Let's address the elephant in the room. /pol/. How do we get them to stay in their containment board? I for one am tired of "What race were the ancient Greeks and Egyptians?" threads.
Today's blatant /pol/ spam thread is:
Veeky Forums Meta Thread
we need actual moderation and bannings but that seems to be a neverending shortage
otherwise we could all excercize discipline in not replying to shitposters, but that is easily subverted by the other shitposters just replying to each other
That's leftypol. They feel comfy here because you're all communists.
Just rangeban Canadian IPs to avoid the shitposting.
Also this .
/pol/ is a board of peace; we did nothing wrong.
/int/ is a worse problem than /pol/
I guess it seems inevitable that politics make it into Veeky Forums, whatever /leftypol/ or /pol/. But they should still obey the rules and that isn't happening; we have threads that have little to do with history.
As for the humanities, that should be more strictly enforced so that it is actual sociology, psychology and political science instead of a cover for political threads.
This too
This. All that country dickawaving is far more prevalent than /pol/niggertrty.
Rangeban Chinese IP's first
Although Canada is a Chinese colony anyways
cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck
Did we actually get colonised by r/socialism and the like?
I, for one, welcome our marxist overlords
I am a communist? News to me. All this time, I thought I was a classical liberal.
>I for one am tired of "What race were the ancient Greeks and Egyptians?" threads.
yes, because those are made by concerned white nationalist citizens, not some bored cunt who wants to make you mad, you stupid fucking inbred habsburg faggot
> concerned white nationalist citizens
You mean the ones who feel the need to push the narrative that L I T E R A L L Y everything good in history came from Nords or Germans to make themselves feel better?
OP, you don't force /pol/ or /leftypol/ out by complaining. You do it by fighting their trolling with trolling, and their infographs with infographs. The holocaust denial examination pics are gold for this. As are homegrown memes like Charles the Chin of spain or preggo waifu Anne Frank.
Just make sure you actually maintain an ironic detachment from the memes and don't turn into the kind of people who populate /pol/ and take memes way too seriously.
>You mean the ones who feel the need to push the narrative that L I T E R A L L Y everything good in history came from Nords or Germans to make themselves feel better?
literally no one does that.
literally everyone does this m9
>You mean the ones who feel the need to push the narrative that L I T E R A L L Y everything good in history came from Nords or Germans to make themselves feel better?
Yes, regretfully, I didn't anticipate anyone would take that seriously.
literally I can name people I know IRL who do that. I've met guys like Nathan Damigo and Mike Enoch and the kind of people who hang around with them. Nordicist revisionism and WE WUZ larping is rampant.
Burger detected, there's really not that many people irl who call themselves communist desu. Completely agree with this drawn out shitposting since the board's inception, God damn it was bad back then. Just need better moderation seeing as there's still a lot of thinly veiled kang threads; personlly think there's too many ww2 threads imo
It's ridiculous, I am a white hispanic who, therefore, hangs with other white hispanics. I've guys, in spanish mind you, proclaiming their germanic heritage as superior to all indigenous culture and claiming any and all european accomplishments were spearheaded by the nord
These people are wrong
>Nordicist revisionism and WE WUZ larping is rampant.
literally no it's not, nordicism has been pretty much dead and irrelevant for decades. it's far less prevalent than other types of ethnocentrism like afrocentrism, turkocentrism or even mediterraneanism.
You and I are referring specifically to "concerned white nationalist citizens" dumbass. Afrocentrism and all other kinds of revisionism are irrelevant. Just because other races do it doesn't make it any less cringey when whites do it.
And if it's so dead then tell me why books like March of the Titans are popular among "concerned white nationalist citizens."
>concerned white nationalist citizens
dude that's not me and I said "concerned white nationalist citizens" precisely because it's ridiculous.
It doesn't fucking matter who make these threads, whether those people frequent /pol/ or not is fucking irrelevant, they just fish for angry reactions and they always take home a fuckload, because this board is fucking autistic and needs a boogeyman to function, just like nazis need jews and niggers.
this board needs ids desu
and m8 all of Veeky Forums is autistic, but although this place has had its ups and downs it remains one of the only places where 1) you can discuss actual historical facts without too much ideology involved and 2) opposite ideologies can clash and have actual debates where we can all learn. I don't think it needs a boogyman and in the time I've been here has gone along fine without one.
Anyway off to work ttyl fag
most white nationalists aren't even nordicists since that would kind of defeat the whole purpose of a pan european identity and supremacy. even stormfag types are more likely to have read coon than gunther.
>Afrocentrism and all other kinds of revisionism are irrelevant
all of them are way more relevant than nordicism, which more often than not, is merely used as a snarl word
>And if it's so dead then tell me why books like March of the Titans are popular among "concerned white nationalist citizens."
yes i know who arthur kemp is, i also know he's irrelevant as shit and pretty much the only real voice past the 60s who still promotes this shit. go compare him to dudes like ivan van sertima, chancellor williams, or hell even polat kaya who is probably more popular in his respective circles.
I dont find /pol/ that bad. Their own real shitpost they do is the denier threads they always make, as if they are going to fool any armchair historian with shitty jpegs. These threads are easily dealt with and is basically practice for shutting down retarded revisionist.
While on the other hand, its pretty apparent /leftypol/ is engaging in an active raid not only on us, but Veeky Forums in general. Their shilling of the recent black roman meme from that BBC cartoon was atrocious. They are also annoying because they shitpost worst than /pol/ in some sort of "lets fight fire with fire!" mentality, so the moment you challenge them on their stupid bullshit revisionist history or communism dictator dindu nuffin thread, you are met with nothing but "SHUT UP KEK GO GET TRIGGERED!" type of shitpost. They are one in the same at this point, just replace Hitler with Stalin/Mao/any other commie dictator and its all the same shit.
>Their shilling of the recent black roman meme from that BBC cartoon was atrocious.
Pretty sure it was just typical meme shitposting used to get (you)s, not a concerted effort to blackwash history.
>Their shilling of the recent black roman meme from that BBC cartoon was atrocious.
wat. it's /pol/ thats using that as propaganda material... if i were leftypol its not something id want to be associated with considering the reputation cucking and multiculturalism have around here
You clearly dont know how retarded a lefty can be
this, tbqh
kommie krauts must go