Why the fuck is no one talking about this ICO?
Good Dev team and a solid FINISHED product. Fuck the moon this shit is going to fucking Andromeda!
Why the fuck is no one talking about this ICO?
Good Dev team and a solid FINISHED product. Fuck the moon this shit is going to fucking Andromeda!
That logo looks like fucking horse shit
What the fuck is it about?
>tfw no ETH for buying Opus
JUST I really really hope it doesn't moon
Why would I want to hold a token with 90% insider ownership?
Stop shilling this you morons
More tokens purchased = less tokens burned
Ok just looked at the website fuck it i'm in
You fucking pajeets ever hear of Spotify? Apple music? This shit doesn't jew artists. Buy buy buy
Definitely the best music coin out there, the demo looks awesome how the fuck did I miss this?
Thanks OP I almost missed it 2 hours left lol
Music distribution targeting China
Agreed. Very under the radar, and hyped by a number of mainstream outlets.
Normies will eat this up.
Will moon
because I don't want the 600million tokens out there you fuckwad. Now please shut the fuck up and delete the thread.
Bought 8k with first phase. Sold half at 240% profit now waiting to see how high 4k can fly. Worst case scenario is that I bought 4k OPT worth of music.
By the way even if I went for easy cash. This is a long hold.
pics fag
tokens arent transferable yet
ERC20 tokens and you got them as soon as you payed for the ICO. Already on Hitbtc for a week and soon on Binance.
Is this finally our ticket to lamboland Veeky Forums?
I'm ecstatic lol
can you be more retarded?
the tokens cant be transfered out of your wallet. hitbtc is selling IOUs not actual tokens.
looks like 8 hours left to me ?
the pajeet is strong itt
ICO end is tied to a block. block times are longer. so the ICO takes longer.
That was an estimated timer. user didn't read the part about the end block lol