Got a trezor
Got a trezor
How do I use it
I guess you plug it, get the BTC address and then send whatever you want to store to that address.
Use it as a comfy cold wallet, money you are pretty much storing for longer periods of time and not leaving on a exchange, a shit website or a wallet.dat on your computer.
its awkward to carry. should have gotten a ledger nano. more shit coin support.
Fuck. Seriously?
why doent a normal usb drive do ?
do you really need that fancy display ?
Nice, I also have a trezor they are pretty niffty
A lil bit more shitcoin support but if you are holding shitcoins for any length of time that you are having to keep them on a hardware wallet.. you are doing it wrong anyway
Just ETH and ZeroX.
Its not a usb drive you goof...
its used to verify transactions. if your pc is compromised it comes in useful.,
i got one but am getting a ledger for the upcoming neo support.
im also not satisfied with it's portability. ledger looks like it can be reliably attached to a keyring. trezor not so much.
Read the instructions and don't screw up or you will lose you coins forever.
>Turn on passphrase encryption after you understand what it does, and don't forget that passphrase.
>Send a small amount to the wallet with no passphrase
>Send the real amount to the passphrase wallets
>Turn off the passphrase encryption
>When/if someone is hitting you with a wrench, deny ever knowing it even has that passphrase feature
Just use a fucking paper wallet
i know its not a usb drive im saying you can do the same with a usb drive
I own a couple of ledger nano s. Shit is cash. Using one to store ERC20 tokens from ICOs and the ETH I use to buy them.
Trezor also supports that through myetherwallet, you just plug it and use the website as interface, it never sees your keys or pin/password, stupid easy to use.
it's not the same, there's no way for a compromised computer to see what the fuck is on the hardware wallet. All it does is sends a transaction that you can see on the screen and then it receives the confirmation. That's as far as it can see/do with your wallet
I honestly don't feel comfortable leaving 200k in tokens on liqui for example.
No, you can't... Lmao
sold out until mid september tho
true dat. i went with a trezor a month ago for same reason. trezors are actually available of the shelf.
>im saying you can do the same with a usb drive
>there are people this dumb browsing Veeky Forums RIGHT NOW
but it's in stock on amazon right now.
why would you "carry" it?
maybe 2.0 will be for sale by December
>carrying around a hardware wallet
at least if you do this dont carry large amounts of crypto on it
i believe that the likelihood of my house being burgled is higher than me being mugged.
Why? Do you understand how these work?
Basically it operates independently from the machine. Meaning no malware or other rogue software/intruder could steal your keys.
Oh wait shit OP, I forgot to say.. ERC20 tokens i.e shit coins.. can be stored on TREZOR quite alot of them actually.. instead of actually on the TREZOR wallet.. myetherwallet is compatible with the trezor for storing all your shitcoins
cause I store all my BNT on my trezor through myetherwallet
This is one of my favorite pepes
guys what is difference between this and storing your wallet file in a usb flash drive? why do i pay for trezor?
if i disconnet from internet, create a wallet and put it in usb, is it not the same thing?
(honest question)
Same here OP, he looks so happy and content
I believe it has a 2fa code you can only see on the device itself
got a trezor too, i dont use it, its collecting dust particles
he is because he has accepted his fate
it is not. Everytime you use that wallet you need to plug that to a computer and at least type in a password to decrypt it. That means that every time you use it you can get the file stolen or soemthing can read what the fuck is the password to encrypt it.
With a hardware wallet you are not at risk even if the computer you are using has a keylogger and has someone connected watching your every move. The only thing that the computer sees is the address and a accept/decline from the wallet. That's why they have a screen and a couple of keys. The computer sends the transaction to the wallet, it displays how much are you sending and if you accept the transaction. Consider it a middle ground between convenience and security.
i understand now. thank you, user.
Consumerists need to find something to spend money on
Give it to me
make some cash back, sell it. Doesn't matter who had one before you just create new keys and it's still safe to use
the ledger can actually store shit coins. tokens are understood. if it uses MEW.
ledger supports these:
Bitcoin Cash
Ethereum Classic
+ERC20 tokens
trezor maybe half of them
all your shit coins should be on exchanges waiting to be traded for more BTC anyway
Unless you, like, you know, put it in a safe under some floorboards covered by a carpet under a cabinet that you have to move to get to it.
Seriously, you can't be this retarded. Keeping it stored in a static location is the safest. Dropping it or being mugged IS a lot more likely.
not where i am unfortunately. i could only bring myself to order from the official homepage anyway, less middlemen involved the better (know it has the integrity checker thing but still)
What happens if you lose it or someone steals it? What happens if it gets damaged? Serious questions, please answer
you have a recovery key
houses catch on fire, get flooded.
i have to trade the coins. it's not cold storage. i use the coins. wont keep them on exchanges so the jews can steal them. i'll take my chances on the streets.
People get hit by cars, people lose their phones, keys, wallets while out doing day to day stuff. Your argument for taking it with you is pretty weak.
You're gonna lose that trezor. I guarantee it.
It can store ARK too after sept 1st update
never lost keys, wallet, phone. got hit by a car once or twice. i value the control i have when it's with me.
>I haven't lost stuff before
dont argue with a retard, he'll take you down to his level and beat you with experience
don't come crying on biz for donations when you lose it, kid. you'll be posting pink wojaks very soon.