Why did Spaniards bother conquering Native American cities and mixing with them? It's not like every single square inch of the Americas was occupied. The Spaniards could have simply formed villages in isolated areas.
Why did Spaniards bother conquering Native American cities and mixing with them...
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They unironically believed that they needed to save their souls. Spanish missionaries learned irrelevant languages and traditions from people like the aymara and the mapuches with the exclusive purpose of converting them. The reacher further than the empire itself.
They went travelling through the land and most of the villages the conquistadors visited gave the conquistadors some of their woman as a gift. So they accepted them, converted them, and had children with them.
>They unironically believed that they needed to save their souls.
For a truly devout Franciscan or Jesuit, the sudden discovery of two whole continents of heathens completely unexposed to The Word must've been quite the moral horror initially.
Because they didn't bring any women with them on their ships and they were horny and pent up from their long voyage across the Atlantic.
So basically they were the ISIS of their day...
>they were the ISIS
>Spanish missionaries learned irrelevant languages and traditions from people like the aymara and the mapuches with the exclusive purpose of converting them.
How is that ISIS like?
They needed overseers and soldiers
>destroying artifacts
>forcefully converting people
Latinas are thirsty for white cock. It's even stronger than asian women.
>white cock
Missionaires didn't rape.They never genocided.I don't know if they destroyed artifacts,some did I guess.And they didn't forcefully converted anyone
Spaniards have no people to control all of that so they had to mix with natives
Only devout catholics wanted to convert anyone. Everyone else didnt since converting to catholism gave you some protection from getting pillaged
Spaniard here, would do it again you ungrateful mongrel
Spain and the native american cultures still practiced intermarriage between each kingdom's nobles whenever an alliance between two kingdoms was established, and I'm guessing this set an example for the colonists and made them more willing to do the same.
Also, most of the spaniards who went to the new world were male so they pretty much had to fuck the native girls.
Do it again Cortés
The Spanish explorers didn't bring any women with them. Mixing with indigenous women was the only way for them to reproduce.
let´s do it but this time on your country EUboy
Who the fuck would want to move to Spain?
spanish speaking people I guess
>In fact, according to the Financial Times, Spain is the most favoured destination for West Europeans considering to move from their own country and seek jobs elsewhere in the EU.[13]
If the EU project keeps going Spain will become Europe's California.
For the Texas colonies they brought women and children.
British pensioners?
Most Brittish in Spain are in the 18-65. Only 21% are 65 years or older
Because fighting an endless guerrilla war is time consuming, they couldn't just leave heathens to their own devices and they had a traitor to her people with them
>Missionaires didn't rape.They never genocided.I don't know if they destroyed artifacts,some did I guess.And they didn't forcefully converted anyone
I'm going to need you to never talk about something you have no idea about again
>Le butthurt Incaboo
He's not me, paranoid subhuman brainlet monkey.
t. mestizo larping as spanish
Traveling trough south America now. Shame of lost culture and shit. But on the other hand it is good they killed them all.
Native American workers were needed to extract American resources for the Spanish and Portuguese. Because nearly all of the early settlers were men, indigenous women were often taken as wives, mistresses, or prostitutes.
Based Spain
Incas were superior to europeans though.
> they killed them all
what the fuck are you talking about
While only memes and just lies are being posted here, I may as well post actual reasons too
1 - You don't conquer land, you conquer people, land is useless if you don't have someone to work it. There were like 9 million people in Iberia, Spain and Portugal couldn't just send people to America to populate all of it and work the land, specially not with the restrictions to travel to America and the money needed to do it,
2 - Believe it or not, race mixing between the Spaniards, free and enslaved Africans, and Amerindians was very common, specially between people of the same classes. Caste system aside, there was no real difference between a poor White Spaniards and a poor Amerindians Spaniards, both subjects of the King and Catholics.
3 - Conquest by blood. The idea of mixing was at some level promoted, the idea was to produce "mixed Spaniards" with some kind of loyalty to Spain instead of just Amerindians who are just subjects of the crown because they are forced to.
4 - Something related to point 3, taking land from Amerindians. You see, land was very hard to come by in Spanish America, the "high class" got most of the land and the Amerindian allies of the Spaniards the rest, so imagine you are a poor Spaniard family who migrated to the American territories and now see yourself in a crappy situation, no land, no jobs because of the level of development of the continent, so what do? The White Spanish high class wont mix to trash like yourself, your son and daughter have no chance, but then you see the good old "Cabildo de Indios" where all the land belongs to Amerindians, and guess what, they don't see you as trash as the White high class, so perhaps, you can send your son and daughter there, and make them marry an Amerindian there, and bam, you married in to a family with some land, you got Mestizo grandchildren and the rest is history.
i cant believe nobodys stated the real reason yet.
they sometimes did, see Pedro de Mendoza expedition
Also, during the colony, race mixing was very common between every group, making the "caste system" to become irrelevant. Racial segregation didn't start until the late 19th century, during the post independence time in America.
This can actually be seen all over Hispanic America, their early leaders used a lot of Amerindian symbols to represent themselves (both as a way of distinguishing themselves from Europe and relate themselves with oppression of the Amerindians), there mere many pure Amerindians who were early leaders and politicians, even Blacks. Then, everybody started LARPing as French and British, nobody wanted to be "Amerincan", and so on, even countries like México and Guatemala, with a minority White population and huge Amerindian populations, where early on they had Amerindian presidents/dictators and what not, there was a very drastic change in treatment regarding non Whites and the representation of the local population, then again, the same can be said about the rest of Hispanic America.
Completely false, also
Even in the most famous representation there is of the Caste system you can see White Spanish women mixing with non White Spanish men.
Not really, the natives were more like ISIS considering they were systematically slaughtering people for their God.
But either way it's a silly comparison.
This painting is mostly satirical, there never were that many stratified and differentiated castas. Basically español, mestizo, criollo, black, mulatto and pure indian
>This painting is mostly satirical, there never were that many stratified and differentiated castas
No, there were that many, even more depending on the place, the point is that IRL nobody gave a shit and it was literally impossible to classify people product of different mixes, that's why IRL the caste system had no real use and it was the idea of a bureaucrat "worried" about the social hierarchies of the Spanish settlements in America.
>kid is born
>both parents White
>but surprise, he had 1 great great grandparent and he was born with very strong Negroid features
>three kids are born, same parents
>Amerindian dad, White mum
>one looks White, one Amerindian, the other one Mixed
What a reliable system to work with. Also, by the way, those 16 mixes/classes are not satirical at all, those are the 16 main mixes recognized by the Crown for all of America.
In the 13th through 15th centuries, Europeans had learned that large libraries of Arabic-language books amassed by the Moors contained "lost" books by esteemed Greek-speaking authors and amazingly useful new books written directly in Arabic.
These libraries came to be a source of wealth and prestige for those who translated and transcribed them, and the Spanish expected to turn the same moneymaking trick with these Mayan books.
However, the Spanish themselves hadn't been the translators and scribes who worked on all those Moorish books. Most of the work had been done by Muslims and Jews under Moorish law. This new translation effort would be done by Franciscan friars under Spanish law.
And 16th century Spain was a dystopic theocracy run by sadistic illiterates who burned synagogues for fun. Uh oh.
By July 1562 those friars were staging an auto-da-fé. This was a common ritual in 15th-century Spain and very similar to what the Taliban do in Afghanistan today; a person, place or thing is declared blasphemous then destroyed in a public ceremony.
This ceremony coincided with the retirement of Diego de Landa, a Franciscan who had initially championed peaceful conversion of the Maya in his days as a friar but who later insisted that the literate class, the Mayan priests and royalty were a satanic cult. He declared his own Inquisition and interrogated his former translators under torture. If he didn't like the answers he was getting he would hang men by their wrists with coral blocks tied around their ankles, perhaps hoping they would break character and commence blabbering about their close personal friendship with the Devil. Ordered home, Landa used the last days of his authority to destroy all the research materials he had assembled including 27 codices, 5000 votive deities and an unknown amount of notes and copied codices
The only book to survive the project was Landa's own memoir, a huge thing called Relación De Las Cosas De Yucatán
>However, the Spanish themselves hadn't been the translators and scribes who worked on all those Moorish books. Most of the work had been done by Muslims and Jews under Moorish law
The school of translators was founded by Alfonso the VIII in Toledo. You have no fucking clue about what you are talking about
Prove me wrong, ISISpanishit
>Raymond of Toledo, Archbishop of Toledo from 1126 to 1151, started the first translation efforts at the library of the Cathedral of Toledo, where he led a team of translators who included Mozarabic Toledans, Jewish scholars, Madrasah teachers, and monks from the Order of Cluny. They translated many works, usually from Arabic into Castilian, and then from Castilian into Latin, as it was the official church language. In some cases, the translator could work directly from Arabic into Latin or Greek. The work of these scholars made available very important texts from Arabic and Hebrew philosophers, whom the Archbishop deemed important for an understanding of several classical authors, specially Aristotle.[6] As a result, the library of the cathedral, which had been refitted under Raymond's orders, became a translations center of a scale and importance not matched in the history of western culture.[7]
The guys who pushed for the school of translators was a bishop.
>Gerard of Cremona was the most productive of the Toledo translators at the time, translating more than 87 books in Arabic science.[8] He came to Toledo in 1167 in search of Ptolemy's Almagest. Since he did not know Arabic when he arrived, he relied on Jews and Mozarabs for translation and teaching.
The most important translator was Italian.
Again you clearly have no clue about what you are talking about
Who gives a shit about Spaniards being Araboos. Spaniards were violent destructive retards like ISIS
You claimed
>However, the Spanish themselves hadn't been the translators and scribes who worked on all those Moorish books. Most of the work had been done by Muslims and Jews under Moorish law
I told you
>The school of translators was founded by Alfonso the VIII in Toledo. You have no fucking clue about what you are talking about
And you said
>Prove me wrong, ISISpanishit
And I proved you wrong. You just made yourself look like an ignorant moron. No one can take your post seriously after getting caught lying
I claimed more than that in my post. You are conveniently ignoring the part you don't want to talk about cause you know you can't refute it :)
stop it faggot
>I claimed more than that in my post.
I stop reading after I saw that you were lying. Your post should be deleted as it misinforms people
>You are conveniently ignoring the part you don't want to talk about cause you know you can't refute it :)
I could refute everything if I would read it. But I don't want to fuel a lier and won't even bother reading your post.
This was a time right after the reconquista where religious fervor was at an all time high and fanaticism was not only encouraged the church but by the state as well.
That coupled with the fact that you need men to guard your new territory so another nation doesn't just walk in and say "this is ours now" leads to race mixing.
As for why they didn't "form their villages far away from everything indian"; they had just stumbled upon literally uninhabited land(by their standards, anything not inhabited by a people that could fight back was uninhabited) and wanted as much of it as they could get their hands on.
>by their standards
Do you think Europe was as populated as China or India or something?
>no te entiendo
fucking kek
Fuck off Akhmed, you aren't fooling anyone.
No te entiendo, Torna atrás and Tente al aire, are the people who is so mixed they can look like anything and their children could also look like anything, basically, way yo mixed.