't that cut and dry to me
Why wouldn't Moscow fund a communist party? What exactly is anathema to American politics when Israel, Britain and France have all donated to American political parties in the past?
>wonder why they didn't apply the same vigor?
maybe because Israel wasnt a hostile foreign country we were in the height of a cold war with
>Freedom of association
>Unless I say so
So Americans have been cucks all along? Why were they so scared of a movement that had no pull outside some pretentious artfags in Hollywood? Did they really think this would catch on in a nation with cheap housing and affordable luxuries?
>equating american allies to american enemies and seeing nothing wrong with the enemy funding a party
you are being deliberately retarded at this point. I like how you keep bringing up Israel because your little bird brain thinks only stormfags hate gommunism
>why dont you just let communist subvert your country! what are you, a cuck?!?
Was Israel also your ally when they bombed your boats and sold your state secrets? Seems far more serious than some leftie faggots making a movie
How were they ever going to subvert the American masses? I'm fucking serious, America in the 50's was a paradise of good wages, high house ownership and almost full employment. How the fuck would communism take hold in that climate? It only ever had a chance during the depression and died in the arse without literal censorship because even the American commies that visited the Soviet Union said it was a total shithole
>being obtuse on purpose
Nice way of admitting that you're a communist faggot that's left without any argements except semantics and whataboutism. But i'll indulge you anyway: Are Israel, Braitain or France one party, undemocractic, planned economy Communist dictatorships that at the time were in diametrical opposition to USA's internal and external political goals.
>still trying to exploit stormfaggotry when I just told you none is there
>Freedom of Speech
>Unless I say it's wrong
And you claim you aren't a socialist?
>How were they ever going to subvert the American masses?
They did, it was a long con like most things the KGB does, and the results only became evident now.
I'm sure the total collapse of American manufacturing due to free trade fuckery, static wages and rising house prices had absolutely nothing to do with that, no it was surely the CPUSA in the 40's and 50's
>What is a Foreign Agent
You and your cheap Saul Alinsky dialectic shucking a jiving won't get you anywhere. you're transparent as fuck, commiefaggot.
and thus, back to circular logic.
spying for a hostile foreign power=/=freedom of speech.
You are only proving Joe right at this point user
The cunts involved in espionage deserved to be charged, can you please tell me what espionage Albert Maltz, a fucking Trotskycuck who no one in Moscow liked, committed?
No, he's seen as a bad guy because he helped to start a witch hunt trend. People were removed from their jobs, i.e. their livelihoods, and shunned from society for doing something as little as owning Russian history books. That is, if they were caught by the American secret police. He helped to undermine American democracy and played a huge role in creating the modern surveillance state, all due to paranoia that a fringe political group would destroy America or something.
But /pol/cucks will defend him though because they're willing to sacrifice every liberty so long as it makes those dirty libbies mad!!
>free trade fuckery
aka "I don't like poor people who live in other countries because they stop me from extracting monopoly prices for labor from employers and, indirectly, from the rest of the population"
>static wages
if in-kind mandatory payments in the form of health insurance and benefits are counted, labor compensation has risen significantly in an almost unbroken line since the 70's
>rising house prices
completely in line with inflation, unless they're kept artificially high through building regulations, restrictive zoning, and mandated open spaces
Joe McCarthy did literally nothing wrong.
If a person is a member of an organization that regularly commits terrorist activities, like, say, the KKK, I want to know. The fact that most of the people in the KKK just go and wear their stupid fucking hoods and talk their stupid fucking drivel doesn't negate the fact that some of their member are violent lunatics. If they face some repercussions for it, I'm honestly not going to lose a lot of sleep.
Now, the CPUSA was involved in espionage, the most significant of which was leaking fucking nuclear secrets to the USSR, an expansionist, imperial power whose entire purpose included the (if necessary) violent overthrow of the USA. The fact that most of them were just idiotic LARPers doesn't change the fact that they belonged to an organization under the direct control of a hostile foreign power that was actively engaged in attempts to destabilize, demoralize, and destroy this country.
He took it a bit too far, but communist witch-hunts are entirely justified.
Now fuck off, /leftpol/
>for doing something as little as owning Russian history books
[citation needed]
The violent overthrow of the US government, sure - but it was to bring about the emancipation of the American people.
He was right about how General Marshal was a communist agent?
Well it's in the Kaiserreich mod, so it must be true
Like the freedom to wait in the bread line?
>inb4 pictures of a bread line in the US from the 30's
This was a low point for the US, but it was the norm in communist countries.