So, you don't like banks. That's fine. Or you're just a typical antisemitic pig who loves his "muh jews " bullshit.
But I guess that most of the anons are here to make money, right?
You won't win this fight, the banks ALWAYS win.
NOW is the chance to set the foundation for your financial future. Hate the banks, hate the Jews, hate ripple. But don't miss out on this one. Hold til q2 of 2018, make money. This time it is that simple.
All hail the spinner
Buy or get left behind
biz was shitting on this coin for months on end
now it goes up a little and suddenly you all wanan suck XRPs cawk
bunch of slack jawed faggots in here
ive been hodling this since it was at 15 cent... all the way up to 40 and back down
yall faggots are not gonna make it with those weak hands
With jews, you win.
let the low IQ poltards lose out on the opportunity of a lifetime
their loss
everyone on here telling me to hodl is making me want to sell me
please someone convince me to hold I can see potential but I'm scared
You know that the average IQ of African Americans is around 85, right?
tyrone here, can confirm.
This guy stands for everything they hate and fear.
But he is one of the guys who still have a huge impact on the economy. His connections are priceless.....and he will back ripple and the xrp token.
To make myself clear again: it simply does not matter whether you hate banks and whether you hate jews etc this time. The real question is: DO YOU HATE MONEY? Do you hate to be part of a very small percentage of people on this planet who is granted the possibility to turn his life around with a small investment. All that will happen in a few months. I am not saying it will happen 2017. but you will significant change in the first quarter of 2018 and so you will have more money than you invested. No need to trade no need for expertise. Just buy, hold for a few months and make money. There are not many moments where it is as simple as that.
Ive been talking about cryptos with my friends and family and almost none is interested in cryptocurrency, they want to deal with their old trusted fiat currency.
They want their prices in $ not fractions of BTC. They want to earn in $ not LTC. They understand this, they dont understand where the value of cryptos comes from and dont want to to them its all a scam.
Ripple's future depends on common folk and Ripples future is bright.
the future is b right son
bought a shitton on dip, gonna hodl tight to my bag of fidget spinners. don't give a fuck about the kikes
I might be wrong, but I think the market is now scared of this shitcoin
Last dip from 7K to 5300 was an almost crazy good opportunity to long, but now it happened again and many people think there is easy money to be made.
Why trust some cuckcoin which swings from 4k to 7k in a matter of one hour.
I'd love to have longed from 5300 to 6800 before today (I did from 5800), but now it seems incredibly risky - am I wrong?
This guy stands for everything they hate and fear.
But he is one of the guys who still have a huge impact on the economy. His connections are priceless.....and he will back ripple and the xrp token.
To make myself clear again: it simply does not matter whether you hate banks and whether you hate jews etc this time. The real question is: DO YOU HATE MONEY? Do you hate to be part of a very small percentage of people on this planet who is granted the possibility to turn his life around with a small investment. All that will happen in a few months. I am not saying it will happen 2017. but you will significant change in the first quarter of 2018 and so you will have more money than you invested. No need to trade no need for expertise. Just buy, hold for a few months and make money. There are not many moments where it is as simple as that.
If Veeky Forums would understand, every little user would get himself a little xrp bag, lock it up and look at it again in a few months or later. Everybody would have some sort of profit, everybody could achieve a little financial independency for themselves.
But all of them are more afte findig the next shitcoin to buy high and sell low. SAD.
Kill yourself
maybe you can stand in line with the other jews when they have to walk past him befoe hes executed. you fuckards think the jews are innocent cause you suck your proffessors dicks and watch the jew press like its god. THE JEWS ARE GUILTY. THE JEWS WILL DIE. Die with the jews or live and kill jews
Perfect example of the above mentioned anti-semitic pig.
Thank you sir.
and 48% of billionaires in the us are jewish
What the fuck is your reasoning to buy it now? Devs clearly wanted to artificially pump price (look at the Japanese tweet with no relation to anything). And the announced conference will be held in 2 months. C'mon - even if you believe in the project, you shouldn't be buying that high but when it'll drop back to the prices before the pump.
god these posts are getting boring.
I invested 1 BTC at 5.7k like an wanting to make an 10-20 profit. Now Im kinda afraid I have to wait days/weeks to flip that shit.
But watching the order book it seems like there is a agressive whale who fucking hates that coin. Every time there is a little buy push a fucking sell wall gets put in front of it and kills the momentum...also that 240 BTC sell wall at 70k looks scary...
You didn't sell at .40+? You are a fucking TARD.
>and 48% of billionaires in the us are jewish
they also run 5 of the 6 biggest media corps (who control 90% of the information flow worldwide)
the own the fed and hence the US money supply
they run hollywood
4 out of 9 supreme court judges are jews
and a majority of the US congress has dual US/israeli citizenship
even though jews only make up 2% of the entire US population
but its all just a coincidence goyim
Some say the cucumber tastes better pickled.
>You didn't sell at .40+? You are a fucking TARD.
not selling before it hits at least $1 you cuck
couldnt care less about some puny 100% gains
im in this for the long haul
Its not even Jews, get it right you retard. It's ZOG you're against, not jews.
Jesus, nu/pol/ is really dumb
No matter if you buy today or lower. IF you buy and DO NOT sell within a time frame of at least 6 months there is no other possibility than you end up making profit. It all only depends on the amount you invest.
All those guys who have no clue of trading, all the guys who got burnt trying to daytrade. Buy and then fucking hold. 6months is not that long for fuck sake
guilty of what?
>implying that not all jews are like that
>implying that there are good jews
>implying that scheming, lying, money grubbing and fucking over the goyim is not hardcoded into their jew-dna
to be far you can make some small gains daytrading XRP
Small gains but gains nonetheless.
You don't even know who you're supposed to hate. Pleaes come back when you know what it is youre fighting against instead of rallying behind ignorant pol memes.
Pro-tip: Just look at your Stormfront counterparts. They almost always refer to ZOG and not Jews, because a poor jew is the same worth as a good goy.
i tried do daytrade yesterday and bought 10220 xrp for 9.5 eth ~ 2500 € im nearly down 600 € now... i hope holding this coin will return my invest
fuck jews and fuck this pyramid sceme
also un-fuck idiots like you that make us money
>he hasnt read kevin macdonald
lmao moron
>Small gains but gains nonetheless.
its loose change. Real money is in long term holds
The company holds large amounts of xrp. They always sell some when price rises. There is also no proof of how many coins they distributed to the people. Very, very shady
>buy at 5100
>sell at 5900+
Its that easy
Youre right though XRP is for long term holds as Ripple influence gets big. I see it as an investment in the Ripple Network
>it seems like there is a agressive whale who fucking hates that coin
Jed is still salty
I can not understand that so many anons don't get it. They do not understand that no one gives a rat's ass whether xrp is backed by the jews, maybe by the FED, the backs or good ol' lord VADER. It makes no difference. If you put your head out of your ass you might realize that it is inevitable that you will make money on buying xrp in the coming days and hold til next year. You want to make money without having to check your blockfolio every 5minutes? You got a job, family, your stupid ass KKK meeting? I don't give a shit. If you like money, if you need more money, buy in ripple now. Hold. Sell in 2018. it may be your first and only good investment.
...and the average IQ of Ashkenazi Jews is around 115. What's your point?
can confirm. i'm enjoying this volatility.
just wait till the koreans and chinks wake up in 3-4 hrs
Don't care.
all my portfolio is going sharply up, I don't need that shitcoin.
the gooks are already awake.
It's 4:20 AM in China. I like how they use the same timezone. Gommunism prevails.
charlie never sleeps, mannn.
I like how they use one timezone*
Yet it's a yuge country.
XRP has seen little if any movement since 3-4 hrs ago which is midnight in gookland.
ripple has never gone up. you Are delusional
the average jew is smarther than an average goy. The average nigger is also dumber than the average white goy. It takes only a bit of life experience and not being a brainwashed sjw to know that
I think there is a huge amount of people on this board who can't or don't want to diversify in ten different coins. But they want a easy way to make some decent gains. And xrp will make gains til 2018. if someone really believes that this coin, backed by banks and the whole jew conspiracy that a lot of you tend to see, will be at the same or a lower price in 2018, thenyou are simply not worth to be hanging around on a board named Veeky Forums.
u w0t m8
these nu/pol/ faggots are annoying
they hate jews and gommunists, yet come here and attack Veeky Forums for liking money
like, how retarded are you? do you want a cashless world or something? isn't this exactly the communistic heaven that jews tried to create?
what are you expecting them to do today?
Back to $0.28 before the West wakes up again.
Is the bounty for his head still active?
We're at the bottom of RSI and MACD on the hourly/30 minute chart, and on 15 you can see that the reversal is already occurring. Now's the time to buy - 0.225 - 0.23 is a great range to get in.
let's pretend i bought at 29 a couple nights ago...
Why would you buy the top?
Why is the logo a fidget spinner?
i don't want to talk about it.
just sell now user
buy high sell low
then proceed to post pink wojaks
thats how we roll here on Veeky Forums
I bought ripple at fucking 0.36
Sell 2018. you'll be more than fine
we all make mistakes, famalads
fuck off gypsy. that's not me. that will never be me.
hol up, are you balkan?
you know you want to, user...
imagine what a relief it would be to get rid off these bags
sure youll eat a bit of a loss... but youll buy peace of mind
PLUS you can use the money to put it into another promising shitco... investment opportunity
youll have that money back in no time... and then some
i know youre itching to sell right now
do it faggot
before the price drops even further
cut your losses quick, while you still can!
TIL: developers own over 60% of this premined coin.
no. i was on a romanian fob for a while though. why?
Of course it will be higher by 2018. Like all the rest of crypto Duh.
But probably not by much because it's already pretty damn high. Sorry I prefer to buy my coins low.
Boom. That is huge. SWIFT is the other convention so now Ripple steals thunder by hosting their own with God damn Ben Bernanke (even if you hate Jews he is a huge deal), the founder of the fucking internet, the heads of the banks that will be using Ripple/xrp, etc. They set up shop next to SWIFT and will steal both shows. That's fucking boss.
My theory -
It's in escrow and going to be locked up. They are selling fucking banks and governments software then back doping xrp. They will need those fidget spinners to sell more banks.
With Jews you always lose look at bancor.
DESU, I think ripple's future is bright, it just seems like it already mooned and won't make me a millionaire* after taxes even if I buy $10k worth of it right now and hold it for ten years. If that was a real possibility, I'd buy more than I have, which is like 30k xrp.
* - In inflation-adjusted dollars. Nobody knows what inflation will look like over the next ten years but $1M in 2027 will not go as far as $1M in 2017, that's for sure.
with ((())) you lose. always.
when will you learn ?!