So lets do this! (wanna see how you see asian countires

So lets do this! (wanna see how you see asian countires

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wtf did Cyprus ever do to you?

He's a Turk, half of the place is Greek.


I consider Greeks as inferior.

That's actually a surprisingly positive opinion of Pakistan for a Bangladeshi.

I don't think I can outright say I hate any country. Though Pakistan is certainly my most disliked.

Only sensible map ITT

why i hate Levantines yet like Saudis/Yemenis
>WE WHITE ARABS ARE SUBHUMAN (although it's pretty clear that levantines are literal subhumans)
Gulf Arabs
>Ancient history
>Nomadic/Tribal way of life (One of the reasons why i like them)
>Cucked (F)ersian subhumans

Nobody cares

I am Greek, you are subhuman

Then why did you reply? Are you retarded? You probably are.

>liking indonesia
fucking why


I don't even know half of the countries in Asia, who cares


I liked the Raid movies.


Mostly based on how much I want to travel to them, but some like Turkey and Israel are fairly shitty because of politics / government.

What's the deal with everyone disliking Russians? Are you judging based on lower class trashy Russians? Middle to upper class Russians are really classy, intelligent, and well mannered. At least in my experience. Or is it politics? What's the deal, idgi.


I just think the country doesn't have much to offer in terms of travel personally - a few good spots but not much more than any other country while being cold as fuck. The politics are also shitty but that doesn't really affect someone just traveling through

Hello comrades


>homeland iran
>saudi arabia mixed feelings
how come you don't hate them? are you sunni?

the (F)ersian fears the Oghuz man

Im Iranian Armenian. i don't like the sauds(because of Islamism) but i don't hate them either.

yes, predictable

>hate japs
>can't get enough of their pop culture and try to ape it all the time

fucking gooks i swear



Why do so many people like vietnam in these. They're literally china-lite.

From a burger.

isis detected

Fight me, faggots.



r8 my glorious viewpoint

>Hate Cyprus

Why though?

more fucking trouble than they're worth

Jesus Christ, why are there so many sheep-shaggers in this thread? And they all have bad taste!

Where is your's fuckface

Which sheep-shagger are you?

An American with bland opinions. You should never be OK with Indonesia

I'm glad you love us though.


I love Anglos and don't care at all for most of the countries in SEAsia.




Why do you love Oman? it's literally the most irrelevant Arab country there is. Even a tiny microstate like Bahrain is more relevant.


I hope someone nukes this fucking shithole. Pidorashkas are not human

Also I solely like Turkey for downing our plane (ie bloholet)

Lol. Burger is buttmad against his masters. You're still going to suck that Zionist and house of Saud cock though.

Please elaborate hate.



Fuck the tiny islands.




fucking /int/ shit


Most of "no opinion" are between ok and mixed feelings.



No shit

bases burger


Today, in this edition of "This nigga knows"

>hating russia
C'mon, they helped make Greece exist.


Really? How is Saudi Arabia

Where are you from?

>Iranian Armenian


This was a very low quality shitpost.

>disliking China
Nice try Chinaman

he's the same turkshit that's been bringing down the quality of this board singlehandedly for months.

Here you go.

Same as usual. The house of Saud are basically turning Mecca into Las Vegas by destroying historic Islamic buildings and artifacts to build more ugly hotels and towers. They are also trying to turn Jeddah into Dubai 2.0 with all the new Jeddah tower that is coming up. The current king is a literal figurehead who is diagnosed with Alzheimer's and Dementia. The one who truly rules this country is his son in pic related. He is the one who started the invasion on Yemen and all the political gambling in the Middle East recently.

Tell us more about the Saudi crackdown on Qatif going on right now. Is it being blown out of proportion? Do you think Iran is behind it, or is it just Saudi propaganda?


What the fuck did Australia do to Korea?


probably jaded by an experience with one singular faggot

that or abos

Eternal hatred of the Jap and any country where they live

I'm . What the fuck is wrong with your map? You like the Eternal Chink and fucking Poo in the Loos and even the nigger Flips? What kind of fucking gook are you?

>Tell us more about the Saudi crackdown on Qatif going on right now. Is it being blown out of proportion?
This has happened three times already in 1979, 2011, and 2012. It isn't anything new.
>Do you think Iran is behind it, or is it just Saudi propaganda?
I don't think Iran is the one who started this, but i won't be surprised to find Iran was supporting them with aid once things kicked off.

I fear China will someday will go full imperialist mode towards Southeast Asia, and it's obvious that Australia involved too much in our foreign policy especially during East Timor crisis and currently Papua province

Why do you love Oman?

if some event happens that makes china go full japan style edo isolationist they might annex north korea sort of like the EU adopted its debt babies.

it couldnt do much more

Ibadi Islam, probably the only sane gulf country with llikeable king, and being progressive without forgetting their roots


Stop spamming the thread then and delete your post you goddamn Pajeet


Put some time into this.