Why is Pan-Americanism considered bad? They're not suffering like the old word.
Why is Pan-Americanism considered bad? They're not suffering like the old word
It was a meme pushed by the USA in WW2 to obtain military bases in South America. After Roosevelt it was never mentioned again.
Because the colonial heritage, cultural and political incompatibility, and power imbalance between the continents means that Latin America will always be America's bitch. Pan-Americanism was a meme that encouraged cooperation between American states so we could flood their markets with our manufactured goods and siphon their raw materials and oil.
Frankly, Pan-Americanism is just imperialism in disguise.
If Simon bolivar couldn't unite the northwestern regions of Spanish south America you can tell how well pan americanism will work out.
Nationalism was a mistake.
It created the most useless international organism since the League of Nations
I love the idea of a more unified New World, a few more federalised regions (ie; a United Province of Central America, a Argentinian-Chilean-Uruguayan state, Canada+America)
The sheer thought gets me harder than portland concrete
Fuck off. It would allow the niggers to leak from Brazil, USA and Central America to other into still tolerable places.
Or, the entire South American continent would become nigger free in a few decades because they would all go to the USA seeking free gibs. Yes...
Because central America is a irredeemable shithole.
Pan-americanism is shit, panhispanism is good.
Spain has no economic, military, or political gain from such an aliiance unless it was a mercantilist hegemon.
Pan-anything is just an excuse for either imperialism or totalitarianism.
I am currently living where the lady in the right is masturbating me with her left giant hand.
>has no economic, military, or political
You're retarded?
And this is suposed to be a bad thing?
wtf I love Pan Americanism now
Learn something from the European Union. Economic unions are fun until they become soft totalitarian bureaucratic juggernauts that have nothing to do with economics anymore, and will even sacrifice the economy and their own people's well-being in the name of abstract ideologies and the politicians' careers, and you can no longer escape from them.
I always try to conquest all Latin America with Mexico in HoI4 but USA stops me before i even finish with Colombia
It already happened, only subhuman third worlders don't feel the constant, intrusive influence of the culture of the United States on their own sorry lives. Really, I don't see any downside to America invading the rest of the continent: it's the Rome of the world, and English is its Latin.
> invading latin america
we would bleed you dry
mind you, we got plenty of really wild disposable cannon fodder
Should be a piece of cake in Kaiserreich
I'm wondering why someone would hang a man before throwing him out of a helicopter.
Because of instead doing it in the good way, the americucks just put puppet governments and control the continent via business corporations, therefore making it the "backyard of USA"
So fuck them
By the time now, JEWSA's language is spanish tbqhwy
Because bolivians and haitians exist
Nothing in common culturally
Geographically distinct
Like the EU
>countries so small you can drive through several of them in one day, all packed together on the same peninsula
Really shells my clams.
Because Anglos see Hispanics as their servants and Hispanics see Anglos as ignorant degenerates. This meme was just an excuse from the US to submit Latin America to its very inefficient control.
And I'm guessing you're from Chile
What's going on in America?
He is apegentinian.
>only subhuman third worlders don't feel the constant, intrusive influence of the culture of the United States on their own sorry lives
>only subhuman third worlders
So ~50% of SA and 80%+ of centerl America?
>I don't see any downside to America invading the rest of the continent: it's the Rome of the world, and English is its Latin.
America is Rome at its greatest extent. If anyone's going to be doing the invading, it will be the Mexicans, the Germanic barbarians to the USA's Rome.
Spain is a third world country, they could definitely do with some good-will from their bigger, relatively-speaking more succesful descendants.
I sometimes fantasize that I talk all the lefty latam goverments into forming a LATINO POWER coalition and then slowly make friends with the military to create a single unified empire.
Oh well, my rest is over, back to flipping burgers!
>Spain is a third world country
>Spain is a third world country,
>Spain is a third world country,
>Spain is a third world country,
>More succesful descendants.
>More succesful descendants.
>More succesful descendants.
>More succesful descendants.
>More succesful descendants.
>More succesful descendants.
I used to do the same in HoI2 with Argentina as a kid, but I sucked at the game.
Relativity my friend. Spain is a pretty irrelevant European country and amongst the poorest ones in one of the richest regions if not THE single richest region in the world.
>Spain is a pretty irrelevant European country
A bigger army and a higher GDP than any hispanic country
> and amongst the poorest ones in one of the richest regions if not THE single richest region in the world
Spain's GDP per capita is on par with New Zeland's.
>Relativity my friend
Yet can't take back a tiny piece of land on it's own peninsula
>Relativity my friend
>Ignores relativity
Why are sudacas so dumb?
Yet we got some military bases
>implying I'm a sudaca
>pretty irrelevant
Spain is a poor and sad country
>A bigger army and a higher GDP than any hispanic country
That's because they stole that moolah by leeching off their Hispanic and European brethren. In reality, Spaniarabs and Moortuguese have produced NOTHING of value, and are more akin to a parasite than a proper nation. Hence why their economy is in the shitter; they're a third world country disguised as a first world country through their logistical EU auxiliary.
>Spain is a poor and sad country
>GDP per capita of New Zeland
>Sad country
Delusion.Sudacas pron duce more gold in 1 month than what Spain extracted in 300 years
The portuguese at least are aware and recognize that their country is poor
Spaniards on the other side believe that they are germans
Wow you're only the third shittiest economy in Europe! Congratulations!
>third shittiest economy in Europe
>He believes that France,the UK and Italy have shitty economies by European standards
Italy is a third world shithole and this includes the north
t. Bergamasco
>Italy is a third world shithole
Il """"""""""""bel"""""""""""" paese รจ un buco di rumenta
true, but most of them had to pack and close when the war was over. There was big popular unrest against the bases, that sort of thing paved the way for populist politicians.
Yeah and so did the chinese and the ruskies so that's how much good it did ya.
>Eurocucks actually believe that immigrants assimilating and showing love for their new country is something to mock
How are those sharia zones treating you?
How is that 60% going for you?
Spain is worse than even fucking Italy
is a meme country like all the meds
>be European
>welfare state collapses
>get raped and killed by the new caliphate
>be American
>welfare state collapses
>coalitions of neighborhoods mow down hordes of gibsmedats
Because dagos
Fuck hispanshits
Fuck angloscum. Your empire will eventually fall and we will take our land back.
Literally no one in Spain believes this. Are you on drugs, user?
>tfw i will never be 100% gael and have to deal with my disgusting angloshit genetics
I fucking hate germans i wish the romans had genocided them instead of the gauls, germans are violent apes undeserving of civilization
>Implying American neighbourhoods will even exist
Sorry pal but the Mexican reconquista already happened
Bullshit. In the late 1940's The Walt Disney Company was basically kept afloat by selling South American outreach videos to the State Department. If you've ever seen "The Three Caballeros" you'd know that it was a movie made in 1945 about Donald Duck, a bird-person from Central America, and a bird-person from South America exploring Latin culture.