Why didn't Gadaffi and Sadam didn't ask for russia and china protection before trying to drop the dollar?
Serious question.
Why didn't Gadaffi and Sadam didn't ask for russia and china protection before trying to drop the dollar?
Serious question.
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Why would those countries want to help shitty Arab states they have no national interest? Also in 2003 neither Russia, nor China had capabilities to do anything against America.
then why iran hasn't been invaded by the US since the iranian revolution?
Because it's not a real enemybor threat to anyone and serves better as an eternal scapegoat.
Because Russia have huge oil interests in Iran. Also they used to be a lesser threat to American interests than Iraq.
Why they tried to drop the dollar without having an alliance with russia for defence?
I'm just going to second this guy, not much to add to that
Putin went and lit a fire under their asses on TV for Gaddafi right after they killed him, but there wasn't really much he could do at that point.
They simply weren't ready. At least they managed to protect Syria and even that was literally 5 minutes to midnight kind of deal.
Why modern russia and china could defend syria now but not Irak and Lybia?
Iran has excellent relations with Russia and China.
After the "liberation" of Libya the non-western world sort of got enough of the US and Europe interfering in other nations. Worst of it all was that it happened with the mandate of the UN, which specifically forbids regime changing. The UN basically lost most of its believability after Gadhaffi's desth for the next 10 years.
Besides invading Iran would be Afghanistan times a 100. Mountainous geography, resolute population and a modern, well trained army would mean a gigantic clusterfuck.
Doesn't mean it never happens though. There's a reason why you dont see, hear or read much about Iran, besides when its about their nuclear program. Makes it easier to persuade the homefront that Iran is an "evil" nation.
Anyone who ever actually visited it will tell you its one of the most beautiful countries on the planet with the most friendly people you'll ever meet. Watch this: youtu.be
They probably did under the table
China haven't really gotten involved, and Russia have huge interest in Syria, especially their only warm water port in the Mediterranean sea, going way back to Soviet times.
Both countries have also upped their military strength since 2003, for Russia it has accelerated quickly since the less-than-flawless invasion of Georgia.
What does this mean for future american invasions?
Also this. From a military stand-point Iran is way worse to invade than Iraq. American wargames showed that the casualties of attacking totally-not-Iran would cause catastrophic casualties. Also Iran have the capability to close the straits of Hormuz, at least for a few days, which would be very bad for Western economy.
You will have to wait for someone else to toss in the China angle, but Russia was in absolutely no shape to defend Iraq in spring 2003, barely 4 years after they literally went bankrupt and had to can national security measures, like strategic bomber patrols, let alone putting itself between America and some Arab country for no practical gain. There was also a perestroika residue, Putin was still trying play married couple with W.Bush, trying to get Russia accepted into the West. Iraq war shook that delusion (Russia was totally okay with Afghanistan, as they saw it as killing two birds with one stone, one - America now knew what Russia had to put up with and Russia was ready to lend a hand to retaliate, two - they thought America would cull the Russia-bound opiate trade from Afghanistan [kek]) and 2008 shattered it. But Russia was still on shaky legs, and it would continue to be that way by 2011. They were finally somewhat done pulling their shit together in 2014, and you know what happened then. And year later as America was about to kick down the doors on Syria, they finally went there.
>Iranian propaganda on Veeky Forums
We probably aren,'t going to one anytime soon. Russia have made it clear that they won't let countries they have interest in fall without a fight. America doesn't really want regime changes in any country except Syria, which ain't gonna happen.
Also the people's of the Western countries are tired of sending their sons to die in far-away countries. Boots on the ground is a sure way to lose an election
you know china will back their currency with gold and will make trade deals with the arabs to trade their oil in yuan.
do you think americans will let their economy collapse?
No I don't. Why would the oil states turn away from America? They have only reaped huge rewards from it and America has shown its willingness to use military might to defend them, so security-wise it's a really good deal as well and something China won't have capabilities to do in decades
The US is in a weird position right now.
Trump has ran as a (mostly) isolationist candidate, yet during his presidency has ordered to keep the bombs falling in Syria, and took a hardline approach to North Korea. Perhaps Trump's biggest strength is that no-one (including himself) don't know what geo-strategy is going to look like.
If he doesn't get the re-election however, expect the anti-Iran rhetoric to start again. The American drums of war can never stay silent for a very long time.
yeah, let's ignore the FED is printing infinite money.
will you trade your commodities with gold or with FED printed paper?
I think you have a very skewed look on economics. Almost like you learned it from /pol/. But in any case: again why would the oil states turn away from a system that have made them unfathomable rich? Same goes for the Chinese. Why would they want to change the system that lets them have the very efficient currency of the yen that they can manipulate and have, among other things, turned them into an economic power house?
If you can use the fed printed paper to buy more things more easily than the gold, then I'd pick the paper.
Gold standard is for teenagers and senior citizens.
I dunno, something called the FED printing infinite money giving them economic systems inflation?
that's not what the chinese aren't doing.
why do BRICS are hoarding gold like crazy and (((someone))) keeps the price of gold artificially low?
the economy is going to explode soon.
you can't borrow money infinitelly since 1971 without the system collapsing at some point.