Why the fuck were these guys so autistic? Like for real, if they devoted the time they spent larping and becoming the master race to the war effort they might of had more of a chance. Had did a group this autistic become powerful?
Why the fuck were these guys so autistic? Like for real...
>Like for real
You have to be 18 to post here, kiddo
Realistically, if the Nazi's devoted the time spent in grandiose parades and genocide to the war effort they would have been much more successful.
Now answer my question you fuck.
You do realize the parades and Nuremberg rallies were years before the war and were set up with the intention of getting people to follow Hitler and prepared to go to war? Also resources were used poorly but the Nazis thought they would gain more once they took Baku and Moscow (which never happened).
they were starving and lining up in breadlines and soup kitchens , the Nazis came to power and they weren't anymore
that's why the average fuck went along with it
The parades, ceremonies, etc. were a neccessity for the Nazi propaganda machine.
I understand the necessity of the parades but how did people not understand what was happening? The economic growth was solely caused by an inflation of war production, one that was unstable without actually going to war. Did the people just accept the fact another war was inevitable as long as the economy remained strong?
They were fed propaganda saying they must destroy bolshevism and inferior races or let Germany die due to not being strong enough. Also most people don't know how the economy works and thought Hitler was just a master of improving it.
Why did they start a war with everyone at the same time? Why didn't they focus on fucking france, then bomb the brits to hell and later get the rest of Europe?
Because you're an autistic edgelord
Didn't really have the means to invade Britian with their shit navy. They turned their attention to the east thinking having the threat of invasion over England would keep them at bay till they were finished.
then Stalingrad happened.
>why were these germans autistic?
reminder that the ideal aryan is fit like Goering, tall like Goebbels, and handsome like Hess
Holy shit this thread is horrid.
Veeky Forums on a friday night is a terrible place
>this one account proves everything was fine in Germany while they were being sent off to death, having their neigbours rounded up, and their retarded family members killed.
It's not the only account though. And to be fair it's far more accurate than anything anyone has presented in this thread thus far.
Also, there were real reasons that led to this war, and they are more complex that "dude fucking germans lmao", it would be helpful to study them if you ever wanted to prevent this type of conflict ever again.
But hey, "do it again harris" and all of that.
I already have. I know WW2 didn't break out for the sake of destruction and "evil".
that doesn't mean that life under the nazi's wasn't an authoritarian racial state.
Then you would be cringing at this thread as hard as I am. Like for real.
It certainly was. That's the entire point of it. To make a nation state for the German people.
I appreciate you using sources and that is an interesting account. I've definitely seen many positive experiences involving the Hitler youth. But most of these positive accounts I've seen were from children. Are they any accounts of "Aryan" Germans living among the Nazi's who opposed it, even if just privately?
t. butthurt german
>And to be fair it's far more accurate
Not really, it's lie after lie written by a fucking SSman.
Usual shit when discussing WW2, people like to just insult the nazis because they're the losers and its easy brownie points without having to actually discuss the war.
Maybe I'm thinking from too much of a modern stand point, but I still feel like living in England or America would have been better then living under the nazi's with some of their more extreme laws at the time.
Yes, it gets old.
I'm not advocating for nazi germany either if that's how your taking this. I just wish we could have a discussion about it with out /lefypol/ crossboarders sperging out at the mere mention that it existed.
anglo/italian burger actually.
>Hans Schmidt
high-speed masturbatory minecart into lampshade factory rollercoaster tier
>Hans Schmidt (24 April 1927 – 30 May 2010) was a German-born naturalized American citizen, member of the Waffen-SS during World War II, and founder of the German-American National Political Action Committee (GANPAC). He was primarily known for his promotion of White separatism, National Socialism, antisemitism, and Holocaust denial.
Great, unbiased source.
Himmler was a faggot regardless of whether you like the Nazis or not. Nobody did more to damage their reputation than him.
>To make a nation state for the German people.
Yes, one sprawled over much of Europe and excluding all the people who had lived there before.
shut the FUCK up
One thread is enough
That's objectively the reason though.
I don't agree with it but it was what it was.
please give this post () a read, you're exactly the type of poster I'm talking about
The objective reason is expansionism. I have nothing against discussing Nazi Germany but don't bring in /pol/-tier arguments, then.
What argument? It's merely a discussion of what was. You are seeing boogeymen where there are none.
The argument that it was just about uniting the Germans. It clearly wasn't just about that when they were also planning on clearing out areas for further settlement. One could debate the Sudetes but the moment they incorporated the rest of Czechia as a protectorate, it became about expansionism.
Or every reasonable historian. We can talk about WW2 and the Nazis but don't try to justify their actions or push some absurd revisionist narrative about evil Jewish bankers forcing Hitler to start the war.
k cucks
>It's ok, only half the movies produced were propaganda
Nazi Germany < GDR < Prussia < Kaiserreich < Weimar Republic < BRD
If you disagree, you are retarded.
*BRD = FRG, (West)Germany since 1949
It isn't about justifying anything. It's just about what policy they were enacting.
Absolutely. Taking oil reserves was a huge reason for this as well as the 20th century empire building
Switch GDR with BRD and Weimar with Kaiserreich and you got yourself the perfect ranking.
>Liking authoritarian states
>liking liberal states
>I don't want freedoms, please restrict my rights as much as you like!
OK, if that's your thing...
>Wanting an authoritarian leader to dictate your life and take away your freedoms
>Calling others cuck
Do it again bomber harris
>they were starving and lining up in breadlines and soup kitchens , the Nazis came to power and they weren't anymore
Actually German economy had already recovered before 1933.
You mean pure propaganda movies. Various others were probably just mixed propaganda movies.