>Tfw your countrys history is commonly discussed in this board
How could a country with such a low population have been so relevant?
Tfw your countrys history is commonly discussed in this board
it just shows what kind of a joke european history is and how eurocentrism is a plague
But it wasn't.
The Swedish """Empire""" was a joke.
>tfw your country is eternal anglo of the middle east
>people talk about us even though they don't know anything about us
that's bad nibba
Wrong. If that was true people wouldn't be discussing us
But they don't.
French subsidies.
Thank Paradox Games
Was Sweden ever relevant? All I remember is that they expanded their territory just to get fucked when Russia and other countries didn't have to deal with internal and external conflicts anymore.
Swedes are kind of like Chinese, they only care about their own history and not anything interesting.
Well, at least people, especially in East Asia learn about Chinese History. To not forget China actually has relevant history.
Did this man save Protestantism? Could Protestantism have been destroyed militarily in the 17th century, or was that just Austrians larping?
Mediocre try.
I do. It's hugely historically relevant if you are Baltic/Scandinavian.
>tfw no Kalmar union in your lifetime
Denmark is more important
You lie.
Denmark ruled over all of Scandinavia the swedes did not
The swedish empire was a great power The kalmar union wasn't
Fuck Swedish """empire""". All it did was send peasants dying in wars started by mad ambitious asshole kings. Lower classes bled to enrich nobles but nowdays Swedish right wingers see that as something to be proud of. Sick sick people.
T. Pekka Suominlainen
Denmark never spread Protestantism to (semi-)pagans.
Right but doesn't change the facts that there is nothing to be proud of dying for asshole kings.
Swedish rule in Estonia and Latvia was way better than German rule.
Finns got off easy. The Estonians and Latvian suffered 700 years of slavery under Germans. Sweden was on the path to ending it, but the Great Northern War happened, the Russian tsar supported the German rule and gave them autonomy, and it continued until Alexander II (pbuh) freed the peasants.
>Finns got off easy
Dying far away from home to enrich Swedish nobles while having your culture oppressed isn't getting of easy.
>yfw the Swedish empire
>Be Swedish Empire
>last for 5 min
Don't cry because it's over
Smile because it happened
*1 century
>>yfw the Swedish empire
Stockholm had it coming
>yfw they are so irrelevant you don't even differentiate between them and just call them Scandinavian countries (this includes Finland and Denmark too)
Sweden was irrelevant for much of its history. The two things that make it stand out was that it was relatively in abandoning Catholicism in favor of Protestantism, and the short period as a great power in Europe, and the success there can be attributed to the genius of a handful of individuals who happened to live at about the same time.
Sweden is mentioned on this board a lot because 1) Swedes are highly prolific on the internet as a whole, and 2) Paradox Entertainment are Swedish.
Swedish vikings had a huge role in eastern europe as well
Swedes were never Vikings, the Varangians were Finns/ Slavs
and you're absolutely right. the same guys who get tear eyed listening to sabaton had ancestors who cried actual manly tears dying from dysentery or infections.
Yes. At more than one occasion even. The Empire of Sweden was one of the major players in Europe when it was still around, and almost single-handedly defeated the HRE during the 30 Years War despite inferior numbers. Had Gustavus Adolphus not died during the war it's likely that he would have attempted to unite the protestant princes under his rule, go on to conquer Denmark, and with it Norway and Iceland, and proclaim himself the Protestant Emperor of Europe.
In 1905 the country would prove to become relevant again when Norway declared independence. Had Sweden not agreed peacefully it seems very likely that WWI would have started there rather than with the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand as England was heavily in favor of Norway in the matter while Germany heavily supported Sweden (and made it very clear that Germany would go to war in Sweden's favor if push came to shove).
>just to get fucked when Russia and other countries didn't have to deal with internal and external conflicts anymore
Eeeh... Sweden proved to be able to handle multiple armies at different fronts at the time. Eventually Russia took Finland, which is generally seen as the end of the Empire, but there are also indications that this wasn't entirely due to the Russian effort either. Sweden had treated the Finnish population extremely poorly for centuries, and it seems likely that the Finnish armies essentially just handed over their lands to the Russians simply because "it can't possibly be any worse than living under Swedish rule."
Swedes weren't vikings like norwegians and danes
what part of it? right-wing neckbeards breaking down crying over silly shit when they're drunk?
Yes, but Sweden didn't exist as a country yet at the time and people usually only talk about them as Viking or the Norse, which is proper. The idea of being a Swede didn't exist at the time. There were the Svear, whose name eventually would be taken by the Swedish Kingdom, much like how England is practically named Land of the Angles despite including several different tribes and no Angles thinking of themselves as Englishmen.
There certainly were Finns and Slavs among the Norse population living in modern Sweden, and likely a minority of Celts as well. The majority of people would have been Norse though. Plain and simple.
Yes proud brother, never speak bad about glorious Swedish empire! youtube.com
Caroleans never cried. They were alpha males that never feared death
Man, that singer really sucks.
>eternal anglo of the middle east
I'm Anglo and a big Turkboo, but how do you reach this conclusion exactly?
Am Swedish and I agree entirely. Swedes have a tendency to look back at the empire and think nostalgic thought about how great we were back then. But I certainly think it's important that we do not forget how this also meant that we killed parents, tore apart families, ravaged and plundered the countries of other people. Not to mention how we treated the non-Swedish speaking population of our own kingdom.
It's a fun little thing to read about in history books, but it's definitely not something I wish we ever attempt again.
I like this one better
>Varangians were Finns/ Slavs
Idiocy, pure uninformed idiocy
Varangians were Anglo-Saxons, Normans, Swedes, Russians & Slavs, Finnish, Danish, etc. Pick up a fucking history book instead of making large sweeping statements.
It should however be noted that the majority of them were swedish
In fact, so many men left Sweden to seek service in the guard that laws were passed in Sweden, stating that no man could inherit while staying in Grikkland (the Old Norse name for the Byzantine Empire).
they didn't fear death out of bravery. they just saw it as a way to escape the endless sermons and nagging priests
No traces of them left behind. Even Rurik, the «swedish» varangian had a finnic haplotype
But they weren't, swedes were autists who feared going west. Were is the swedish equalent of Sweyn Forkbeard, Canute the Great, Harald Hardrada, Rollo, etc.?
>who were the Rus
Olof II raided baltic warrior tribes. Gardar Svavarson were one of the first to live and visit on Iceland.
Ulf of Borresta raided england many times.
The reason swedes rarely went west was because we didn't have an inch of coastline to the west
*Olof I
Because of Swedish barbarism.
Austrians, Portugese or Dutchmen managed more with the same amount of people and more difficult positions.
Both have amazing coastal positions
Yet they were still conected to mainland and got their s f'd up by armies on foot. Scandinavia on the other hand can be only invaded from sea or Finland and as such wasn't even worth invading until WW2.
Swedes didn't fear going west. The ports in in Sweden simply didn't lend themselves for going west. So the Swedes who travelled west would first go to Norway or Denmark to meet up with the expedition, while Danes and Norwegians looking to go east to, for example, join the Varangian Guard would first travel to Uppland.
Are you stupid, there's several runestones commemorating "swedes" ( as in, people who lived in the area now named Sweden) and returned after service in the revered varangian guard.
Also, the danish vikings weren't just danes. Denmark functioned as a launching point to the west, same as Roskilde in the Uppsala area functioned as a launching point to the east. People from all over scandinavia went to there places to join up with the band of vikings when it was announced by one lord or rich man or another that he was launching a campaign and needed men, and then they were briefly trained so they could fight as a group and off they all went. Viking travels weren't centralized things going through only local channels, they were an opportunity for adventure, fame, fortune and glory, and men from all over went to seek those things with other northlings, regardless of what tribe they belonged to.
Iceland was discovered by a Faroese man and settled by Ingolf Arnarsson, a Norwegian. Some random fuck that wintered there did nothing for the settlement of the island.
>all of the swedish vikangz can be counted with one hand, despite dwarfing both denmark and norway in terms of population
Vikangz my ass, wouldn't be surprised if they were Finns, like Rurik
They died for something, that's more than you'll ever do.
Statistics from the year ~1000
Norway population: 200 000
Sweden population: 300 000
Denmark population: 1 000 000
Denmark and norway were closer to the western parts of europe. Which were more developed, and thus more is known about them and their vikings.
It wasn't discovered by Ingolf Arnarson since he went there after Gardar did.
Rurik might've been related to finns, but he was culturally scandinavian and exclusively spoke old norse.
No way Sweden had almost the same of a population as Norway, its literally just a mountainous coast. Maybe Sweden and Denmark had roughly the same amount of people but there is no way Denmark had 1 million people in 1000 AD.
I said it was settled by Ingolf, not discovered by (which was a Faroese-Norwegian by the name of Naddoddr)
Where is the proof that Rurik spoke Norse?
>mfw this swedish boy is so insecure about this that he starts making things up
>Scandinavia on the other hand can be only invaded from sea or Finland
unless, you know, the attacker also happens to live in scandinavia
Denmark got invaded by the HRE and Prussia several times, and Sweden got shit on by Russia, and Sweden in return sperged out on all of its neighbours
>Swedish "empire"
More like empirelet
I only discuss your country because of some autistic band
>No way Sweden had almost the same of a population as Norway, its literally just a mountainous coast.
It did. A possible explanation for why is that Norway was larger then and had a large coastline with relatively mild climate thanks to the gulf stream
>Maybe Sweden and Denmark had roughly the same amount of people but there is no way Denmark had 1 million people in 1000 AD.
Maybe not 1 million. The source could've been wrong. But more than sweden and norway combined. Denmark at the time owned almost all of the most fertile land in Scandinavia.
>I said it was settled by Ingolf, not discovered by (which was a Faroese-Norwegian by the name of Naddoddr)
Okay, Gardar lived there first
>Where is the proof that Rurik spoke Norse?
Where is the proof that George Washington wasn't a unicorn with shapeshifting abilities?
>>mfw this swedish boy is so insecure about this that he starts making things up
>Yes. At more than one occasion even. The Empire of Sweden was one of the major players in Europe when it was still around, and almost single-handedly defeated the HRE during the 30 Years War despite inferior numbers. Had Gustavus Adolphus not died during the war it's likely that he would have attempted to unite the protestant princes under his rule, go on to conquer Denmark, and with it Norway and Iceland, and proclaim himself the Protestant Emperor of Europe.
>In 1905 the country would prove to become relevant again when Norway declared independence. Had Sweden not agreed peacefully it seems very likely that WWI would have started there rather than with the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand as England was heavily in favor of Norway in the matter while Germany heavily supported Sweden (and made it very clear that Germany would go to war in Sweden's favor if push came to shove).
Germany also supported Norwegian independence
Wikipedias medieval demographics state that Sweden had twice the population of Norway, and Denmark having a bit over twice the population of Norway. Even little Norway had more Vikangz than Sweden
Burden of proof is on you, you claimed Rurik spoke Norse. We dont even know if he really existed.
And wintering on a place is not the same as settling it. He fucked off back home once winter was over
>Wikipedias medieval demographics state that Sweden had twice the population of Norway, and Denmark having a bit over twice the population of Norway. Even little Norway had more Vikangz than Sweden
Because of its long coast west. I explained this earlier
>Burden of proof is on you, you claimed Rurik spoke Norse. We dont even know if he really existed.
If he existed, he spoke norse.
>And wintering on a place is not the same as settling it. He fucked off back home once winter was over
I don't think i said that he settled it. I Said that he lived there first, which he did
Small-medium european countries relevant for the history of the world?
Greece wasn't small back when it was relevant
Netherlands and portugal both had larger populations that Sweden untill recently
>they just saw it as a way to escape the endless sermons and nagging priests
>I got so bored of that stupid Church stuff so I became a warrior fearless if death
>A tip of the hat mlady
>turns 360 degrees and Skates away on his heelies
This user in a nutshell
but sweden never gets mentioned
and neither was it relevant
stop being so delusion user
Finns BTFO Russians better than Swedes ever could
Finns BTFO Finns better than Swedes ever could
Thanks for keeping The country nice and strong
I doubt that. Netherlands in 1600 had 1.5 million.
Portugal discovered or conquered a great part of the world with less than 1 million population.
Greece had other relevance.
More like a half a century
I checked wikipedia you are right, Sweden and the netherlands had roughly the same pop in 1600
itt swedes getting destroyed as usual.
Just face it your country is irrelevant and useless and have always been that.
Swedish medieval history is skewed as fuck. The most relevant parts of the country back then were in Väster- and Östergötland. But since Cuckholm is the capital today, of course Swedish history books will be a confusing read.
It's pathetic how much you idolize a bunch of blood thirsty thieves and murderers.
>They died for someone
not an argument swedecuck
>An amerifat is unironially posting ITT
>A Swede unironically thinks he isn't a subhuman
Your people are useless in every way, you are nothing but a lost tribe of albino niggers
Caroleans were 100% honorable
>Have historically black sub class left over from slavery
>They breed like rabbits
>Have 0% black underclass
>Invite them in as immigrants
>It's the Americans who are cucked
Wew lad