I am here to inform you about our history/anything his related and myths about us.
how does the transformation from a secular European-like country to a middle eastern islamic shithole feel like?
Do you regret that fall of the osmanli caliphate? are you religious? what donyou think of alevis? what's the deal with armenians, are they really innocent victims or is it more complicated than that?
turk stink
Ask your whore mother
Ottomans were anal cancer
I'm not religious
Alevis are qt
Armenians are just Jews with no money
Wow really informative responses. You made this thread so you could respond with incomplete sentence quips to people's questions? Wtf
Ottomanfag spotted
Whether you like it or not but Ottoman Empire was cancer. Even Bernard Lewis says that Turks were the last people who freed themselves from Ottomans.
why are Turks so cancerous online?
When will you give back Constantinople?
why don't you ask a german
ahmed pls we're not jews
Please tell me about the beautiful mountains of Cappadocia.
Also please let me know how the production of Turkish Star Wars went.
you've been asking this question since 29 May 1453
Aren't you bored?
>Please tell me about the beautiful mountains of Cappadocia.
There are Byzantine churches/underground cities in them
>turkish history/anything
didn't know this was a ylyl
Bannerlord when? Are they alright, or did Sultan Erdogan do something bad to them?
I was going to the halal market to buy coffee tomorrow. What brands are good?
Is 3 for 5 dollars a good deal?
>underground cities
please, do tell
They have churches and whole houses built underground in order to escape arab raids.
>They have churches and whole houses built underground in order to escape arab raids.
actually, those underground cities were built to hide from romans
They have been there since Roman times. And Arabs
Inside they don't always look too amazing... just tunnels carved out of soft rock. There are small rooms, tunnels, stairs, little niches for cooking or storing stuff. Seems claustrophobic and bad for your respiratory system, if you ask me.
Here's a pic from outside, in a village I stayed in. It was February and locals considered this like A FUCK TONNE of snow. I am from Canada so I found it amusing.
The various tunnels and caves were mostly inhabited by Anatolian Greeks, sometimes Armenians, but in any case, Christians. They got "guys it was just internal conflict"ed by the Turks in the early 20th century.
There are chapels with paintings where superstitious turks have chiseled out the eyes of Jesus and saints and such.
>ever being secular or even remotely european
meant to say: "And Arabs attacks caused them to expand, or keep being used".
i don't understand people complaining about erdogan, when Turkey was never really a secular nor a european country to begin with, even under Ataturk.
Like sure, ataturk did a lot of reforms, but they are all based on the Young Turks' ideas, including shit like secularism and language reform. And even then, Ataturk still failed to remove Ottoman Shaykhulislam - instead rebranding it into "Ministry of Religion." Imagine France having a ministry of religion. He put a lot of pressure on Christians in the country, which is the opposite of secularism. He was clearly pro-islam in his actions, but in his speeches he was anti-islam. But as we all know, actions speak louder than words.
In fact, the worshipping of Ataturk in Turkey is more like fucking asiatic shithole than a european secular country. I've been to Turkey, and there's literally a billion statues of the guy, like on every corner. It's literally a cult of personality - something no european country ever had.
TL;DR Turkey was always islamic and asiatic. Ataturk was just an asiatic dictator, and I don't understand the hate Erdogan gets for making Turkey "more islamic" when it always has been islamic.
attila was a turk ok
It aspired to be. Or rather, a small cadre of Istanbul (and in other western cities like Izmir) elites did. It's a shame, because I know a few and they are genuinely good people. One of my best friends' wives is from a secular Ataturk-loving family. Her father is in the navy. I have another co-worker who is in this camp, her father was a mid-level diplomat, working in embassies through Europe in the 1960-80s. All secular, liberal, modern, etc. etc. But they are a minority, and shrinking.
But one thing even I notice is how out of touch they are. It's like they don't realize their lives of relative privilege are not the norm. If they had tried harder to spread these ideas, genuinely, instead of partying in their ivory tower and resting on their laurels in the military, Turkey might not be a sinking into authoritarian islamism like it currently is.
And here's a vandalized Jesus.
Here's another view. Rock slides and earthquakes and shit expose old chambers. Inside, nowadays, unkept, it doesn't look super special. A lot of my photos of the inside also have me or my friend in them, so I'd rather not post.
>But one thing even I notice is how out of touch they are. It's like they don't realize their lives of relative privilege are not the norm. If they had tried harder to spread these ideas, genuinely, instead of partying in their ivory tower and resting on their laurels in the military, Turkey might not be a sinking into authoritarian islamism like it currently is.
That's a very accurate description.
I'm this guy .
I disagree with you entirely. I honestly don't think Islamism is a problem.Turks are a very conservative people, and they are obviously distinct from us, both linguistically and historically. I even know secular people who studied in my university who are nevertheless proud of their ottoman heritage and they times they kicked european ass. If they prefer Islamism, why not? Why do you think that you (or anyone else for that matter) should decide their fate for them?
You should read up on Inonu, and the first time Turkey had fair elections in the 1950s. The seculars got absolutely BTFO by the Democratic Party for the same reasons Erdogan keeps winning elections today. The democratic party, as it was called back then, was much more friendly towards religion. The seculars had to hang the leader of the Democratic party, Menderes, him after a coup. This is perhaps the reason why most ordinary people don't like seculars. Their ivory tower demeanor described in your post is spot on.
The story of Erdogan and his "islamism" is literally nothing new, nor shocking for anyone who knows a bit about Turkey's modern history. So in my view, you shouldn't really lament for lost Turkey - it was always lost, for it will never achieve the standards to which you keep it. The select few from the shrinking elites are an exception that prove the rule.
How does it feel to be a nation with no authentic culture? Everything you claim besides your mongolian language is either byzantine, arabian or persian. Even your mosques are just christian churches with dongs placed beside them.
>a cult of personality
Yea, I always thought that was strange too... But to say Europeans never did it is not true.
Ever seen Roman statues? Who do you think they are of? The commies are a prime example, although we can certainly debate if Lenin and Stalin are genuinely 'European'. Most Russians don't view themselves as European...
But for European's Franco, Hitler and Mussolini also promulgated personality cults to varying extents. Obviously, it's a mark of authoritarian governments, which Turkey was and is.
You can make the same claim for just about every culture, really.
>European culture X
>Besides your Ukrainian Steppe language, everything you claim is either Celtic, Roman or Greek
Do you think there are countries with 'authentic' cultures in the world?
Ataturk was the only decent roach, and modern Turkey is shitting on his legacy every single day.
Except that isn't the case, How are Britain, France, Germany, Spain, Scandinavia or any of the Slavic countries related to those?
>how are france, spain and britain related to roman culture
user, I...
Turkish culture= Turko-Persian tradition
Byzantine influence is limited. So is Arab, though Arab influence is greater than Byzantine influence because we're predominantly muslim.
Your architecture is basically Byzantine architecture + Persian decoration
only mosques.
>I don't know anything about Persian architecture
Also you do know there is massive osmosis due to centuries of interactions between Byzantines and Persians in art as well as architecture to the point they were hugely influencing each other.
When will you apologize and repent for the Armenian genocide?
I know what Persian architecture looks like, those aren't Persian
this. why are turks in eternal denial about the armenian genocide? serious question
Because it never happened
Bernard Lewis also denies it.
The Taj Mahal is also a piece of persian architecture and it looks similiar to byzantine architecture
what happened to these minorities tho.
>inb4 deported to desert and lived happy lives
They were literally deported. During the deportation many of them died due to famine, diseases, bandit raids, heat etc.
How often do you fuck goats?
Why do you call your women goats, wh*Te boy?
Hmm... rly meaks u tink
The Armenians were 'relocated' to the Syrian desert. A couple hundred thousand seem to have been misplaced (Turkish historians are still trying to find them). The Greeks were largely relocated to Greece as part of a massive population exchange. A fair number of Greeks from Pontus and Smyrna appear to have gone missing in the process too. Meanwhile the Arabs, Kurds, and Laz are still largely in the same parts of the country (if anything the Kurds have expanded).
With that said I think your picture overstates the Greek presence in large parts of Turkey, particularly the northwest and northeast.
i dont think that it does overstate it. the laz, turks, and kurds in your map are all clumped together in the "musselman" group the greeks formed the majority of the population in those prior to the population exchange. that map also somewhat understates the pontic greek population relative to how many actually lived there. it doesnt even count the assyrian population.
>He was clearly pro-islam in his actions, but in his speeches he was anti-islam.
Interesting I always thought Ataturk was a staunch atheist, examples pls?
You clearly don't.
t. buttmad subject race
Why are Turks so good at shitposting?
Because you amerimutts/wh*Te subhumans are always so butthurt.
I like bantering you retards, it's like watching Arnold Schwarzenigger fighting against 50 4 year old
Mongoloïdes aesthetiques
Turks are alpha.
Whites arent. I'm sorry to say, we are an emasculated effete decadent shit race at this point. They deserve to inherit the earth and our women.
I'm not even speaking about cuck persians or boyfucker greeks either. They are barely even human at this point. More like sentient cumbuckets.
autosomal is better
fuck wh*Tes
No dude it's a fair question Fucking Mustafa Kemal was a once-in-a-few-centuries kind of visionary who gave Turkey an incredible gift. He made a future possible after the death of the empire, and paved the way for the same success your western neighbors enjoyed. And now it seems that that gift has been thrown away to more closely emulate the failed states to the south and east. That seems like a pretty bitter pill to swallow and a terrible waste. Do you think it could be for the best? Especially as you, and presumably many of your countrymen, are not religious in that way.
This is what I'm talking about. You're about as good as the Australians at making good content. So not very. I'll admit that your movies are hilarious. But they're also hilarious when they're not supposed to be, so maybe it's a bad thing.
*dumb shit*
You can make non-arguments all you want but the bottom line is that the United States is a better place to live in nearly every way than Turkey.
holy fuck i was correct, only an ameribrainlet would post such nonsense
I am an American, but I'm not the guy you originally responded to. America has an objectively better standard of living in almost every way. Have fun with that Civil War spilling over your borders.
That's why Turkey has 2.5 million Syrian refugees. I guess it doesn't matter when you'll just try to genocode them like every other minority.
I hope we actually genocide Syrians
Millions of people would hunt down Syrians and murder them. Even the AKP voters, they loathe Syrians and last years when Erdogan announced that he'd give Syrians free houses (that are above average) erdoganists chimped out and insulted his entire family and erdogan had to back down :DDD that was 4 days before the coup
You say that now but when it's time to face the consequences you'll deny it like every other time. Bunch of pussies.
how many bombs are being stashed in the Hagia Sophia?
Why are Turks litteraly the worst people on Earth ? Not only did they genocided Armenians multiple times, but they also did exterminate Assyrians, Pontic Greeks and now they repress Kurds. How come a shitty nation of slanted, smelly, dirty savages took hold of great farmland without ever letting go ?
Hopefully the stagnation to come in the national discourse and in the discussion of ideas will lead all of you to the status of ''unremarkable third-tier nation''. You don't deserve entry in the European Union, not even in NATO. Good job at being at being backwater retarded kebab-eaters while keeping the Straits: this strikes me as a miracle of the greatest kind, the only type of surprise your kind is capable of.
Cheers !
>Pontic Greeks
I wish
I really hate Trabzon and Rize. AND I LIVE NEXT TO THEM
You must surely live in a cozy spot then, with great access to the sea. Climate-wise, that has to be superb.
I prefer deserts though. I'm a desert enthusiast
Then do what must be done and annex Syrian territory as much as possible. This is a rather promising avenue since you already have Turkmen shills on the terrain, and since this is al-Assad we're talking about, it should be encouraged. At least that's not Cyprus or eastern Bulgaria.
meme replies XD
What is life like for a Kurd living in Istanbul or other major western city?
This thread
Valid questions, ask them nicely or not
When will you give back Konstantinopel
Why are you wh*Te subhumans always butthurt?
You deserve a good lynch
Deported (transferred), or genocided.
A fair few also converted to Islam and became Alevis. Particularly those that didn't want to leave. This is a very relaxed branch of sufi Islam that long attracted minorities who were pressured into Islam, lose your foreskin but still enjoy wine, music and socializing with women, don't have to pray 5 times a day nor pay cunts in Mecca to visit their shopping mall mosque, etc.
This is how Alevi's pray, btw. Guess why mainstream Muslims don't like them.
I read somewhere that sitting in a circle and singing and chanting (as in Alevism) is probably an ancient relic from central Asian steppe shamanist practices.
you guys couldnt even handle the poles
1 on 1 the poles were slowly losing though.
Aside from that they were probably our strongest enemies.
That's because we were commanded by 2 Albanian European balkanrapebabies aka inferior untermensch
This is what happens when a TURKCHAD rules our army
More Alevi worship ceremonies. This angers typical Sunni Muslims.
Not all, but a lot of Greeks and Armos converted in the late 19th century under threat of expulsion or death. Such pressures continued up until and during Ataturk. Those who didn't got BTFO or genocided.
Slick TV version: youtube.com
yes that's right, a lot of Armenians live as """Kurdish alevis""" or """Shafi Sunni Kurds""" today.