Daily reminder that Bitcoin was only worth $900 in the beginning of the year.
Daily reminder that Bitcoin was only worth $900 in the beginning of the year
this shit is gonna dump
Ethereum is not a meme though
It's clearly a pump and dump taking advantage of people who've never seen a limited supply commodity before and don't realize they cap out in value eventually.
I mean, hell, in RuneScape the blue partyhat's price has been around 1000 hours of whatever-the-best-boss-is forever now without increasing (staying in line with the game's inflation), and black lotuses from MTG spike and fall based on the US economy like gold and are terrible investments.
though black lotuses seem to be inversely related to gold, if you look at historical data.
Friendly reminder that it will be worth less than it is now in the beginning of 2018
nothing bull so much time...its has to be corrected. A black lotus costs how much today? (mtg card)i saw one 17 years back, it was awesome
Ethereum was only worth 10$ at the beginning onf the year
i wonder which one was the better investment
Bitcoin, because you got your free bcc on the 1st
Ethereum "was" better if you didn't buy at ATH
Now it's overvalued
>Ethereum is not a meme
Go to bed, gramps.
btc is like the black lotus, capped value
what is this creature
these are barely comparable, RS partyhats were at first dime a dozen, worth pennies, and then a few dollars, and eventually a few thousand dollars and then their price capped. The Black Lotus was always rare and desirable from its release. Also RS and MTG have both stagnated/losing in their popularity, so rare commodities will only become less desirable as less people are in the market.
Crypto might get there eventually, but right now it's growing and people are simply putting more money into the system. You can't just pump and dump tens of billions of dollars.
it has finally found its true value of 310-320$, its just waiting for that metropolis update
you'd still be up over 30x if you bought in jan
stay salty fudster
Vitalik himself said ETH should worth at $15 at the moment
Now it's insanely expensive to run any Dapps on the network because of its overvalued price
WHERE is the proof of Vitalik saying that?
What are people doing when they shill against bitcoin? I don't get it, are these people just bitter that they didn't get on board the many times they could have?
source comes from your ass I assume?
>You can't just pump and dump tens of billions of dollars.
Watch me
except its much better because it can't be counterfeited which is a huge problem in high end mtg cards
well you can, but you'll drag the price down with you if you actually sold that many coins at once
>are these people just bitter that they didn't get on board the many times they could have?
Ether fags just cannot accept the fact that it is not a store of value by design.
The development of DApps is completely stalled because most of the developers cannot afford the fee running DApps.
The overvalued price @300 level makes Ether totally useless at the moment.
When does the dump part come in? For a p&d, this sure is taking a long time and forming lots of new, higher bottoms.
FUCK you cunt give me proof of that $15 claim I see you spamming in every thread.
What do I need to prove to you faggot?
Try to deploy a DApp yourself then you will understand how fucked Ethereum currently is.
The most common use case of Ethereum nowadays is ERC20 so called ICO, literally an ideal framework for SCAMMERS to rob you coinfags
ICOs happened well before ethereum, ethereum itself was an ICO that accepted bitcoin
you are just a fudding larper, arent you
probably salty you didnt go all in on eth back in jan
Buy Expanse while it's cheap.
I was playing on New year's when the party hats were dropping. I had a whole bunch. I sold them for like 200 gp each
wtf is that shopped?