Made mad gains with crypto but still a terrible person and depressed. How can I kill myself in an efficient way. I can't buy gun. Help me Veeky Forums. I'll give my BTC.
Made mad gains with crypto but still a terrible person and depressed. How can I kill myself in an efficient way...
Other urls found in this thread:
Buy gun with your mad gainz, go to liquerstore and buy alcohol, go home & drink the bottle and shoot yourself when drunk = winwin you are welcome
Two components to suicide:
1) Mental preparation.
2) Physical execution.
Usually when my friends ask me to aid them in suicide, I tell them this:
"I'll help you, but only if we take a trip to the mountains, meditate there for a month, and only then, if you still feel like it, we'll perform a nice ritual and then you'll be no more."
No one has yet taken the offer. I'll talk to you, if you want. Here, or private.
PS: 14E6UGN5q8ZAxNg8XyBCJZxaHL7RZ2Jv2z
Travel the world or some shit. Experience being miserable in a different country. It's refreshing. Just don't kill yourself like some jabroni
Ffs user can't you read. Just wrote I can't buy gun. How can I buy gun anyway in Europe ? Noob here.
> Get high
> Take warm bath or sit in shower
> Cut wrist
> Fall asleep/ pass out
> Never wake up
You're welcome op.
Just don't do it. There will be people out there that still want you around and you will be hurting them.
Spend some of your gains on starting a new life and reinvent yourself somewhere else. Start again.
If you really are a awful person then seek a way to mend your bad self.
i wish i was your friend..
Don't kill yourself, go live in the streets. Become homeless. I'm not fucking with you.
I'm really not.
Send me your BTC and I'll fly to wherever you are in the world and choke you out.
Fucking hollow advice like this never helps anyone.
You need and Helium tank and some oxigen mask. You open the helium flow (VERY SLOWLY, IT MUSTS FEEL LIKE YOUR BREATH) and you inhale that shit. 1 minute you are out and 5 you are dead. Painless because the body thinks it is still oxygen. You're welcome.
Ok this one looks good. Can I use somnific instead of drugs ?
yeah this
fly to peru and do an ayahuasca retreat
then go to some swanky meditation place and meditate for a month nonstop
after that re-assess if you still want to kill yourself
Boi use my method. You'll literally feel nothing. I'll get some info, I'm not playing here.
Try moving to a different state and live off of the fat of the land, user. Life is so worth it no matter how shitty you feel at this moment.
Really if you have decent money you could just jump out your comfort zone and reinvent yourself in another country. OP has said he is in Europe.
Maybe s/he should get a job in a bar. At least you would meet lots of people and see how awful life is for the sad cases.
There is nothing quite like bar work to make you realise how bad alcoholism is.
Here it is.
Become one with nature as implies. You will rethink life as a whole and realize you are infinitely tethered to the universe.
Understand that life is precious, user.
Millions of people die everyday, but you woke this morning.
There is truth and reason in that.
Just take like, four aspirins. To thin the blood out.
But you really should be doing this
Don't think about It, Just do this.
Bro, don't kill yourself. It can't be worth it. Please.
I have been depressed before, seriously depressed, in such a deep hole. I convinced myself it would never end. We can all find a way, OP.
I think back to the days where I would consider killing myself, and I just laugh..because I realize how naive I was, and I realize how lucky I am that I didn't go through with it. I'm not rich money wise. But I've got a deep appreciation for life. OP, it is worth holding out. It is worth staying alive, please.
If you want to talk about any of it...I'm here. Don't give your $ to these people, you'll regret it down the road. Please.
OP, the most painless method of suicide is asphyxiation via an inert gas (e.g. helium).
watch this:
BTC address: 1M2P8aYZMGUsw8vt75SnGwXX8Q5DDHDQ1F
however, before you go on with this, ask yourself: do you REALLY want to die? death is permanent, and the pain you are experiencing now is impermanent. I understand where you're coming from, OP; I suffer from depression as well and I have been suicidal many times in the past. what worked best to manage my depression was cognitive behavioral therapy.
Identify what has depressed you, attack it.
Do whatever the fuck you want to do OP, put your life in danger for once, if you die then nothing of value was lost. If you still want to kill yourself go out in style, if I must choose a way to die I'd rather go with a bang than shooting myself.
Anything OP. Don't kill yourself. Set aside all of your worries and obligations and take a vacation to some place. See the beauty of Iceland. Travel to the warm pleasant Cook Islands, or Hawaii, something. Just don't do it. If you need someone to talk to, you've got people on here.
honestly, it's gonna be hard, but you don't have to end it. I challenge you to do something small, anything. you'll start to feel things. it can be anything; taking in the little moments, going out and looking at something, touching things.
those little things add up. with your gains, maybe you can buy something for yourself, something fun. new pair of shoes, a shirt, a new soda. you'll cave back into depression mode but it's normal. keep doing small things everyday and you'll feel more, and those little experience stack up. for me it took months. for others it may take years, and it's ok.
just keep at it, and remember that people out there believe in you; it's just that you may not have even met them yet.
the world can be apathetic, and it mostly sucks. we can play a video game together, just chill with some peeps online. maybe you'll feel something. reaching out like this already helps, and it's honestly important that you put yourself out there, user or otherwise.
Fuck off mate, I said it first.
>arguing over who should get the $ for showing someone how to kill themselves.
Are you people fucking serious?
this also
If you are completely set on killing yourself, then why not do a high profile assassination first? I always hoped that if I ever decided to kill myself I would try to decide on a person who truly deserved to die, and take them out with me.
Money is choices in this world though. If you're truly moneyed up like you say, you should spend it on something interesting. Ayahuasca like the above poster suggested, or simply a long meth bender with hookers. Suicide is weak mate.
Anyway here's my address if there was anything of value in my words here
oh yeah I guess heres an address: 1bkRoER6c3tkPR511qzsmVT1fnxKhgADg
I'm not in a happy place in my life either man, but I guess I'll make a grilled cheese sandwich today, maybe it'll be cool.
You can, it'll take some effort going to shooting range clubs though. Hell you might even have so much fun that you'll bail on the whole crazy suicide thing.
Are you still here, OP?
Live in the streets OP. Take an ID with you and that's it.
if you off yourself at least pull an anders breivik and take some jew bankers and crooked politicans down with you
also one more thing OP
if you do kill yourself youll probably just end up back here
every religion in the world is against suicide
theres a very real chance youll be reincarnated in this same shithole of a planet or maybe even a worse one
you cant escape your karma
thats why I personally ruled out suicide for myself
>mad gains
>still can't find an illegal gun
For fucks sake
Be patient, cash out some money go to Panama City panama do coke, do hookers, get on a boat. Do something to get away and try to have a good time.
more like
Leeches and/or jews
>He asks for a way to kill himself
>I give it to him
>I'm a leech now
Well, I guess you're right.
Everyone here has already said everything I was going to say, so I'm just going to post my address. But whatever you do, make sure it is the right choice, suicide is a permanent solution to what could be a temporary problem. People can experience years of crushing depression before they learn to cope or it becomes bearable, and those people will tell you that they wished to commit suicide at the time but wouldn't do it now.
Wow sir. A leech? Yeah sure. A fucking JEW? You just crossed the line.
Obviously make sure no one is there to get the mask off your face "in time" or you're gonna be a vegetable for the rest of your life.
Make a noose and hang yourself. There are plenty of instructions online. I recommend you don't kill yourself, but that's your choice.
you have crypto so buy some potent opiates and go that way
you should probably abuse your brain with chemical feels before you OD on purpose
use up all your gains before you kill urself, or send the rest to the burn address so no one else can have them
Told ya I'm a weapon noob.
This helium thing looks good thank you user.
find someone to pull the trigger behind you. If you offer nice money a lot of niggers could do this, even in europe
Yeah, you are a leech. That's pathetic, man.
you should all be ashamed. How have we stooped this low.
Glad you're still around.
Please lad, dont do it. Stop thinking about it. You will not regret holding off from this..please.
You have the whole Internet by your side. You can learn about guns, even how to build one yourself. Or explosives and other cool shit
The helium thing is boring as fuck, I'd recommend killing some other people before that, so you would have no other choice except either killing yourself or getting butt raped until the end of your miserable existance.
My way would be - get a gun, shoot random people, sit at home waiting for the cops, hear a knock on the door, shoot yourself, find out it was a mailman
Meh no user. I've hurt people with words already so I don't want to do something harmful anymore.
This. Blow up a synagogue
>I've hurt people with words
Time to hurt them with something more fun. Don't be a fag
Ok. You already got my Wallet address.
>I dont want to do something harmful anymore
so you have a good heart. Please, listen to the people who want to help you.
Do you need somebody to talk to? I'm serious.
Oh, this this this
J-just in case.
Honestly cash out some of that and just go fucking have some fun.
Party. Buy shit. Fuck hot ass escorts. Get rub and tug massages. Enjoy life a little man and you'll be fine.
welcome to Veeky Forums
also gtfo underage b&
> tfw crying in an airbnb 1000s of miles from the little family I had
still here OP?
da fuck is this shit. Dont kill urself. create a moth army and take over the world.
Use a little of your gains for therapy, user. Don't miss out on being comfy in your self driving car, cruising the streets of neon Tokyo at night. You've got a sickness, it's not your fault. There is no shame in getting help.
Hey bro, being a terrible person is very subjective. About depression there's probably somethings to do. Before killing yourself here's a list of things to do:
>learn new skills
>learn new language
>spend money on girls
>spend money on drugs
>read about philosophy
>try all the things you never tried before, eventuelly you will find something enjoyable
>get spend some time alone in remote places
OP the helium method looks legit, ordering a bottle myself for the sudukoes.
But lets make it fun, lets double up!
Send to my address the btc, 13VBM5DrtQTqitRDvS4mbrFGTEXbZ7tZXL
and then ill make same thread in a month or so (24days), then we pass it along.
We might even hit a triple! Pretty legendary I think.
just don't fuck it up or you could end up a braindead vegetable.
op dont do it, go get laid and travel,
here yo go a picture of my sister
This senpai. Don't. Fuck. It. Up. Read the instructions carefully, or else you'll be hating me in the hospital.
Update: still here. Waiting my stuff to be delivered by Amazon.
BTW my BTC are locked in an Ico. I'll deliver soon.
if you're having second thoughts and want someone to talk to that's experienced similar things, reply to my post and I'll send you a throwaway email address.
I wish you the best OP.
op, life is a mistery and its worth to live and experience it. i was depressed like you but i found the light in the tunnel.
just dont do it, also if you want to share something
Have you tried using hard drugs? I heard they increase your dopamine for like 600%. Maybe then you can see that being happy is just a chemical in your body, and that you just are deppressed because the chemical isnt high enough in your body, like me. Ha, i just popped a molly and i feell good as shit.
Man, please don't go through with it.
I'm with this guy. Reply and I will also provide throwaway email. Please OP don't make this decision. I've been through the same shit. I too have considered suicide.
And don't give those people your money.
If you're going to get rid of your money at all, give it to a charity that is confirmed to distribute its money to its cause. Don't give it to people who are going to squander it.
OP. We are here for you. It's not worth suicide, it never is. Please.
Do as you like mate.
Go fuck yourself. If you really wanted to help him then you shouldnt have posted your BTC wallet address.
OP LISTEN UP, if you are really going through with this, then make sure you say goodbye to the one you love. They deserver an answer before you go. And comeon just donate that money to someone you know and really like. Like a friend, or your mother, or someone you just really adore and looked up to.
can someone upload the pic with the thread about the london bro that actually wanted to an hero and was seeking advice and then he an heroed and it made the news,
i need to feel.
OP. post your location and when you will do it so we can see you in the news.
I really wouldn't want to see it happen, though.
Ok guys OP here. Call me SuicidalDolphin since I'm not quite a whale. I'll make another thread where I'll explain my thoughts. Thanks for your support message. What an internet hate machine over here.
I'm glad to see you're still around man. Again, my offer for someone to talk to is ALWAYS on the table.
here's a temporary email address for you just in case: [email protected]
email me there and I'll send you my real email address or whatever method you want to talk to through.
So you will an hero or not?
Go to your doctor and say you have insomnia. Keep all the pills that you were prescribed for 2months and take them all at once. Painless way to die.
i can sell you one, what do you have in mind?
>carbon monoxide
buy 5 disposable grills
choose your smallest room, make it airtight
enlight the grills and sleep well Veeky Forumsbro
btc 12Zn5mPHbyc1xdNQmR2n8WfsF14w4HPgC9
I'll be one eventually user
Heroine od
Giv 5 btc
Sleeping pills are the best way to go
1. Don't do it. Once you are dead you can't experience anything anymore (not even the good things).
2. If you really insist, just climb to the roof of a tall building and jump. Easy, fast and cheap. Just be sure to do something valuable with your money before jumping. Also, think of the guys that will have to clean the zone of your death.
BTC: 1Fpi2x5FQnSVUheQqpod2RFNtdP5DpbC2k
>OP seems like good guy, is suicidal
>bottom feeder scum literally begging for bitshekels from OP, these people are probably happy and will continue to live on
fuck this planet
it's disgusting.
What can I say mate. After a while you just stop caring about your life and others lifes. To me this is like giving advice in Veeky Forums or Veeky Forums. I feel literally nothing.
Fuck a hooker. Hard.You'll feel way better
Fuck a hooker. Hard. You'll feel way better trust me
Do not kys, but please