Was it justified?
My Lai
Depends who you ask
>mfw the guy who exposed this recently said Seth Rich was the wikileaks leaker and that the russian hysteria is bullshit
The book Gangreen 2 by Jeff Gerearts explorers how some normal American nineteen year olds can turn into cold killers.
He does this by sharing the experience of his time as a paratrooper in Congo trying to keep the two black tribes who are intent on genociding eachother apart.
The war is waged so foul and human live is so worthless that ven the goodies (and the reader) turn into torturing maniacs by the end
Absolutely not. Bullshit like this is how you lose a guerrilla war.
Hard to believe no one learned anything from the whole Ireland fiasco of the early 20th century, but they really didn't
he also claimed multiple times to have knowledge from senior government officials that W. Bush was going to invade Iran
That's because you're a commie libtard who doesn't understand that we're at war for the very survival of our civilization and, scum like you need to be taught a lesson. Maybe if the libtard villagers wasn't appeasing the enemy maybe they would have been left alone but no, scum like you like to exaggerate
Those American soldiers violated the NAP
Damn dude I didn't know a bunch of rice farmers in some far away Asian country really threatened the United States
By the way Bob Menzies sold them that shit, highest point Australian shitposting has ever reached getting millions killed
You seem angry.
The non-aggression principle? Hahaha nice concept libcuck. Yeah maybe if you're a lolbertarian that doesn't understand how the world works but for real manly men, the NAP is simply libtard cuck weakness.
That's because they were a threat of this great conservative country. They were commies appeasing the enemy so they had to dealt with. If I was in charge I'd order all villages destroyed and everyone of them shot.
I'm not angry, I'm just preaching the truth.
Bob Menzies thanks you for dying in droves over Australian shitposts
It was pest control.
Yeah maybe if you're a libtard that thinks "ooh lets just sing kumbaya and hand out flowers and candy and puppies to the enemy and then they'll love us then." Beeep wrong libshit, that's not how the real world works. When you fight a war, you fight to win. Coddling the enemy and treating the civies like innocent little creatures is not how you fight war. Maybe if the libtard media and the lib protesters were silenced and rounded up and put into camps for their treason, maybe we wouldn't have to talk about shit like "my lay".
You stupid shit, ruthlessness does work just fine, but only as a part of a comprehensive campaign of terror in which you kill, enslave or deport everyone and everything until it gets quiet. You make a desert, and call it peace.
Doing it piecemeal, randomly by a few pissed off grunts with no oversight or coherent policy doesn't work at all. It's all or nothing. Since that was not the policy being pursued, shit like My Lai was stupid and unhelpful.
>Fight to win
>Lose anyway
Americans really are descended from Germans
>libtard libtard libtard
Dial is back my dude, you're going overboard here. I know this is your first time trolling on Veeky Forums but we generally prefer things a bit more subtle here. Throw in some other words to spice things up, I generally prefer "hippie garbage" or "leftie filth". You're just gonna get dismissed doing that.
Hey libshit, that's what I would have advocate but no, you just had to read in between the lines. I would have advocated what you proposed, a comprehensive campaign of terror of killing and deporting until everything is quiet. I wouldn't have one little tiny My Lay, I would have a million of them.
>Comprehensive campaign of terror.
>Kill everyone, enslave or deport
Wow both you and that "conservative patriot" troll sound like you would agree with each other? I don't think anyone in the 20th century would support your immoral idea of waging a campaign of terror and then call it "peace".
It's as justified as bloody sunday or any other soldier on civilian killings, it isn't justified at all.
is a good answer and not libtard scummery at all
The Kuomintang and Republic of Vietnam were corrupt and fragmented as fuck and the commies they were fighting had a huge advantage over them in securing manpower and cooperation with the peasants. It may be due to totalitarianism that they could hide their atrocities and present a blemishless friendly face, regardless they had a clear practical advantage in that respect.
The US tried to win hearts and minds with humanitarian efforts and fortified villages and such, however they took it for granted and events like My Lai ruined everything.
It is always justified to kill the enemy. The lives of hundreds of gooks are not even worth the single life of an American infantryman.
>The US tried to win hearts and minds with humanitarian efforts and fortified villages and such
Lansdale could have won Vietnam but they fucked him off because of Harvard autism
Worked out perfectly fine for the Sri Lankans against the Tamil, and no one gave a shit.
This. And it's applicable today: I'd let a hundred thousands refugees drown in the Mediterranean if it means the dog of an European child is ever so slightly safer.
> real manly men
Then why'd you go and fight for them retard? Oh that's right, Menzies shitposted your communiques with muh domino and you ate that bait down and died in the thousands over some stupid fucking backwater like Vietnam
>The Australian government, particularly Menzies and foreign minister Paul Hasluck, pushed the Washington administration to escalate its war effort and to ask for the presence of Australian troops. The diplomatic cables between the government in Canberra and the Australian embassy in Washington over this period indicate a concern by Australia that the US might enter into negotiations with North Vietnam and that the war might end.
>The Australian government’s objectives were certainly fulfilled. The first American combat troops landed in Vietnam in March 1965. There were 1500 of them. Two months later there were 50,000 and by the end of 1965 there were 200,000. By the middle of 1967 there were 525,000. The last Americans were evacuated from Saigon on April 30 1975, the day on which North Vietnamese troops entered the city. More than two million persons had been killed in the course of the war and twice that number wounded. Twice as many again had been made refugees.
Thanks for the bants
> real manly men
> declaring innocent civilians the enemy
What's worse, ceaseless low intensity conflict or one big nasty one and then generation of peace?
Not fighting a war against a slightly socialist regime that based its constitution on Americas?
This patriotic American gets it. I'm tired of hippie trash and leftists putting down our military and demeaning such noble wars such as the Vietnam War. Did you coddled leftists understand that they were a threat to our freedoms and to our way of life? Or were you too busy bending over backwards to appease Islam and the commies? Instead of crying and whining over an isolated incident such as "My Lay" you should be thanking those soldiers for fighting for our freedom!
>I'll just ignore the time America sucked some mad Islami dick to get one over the Soviet Union
You tell em bro
And how many infantrymen are worth one fighter pilot?
not particularly but it is an unfortunate side effect of war.
>slightly socialist regime
North Vietnam only went full commie when America didn't give it shit
Holy phuc
it's funny too since uncle ho bag was a marxist from a fairly early age too.
>Twenty-six soldiers were charged with criminal offenses, but only Lieutenant William Calley Jr., a platoon leader in C Company, was convicted. Found guilty of killing 22 villagers, he was originally given a life sentence, but served only three and a half years under house arrest.
>three U.S. servicemen who had tried to halt the massacre and rescue the hiding civilians were shunned, and even denounced as traitors by several U.S. Congressmen, including Mendel Rivers, Chairman of the House Armed Services Committee
My country fucking sucks.
nice sauce
The Holy Mountain
boo hoo
the sorks regularly went around killing gooks and you don't see them whining about it.
t. Ngo Dinh Diem
>contributing to the enemy's war effort
Wrong question. Was it a big deal? No, no it was not.
Did traitors like Jane Fonda, Dan Rather, John Kerry, and John McCain turn it into a huge deal, and thus lose the will to fight? Absolutely.
Fuck off. Every country commits atrocities and every country denies them or downplays them. Obviously the men should have been punished but war criminals get off the hook in nearly every country.
This Patriot gets it, if we have people like you and charge man we'd be winning all the time. If you were president user you be rounding up the traitors and putting them in camps where they belong. I don't even think it was 504 civies killed or whatever the Liberals like to make up. I think about 20 commies were killed.
War criminals? You mean American patriotic soldiers that fought for freedom and fought for this country? Your commie propaganda makes me sick to my stomach. These were Brave American Patriots that were defending freedom and I hate the fact that people like you want to put down our Soldiers for fighting communism. Hundreds were not killed it was probably about 20 or so that were killed and they were all enemy combatants. So no we did not do anything in Vietnam that was bad.
He was going to if Cheney's plan to use CIA assets to stage a false flag attack on an American ship in the Persian Gulf hadn't been leaked.
I like where this thread is going.
No, user. Bullshit like this is how you win a guerilla war. You just need to keep doing it.
You can't defeat insurgents on the battlefield because they won't stand and fight. You defeat them by destroying the civilian populations that support them.
this my man
Okay whatever you say /pol/
No. But since it was american soldiers who did it. Many people will say it was justified
In fact since you all scared of the real truth and what these commies posed as a threat to the American homeland, I say that we should have exterminated all of them Vietnamese. That also included them Vietnamese at home. Everyone of them, gone.
>false flag attack on an American ship in the Persian Gulf hadn't been leaked.
t-this happened?
but in this case, the Americans were the the "refugee" so your analogy is kind of fuckin stupid
No, the attack never happened. But Cheney was caught trying to convince people in gov to do it.
>My country sucks.
That's because you are trained to hate America and become a globalist scumbag.
Are you on the payroll of Soros of putting down America?
America always fights for freedom. Those were all 'Tyrant Ho' sympathizers.
Phoenix program yo. Targeted assassinations and deliberate demoralization of the civilian population with monthly quotas. This stage of the Vietnam conflict didn't have military objectives in the traditional sense, success was a numbers game dictated by the strategists and math-wizzes at RAND Corporation, the quasi-private Air Force think tank. This is what '"rational" warfare looks like.
But yes, according to the quotas demanded by the Phoenix Program, the massacre was justified.
my grandpa was telling me about how when he was in vietnam in combat infantry he went to My Lai 3 a couple weeks after the massacre took place and they hated all the soldiers there. I mean naturally. But damn, he was talking about how they would throw rocks and scream at them on the streets, it was so visceral. Just wild.
Why would they not? They rounded up an entire village of civillians and executed them.
>Tfw the guys who perpetrated the massacre got away with it and are free to this day
>American casualties: 50,000 dead. Rookie numbers
>Vietnam casualties: Millions dead or wounded.
Yeah you sure showed us
I want /pol/ to fuck off and die. You weren't even alive during Desert Storm, let alone Vietnam. So who the fuck is this, "us"?
War is a fascinating subject with many facets, and you faggots shut down the conversation to be a retarded football game.
>Australia's diplomats in Washington told the Americans that the bombing of North Vietnam should be increased. In early January 1965 Hasluck was concerned that the Americans might opt for negotiations with the North Vietnamese. He cabled the Australian embassy in Washington to urge them to "take advantage of whatever opportunity may arise of helping to bring certainty to American policy and planning". The "certainty" that Hasluck wanted was escalation. In February the State Department said it was under "some pressure" from the Australian government to make a request for troops.
>This was a particularly cynical exercise by the Australian government because it is clear that it was quite indifferent to the survival of South Vietnam or its people but simply wanted to lock the Americans into the ANZUS treaty in case of trouble with Indonesia.
Thanks for the bantz America
The Perfidious Anglo is genetic, Lord help us.
Gotta defend your own interests man
You aren't the only one
Where's the problem?
Aww did the manly conservative hurt your wittle feelings? Do you need a safe space baby bitch?
>t. Old hippie
Seriously fuck off or grow up.
>senseless killings
>leaked senseless killings
>leaked senseless killings without satisfactory punishment
>Taking the bait
Veeky Forums had never sounded so similar to a the pre-drunken cliché ramblings of the "Southern Proud Sons of Veterans" Barbecue in the backyard of the local shooting range in Arkansas
Get you fucking shit together Americans, your debate like those hysterical evangelists on the side of the road we see on TVthat you guys have. It's another planet, you guys are so passionately stupid