Can someone give me background into the historical trends and movements referenced in the iron pill comics? He's also reading books all the time, and I know some of them are by evola, but what else does he read? And is the iron pill philosophy internall consistent?
Iron Pill Explanation
There is a chart with some books. I've read a few of them; archeofuturism and Donovan's books.
I'm not sure if it is consistent. I would describe it as ecofascism but archeofuturism isn't.
it's just a meme dude
The irony with the iron pill is that anyone who even knows of the iron pill is not iron pilled
Its just an old /pol/ meme about working out and reading Evola and believing in aryan Buddhist sex magic shit.
Do you mean this chart?
Whoops wrong pic
This meme made me leave /pol/. It was just too damn cringeworthy.
How so? Just the self aggrandisement? Or the lack of intellectual depth?
Unfortunately I'm too dumb and ignorant to differentiate between good and bad quality content, but the meme appeals to me on a very visceral level.
He means this one
This one.
Generation Identity was a big rant, read it and stopped reading
I hate it because its very shallow, yet pretends to be deep. It acts as if its some transcended thing just because they work out, as if no one else does so
I think they'd argue that they work out because it's transcendent, or follows transcendent principles, and not the other way around. Others might also exercise, but they lack higher motivations for it
>putting Evola and Spengler on the same chart as my melanin-enriched friend Edmund Burke
fight me right now you fucking faggot
Burke is a fat moderate faggot especially compared to de Maistre who's the greatest reactionary mind ever.
Following a 3/4 day split with no cardio while not training for any sport is the antithesis of transcendent.
He's part of the "pill" arms race, notice how they started putting the "Red Pill" guy in quotes to tack on their more exclusive versions. The Green Pill guy became "True Red Pill" or some idiotic evolution.
It's some kind of desperate identity meme.
I'm not sure that the iron pill has ever advocated a specific training regimen.
It does seem like every pill wants to claim to be the only enlightened version
What is that supposed to mean? I'm not American, and in fact have anti-American tendencies.
Yep. I don't think any such people as the iron pill dude actually exist. He looks like one of those chill fit stoners who have their shit together. In real life, people who try to be Volkish neo-Nazis are usually complete weirdoes.
Are you the guy who pretends to be Russian?
Judging by your posts, I think you are on the wrong board.
This board has the highest level of discourse, where else would I go?
Actually that's a good point, the laid back attitude is a major key to the iron pill aesthetic.
Yep. And I've never encountered a laid-back neo-Nazi.
I meant the books, not you. Besides Evola and others, Savitri Devi, Generation Identitary, etc are fit only for americans and LARPers
They exist , seen em from from personal experience.. but their not the type to know about it or follow memes. it just comes naturally
kek, I forgot I had saved some.