Images of the eastern front
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Where was this photo taken?
No idea, sorry.
Rostov-on-Don apparently.
>do reverse image search
>sort through thousands of shady russian history forums
>mfw some site called liveinternet explains Rostov-on-Don
Es ist nicht ich starts playing.
>yfw an image goes above rare and becomes unique
forgot to mention it's at the bottom right corner
disgusting to see how much ressources the Nazis wasted in Warsaw to terrorize civilians with pure evilness while German soldiers at the front lacked everything
> all these people died to hand over Europe to leftards and aliens
Man the Eastern Front was fucking huge (not saying that other fronts were necessarily smaller, but just mindblown by this).
Imagine the sheer size of the warmachine required to outfit millions of fucking humans. Every single soldier required a rifle, constant ammo replenishment, a new pair of boots every 8 months (as per the soviet logistics doctrine of boots wearing out and requiring being changed often, though I'm sure other militaries had a similar thing), every soldier needs constant replacement of all undergarments and combat uniforms, sufficient food, gun cleaning solvents and oil.
Just the sheer numbers and weight of all of this is pretty fucking crazy to really think about.
Also consider that every single soldier and civilian had lived their own lives, most had some family to love, care, participate in, everybody had a life to live just like you or I, and it was all taken away in a split second when their insides get violently torn apart and liquified by a random mortar shell, or slowly die alone in an empty trench by bleeding out of a fatal shrapnel wound.
War is crazy man
It's even worse when you consider that the good guys lost. All that effort, completely buried and then vilified by the (((people))) who proceeded to import hordes of shitskins into Europe.
doesn't look like German artillery tbqh.
/pol/ pls go
not German: rarehistoricalphotos.com
>it was all taken away in a split second when their insides get violently torn apart and liquified by a random mortar shell, or slowly die alone in an empty trench by bleeding out of a fatal shrapnel wound.
thanks! will rename the image
pic related was taken during the last victory of the Germans only days before the surrender: en.wikipedia.org
Sure thing Fritz.
You just love that black seed inside your daughters, don't you?
One day, you will realize that Uncle Adolf was right all along.
Yeah man, one day I'll realize the guys that murdered two of my relatives directly and caused a war that took the live of my three more relatives were actually right all along. Fuck off now.
You know what I love even more?
>filename related
>One day, you will realize that Uncle Adolf was right all along.
Nah, I doubt it, he was basically Elliot Roger except he got lucky and had a country of krauts dumb enough to believe the racewar larping he and his squad of alpha-beta krauts were shilling.
incredible photo.
oy vey
>calls NatSoc Marxian socialism
bullshit, easily refuted
In any case, you have no argument. Of course we talk about the leaders of the government at the time, just as the ones remembered throughout history are kings and generals. That isn't minimizing the sacrifice the German people gave, it's just not something you can speak about without broad generalizations.
And you tell me, how long will any European country actually remain majority European? Germany is being flooded by the kikes, as is France, and England, and Sweden, and Belgium, and the Netherlands, and Austria, and Italy, and literally every single "enlightened" nations which has a tradition of capitalist """freedom""".
Fuck you. The world would have been better off if the Germans won.
I'm ethnic Russian. And yes, you will--although in your case, it'll be only moments before you are shot by a pack of feral Africans you thought could be 'civilized.'
Why the fuck do you have to deride dead people just because some Stormfaggot can't keep his mouth shut?
Yeah, found it in a /hr/ thread.
>I'm ethnic Russian.
So you embrace the very ideology that tried to exterminate your people?
Except it didn't. It was aimed at ejecting the kikes from Russian lands, and only wanted a portion of the border areas where the kikes were concentrated to be annexed. Even the so-called Generalplan Ost only stated that warfare would result in starvation. No shit--the German army had to supply itself first.
Even in the worst case, German dominance would have been far more preferable to that of the Jews. You're speculating about that fate of my people, while all we have to do is look around and see what the kikes do when given the option of subverting white nations. They are still raping Russia to this day. So I don't see how Germany could possibly be worse.
here's a video from a great Youtube channel, lots of WW2 footage in color: youtube.com
>So I don't see how (Nazi) Germany could possibly be worse.
Yeah man, me neither!
That's some high-degree cuckoldry you got there ,"Dima".
>posts invented """war crimes""" and casualties of men either forced to fight by (Jewish) commissars or who were straight-up turkics
Yes, war is unpleasant. Your point? If Germany won, it would have been worth it, but now everybody suffers, Russians and Germans alike.
No, it isn't. Germany stood for a world of nationalism, whole the kikes want the destruction of all identity so they can easily rule over masses. Cuckoldry is enjoying the current paradigm.
>invented """war crimes"""
should one ignore such posts on Veeky Forums or debate them?
disprove these, if you can't fuck off back to
>Fuck you. The world would have been better off if the Germans won.
But how would you know? You would never have been born since your babushka would've been holokrauted and the internet would never have existed for you to start kraut posting.
>ywn invade the USSR with your bros to destroy the Bolshevik menace
Feels bad man
Skazhi, reb'onok, kak tvoy d'edushka reagiroval na takije d'ermo, shto ty zd'es pishesh?
It is disrespectful to deride dead people like this. Many of these weren't Nazis and died because they were sent to death by a brutal regime. Why do you post such shit just because some Naziboo shows up?
You should always debate them. They're always looking for a comfortable foothold and ignoring them just provides it.
Come on, that is basic stuff.
1. The SS was a separate organization from the Wehrmacht, and therefore had its own detachments for similar purposes.
2. The """trials""" literally opened with the statement that they would not be bound by technical rules of evidence. It was a kangaroo court from the start, and both the allied generals and German leadership knew it.
3. Because it's a pointless gesture that would likely end up destroying their livelihood and the livelihoods of their families. Would you believe a Nazi if he said anything to the contrary of propaganda?
4. Forcing me to defend a cherry-picked organization, nice. But no shit, anybody who dares to question the (((consensus))) is de facto anti-semitic.
5. It sounds worse. Reparations went to individual Jews, so the number of supposed "survivors" would be unchanged. Surely you understand that exaggeration of historical numbers is nothing new.
6. I don't know, do you? Pointless speculation, but obviously Germany would treat the Jews as a threat. That was kind of the point of getting them out of Europe--it says nothing about "muh Shoah"
7. [citation needed] But it is quite common for prisoners to be shaved, and I wouldn't be surprised if the Germans just put it to an efficient use after disinfecting the hair.
8. Again, [citation needed]. One example from 12 years? Gonna have to do better. And not one reference to liquidation, at that. Probably just transport.
9. Because you feed your own fucking army first, you dummy. The Jews were a foreign element, and were not a priority.
And so on. Just lurk on /pol/ if you really want answers, but all you're trying to do is spew so much that I'm drowned out. Most Holohoax propaganda operates that way: flinging mounds of shit against a blank canvas, hoping some of it will stick, or at the very least, cover up the truth.
My babushka almost joined the Luftwaffe in their support wing in 1945, before they fled the Red Army. Eat shit.
tfw I think back on when I was younger and romanticized ww2. The more I've learned over the years the more disgusted I get by it all. Especially everything I've read and heard about the eastern front.
Yuck, wrong alphabet.
>why did you post such shit
Because he's a heartless kike, bent on the destruction of any national pride or identity other than his own.
Arguments get way more coverage than isolated posts, you idiot.
What a tragedy it would be if the board was covered with poltards losing arguments right?
Kek, how can I lose when you have yet to provide an actual argument? Justify the destruction of whites, go ahead.
You have to go back
>Germany is being flooded by the kikes, as is France, and England, and Sweden, and Belgium, and the Netherlands, and Austria, and Italy, and literally every single "enlightened" nations which has a tradition of capitalist """freedom""".
Except it isn't.
>I'm ethnic Russian.
No you aren't.
>Except it didn't. It was aimed at ejecting the kikes from Russian lands
What a great job they did! Butchered the Russian population by the million, stole their resources, and left their lands in ruin
>Even in the worst case, German dominance would have been far more preferable to that of the Jews.
Be quiet Dmitry
>They are still raping Russia to this day.
Except they're not.
>So I don't see how Germany could possibly be worse.
Gee, I don't know, maybe all that genocide and enslavement?
>Just lurk on /pol/
No, you'll have to prove it if you want to spout such shit on Veeky Forums.
I fucking hate that meme, what does it better that more innocent civilians were killed? Why do you have to embrace one atrocitie to counter a proponent of another atrocity?
You can't even empathize with your own countrymen that fell victim to the Nazis, so shut up.
pic related to get the thread back on topic
>Germans murdered 27million of his people
>I wish they won!
Are you sure you're a Russian and not some Ukrainian nationalist?
>Yuck, wrong alphabet.
It's googletranslate-proof alphabet, works great against people who pretend to be Russian.
>My babushka almost joined the Luftwaffe
As a pilot?
>>posts invented """war crimes""" and casualties of men either forced to fight by (Jewish) commissars or who were straight-up turkics
Do you ever shut the fuck up about the Jews? The Soviet government was extremely anti-semitic
>No, it isn't. Germany stood for a world of nationalism
No, they didn't. They stood for a German-dominated Europe with the population of Eastern Europe being exterminated, expelled, or enslaved to their German colonial masters
>whole the kikes want the destruction of all identity so they can easily rule over masses.
Muh Jews!!!!!
Pic related it's you
>Yuck, wrong alphabet.
Yeah, you ain't Russian
Same. The more you learn about the experiences of the individual aspect of war, especially a total one like WWII where civilian life was in complete upheaval, the more the old adage rings true: war is hell
>you have to go back
No, Veeky Forums is right-wing and always will be.
>Except it isn't; no you aren't. etc
Contradiction isn't an argument.
>What a great job they did! Butchered the Russian population by the million, stole their resources, and left their lands in ruin
The war wasn't their fault. It is blatant falsehood to claim that the destruction that happens in a war was the sole intent of the German nation, and that the penance for that is the dissolution of any European identity.
>maybe all that genocide and enslavement?
Like what's happening now, and which Germany had no intent of doing? I'd rather gamble on my people's freedom than acquiesce to the status quo of steady fading into the abyss.
I refuted 9 of the bullshit points from your lazy infograph, fuck off.
And I do empathize with the Russian people, because they were forced and misled into fighting the wrong enemy.
They were conscripts and starved by their own (((government))).
Diaspora. White Russian family came after the war. So yeah, I don't speak it.
>that blurb about nationalism
outed, like clockwork
>Do you ever shut the fuck up about the Jews? The Soviet government was extremely anti-semitic
Jews are the main problem here, so no. And the Soviet government only existed because of kikes (and short-sighted Germans, kek).
>They stood for a German-dominated Europe with the population of Eastern Europe being exterminated, expelled, or enslaved to their German colonial masters
Demonstrably false. Germany necessarily had to be dominant in war, but that was not their political objective. Their expansionism and """colonialism""" was simply a necessity given their shitty logistical situation.
>The war wasn't their fault.
It's almost like Germany had repeatedly invaded other countries after being told not to, and had been explicitly told that invading Poland would result in war
>Germany had no intent of doing?
I guess they just "accidentally" murdered all those millions of innocent people, right?
>What is Himmler's speeches in Posen
>What is Höfle Telegram
>We are a master race, which must remember that the lowliest German worker is racially and biologically a thousand times more valuable than the population here. - Erich Koch
Sure the Nazis invaded Poland in a war of conquest and massacred Polish leaders in Operation Tannenberg, Intelligenzaktion, Palmiry massacre, and AB-Aktion which killed ~128,000 Poles. And sure the Nazis conducted the war in the most brutal way possible, bombing Warsaw into dust. And sure they forced all the remaining Poles into ghettos and forced labour camps. And sure the Nazis set up all their concentration camps and death camps in Poland. And sure Polish people were forced into ghettos and starved to death (90,000). And sure Polish people were brutally oppressed. And sure the Nazis began "Germanization" of Poland by suppressing and trying to erase any trace of their history and culture, which included plans to completely restructure Warsaw. And sure they eventually bombed Warsaw into dust once more during the Warsaw uprising. And Sure the Nazis brutally persecuted Poles for their catholic faith, most famously killing the now canonized Saint Maximilian Kolbe And sure Nazis started burning hospitals down, murdering thousands of sick polish people and raping Polish women on a mass scale. And sure they were even kidnapping thousands of Polish children to brainwash them to be subservient to their Nazi overlords. and sure at the end of it all over 2 Million non Jewish Poles were killed by the Nazis, But they definitely did not intend to do it!
Why did they arrest Ukrainian nationalists when they declared independence?
>It is disrespectful to deride dead people like this.
>internet krauts cry about white genocide and simultaneously autistically screech for the holokraut of kikes and non-whites.
Is it really disrespectful at all to post pictures they can relate to?
>Many of these weren't Nazis
>Arguments get way more coverage than isolated posts, you idiot.
>Arguments get way more coverage than isolated posts, you idiot.
That's true Fritz, but you know what gets even more coverage than isolated posts?
>And the Soviet government only existed because of kikes (and short-sighted Germans, kek).
Only the part about the Germans is true
>Veeky Forums is right-wing and always will be.
fucking no. if you want politics, go to /pol/ or /leftypol/. Veeky Forums is for actual historical discussions and the occasional sociology, philosophy, or religon thread. Take politics to a board it belongs. Veeky Forums isn't left or right wing. it's a fucking history board.
..And underage on top of that, so you don't know shit about the nation you shame by the crap seeping your IP? That explains a lot.
Kind of ironic how they bitch about DE JEWZ and their white genocide while simultaneously worshiping a regime that murdered millions of whites
tfw reading about the firestorms from the bombings of Dresden and Tokyo and how they found burnt people trapped in melted bomb shelters.
tfw reading about German soldiers diaries from the start of Barbarossa into the later years of the war.
tfw reading about how soldiers justified their actions to themselves.
tfw reading diaries of people starving inside Stalingrad and Leningrad. seeing their families die, seeing people turn to cannibalism.
>And I do empathize with the Russian people, because they were forced and misled into fighting the wrong enemy.
Ah yes, the people who pillaged and raped their country for 3 years and genocided their people were the "wrong enemy" never change /pol/
I guarantee you that most of the Stormfags you see on here are not German, go on with these posts if you like but maybe think about it sometime and look at one of these pictures for a little longer. These people were also humans.
I don't have anything against German soldiers, I just like posting pics of dead ones to piss off Stormfags