What's The real life equivalent of Windhelm?
What's The real life equivalent of Windhelm?
I fucking hate Bethesda cities. They're literally nothing but a couple dozen small buildings with like 20 npcs who aren't guards.
How much bigger would you want them to make them?
Even if it was just twice as big, they would have to scale the whole map with it.
I'm not talking about time/effort here, jsut the sheer retarded scale of things. Default Skyrim is fucking huge. The player has literal infinite jog, which is as fast as some people's running speed, and it still takes TWO fucking hours to get from one end to the other on foot. Now double it and NOW account for required time and effort to put in double the stuff everywhere, because otherwise the place will be a whole lot of fucking nothing.
>states a legit reason to why its not a realistic city
>go back to /v/
Fuck off
Medieval northern cities were generally small af though
I am not saying that hes right.
It's not that you're technically wrong, it's that your stating something obvious while implying it's some great revelation. It's like the morons going around saying "bikini armor is unrealistic guys, bet you didn't know that, I'm so smart".
So yeah, this type of video game "criticism" back to .
If this type of game had a realistic city, than the whole game map would be the city itself, so you wouldn't have a scaled down fantasy country with wilderness to explore.
I'm more interested what real cities had the similar architecture, location and significance as these fictional ones.
Arma III and the witcher II have good cities.
The hell is Windhelm?
there are small old towns with that size in Europe, not all the world is Murrica
No, there are hovels of that size. Towns are a lot bigger then 20 buildings in total.
>Skyrim is fucking huge
>Takes two hours to run across the entire country
thats like 12km^2. 1/13 the size of fucking Liechtenstein.
Try and answer The question instead of discussing The fucking game
Some dudes tiny alpine castle somewhere maybe.
Yes, your point?
That's immense for a 3D CRPG.
Witcher 3 was what? 3 times that? And believe me, I fucking love that game but awful lot of it was just running like a fucking retard through the fields and forests that had absolutely nothing worthwhile in them.
They went for realism, and while it does make for amazing vistas and magical walks across carefully crafted environment, when you actually feel like just walking around, it tends to also be boring as fuck to traverse it when you don't.
>few houses you can full explore and loot each one with NPC and possible attached quest
>giant cities of copy pasted houses of which almost no one can be entered and even the ones you can enter have nothing to do in them
obviously the best choice is classic isometric rpg with a lot of houses in which you can actually interact with things
Have them implement proper tools for moving around. There is nothing wrong with fast travel when it's actually implemented into the game properly and is not just a magic teleport button. Having the game world be the size of a theme park with "cities" that are 14 people half of who live in the inn and 300 guards is very immersion breaking.
The environment and name is similar to Trondheim, a port city in mountainous terrain like a fjord. It is likely based on that.
The wiki says it was one of the first cities built in Tamriel, this resembles viking colonies like Novgorod and Kiev founded on trade routes which grew into the largest cities in those regions. So it is possible they drew elements from that.
It seems to be a mash up of the 2, a "Novgorod" built on the coast of a fjord.
Never post a picture more interesting than your dumb question
>Default Skyrim is fucking huge.
No it isn't. The map is actually pretty small. Especially if you factor in the mountains that take up half of it
>ArmA 3
>The same empty building repeated a hundred times over
Yeah no
What's the real life equivalent of Mr.House?
Ypu know i thought skyrim was meh to ok but it's amazing how much more effort went into it compared to fallout 4.
Henry Ford, Ayn Rand's protagonists, Howard Hughes
Walt disney
Uppsala/ Trondheim
Leaning towards Trondheim because of the nature around Windhelm
Shit, Morrowind has good cities relative to Skyrim. Maar Gan, a tiny Ashlands outpost three quarters of players will never even visit, is the same size as Solitude in terms of buildings and residents.
/v/ isn't for video game discussion. It's about bitching about video games.
Why uppsala? In what ways are they similar?
They did it in the Witcher 3.
Thats a typical European "city" during medieval times.
In other civilized places like Constantonopile or Rome or most of the Chinese cities, there were hundreds to thousands of houses clustered together.
Old, northern city pretty much. There are retards who believe that Uppsala is mountainous, though, mostly because of Vikings.
Bethesda is subhuman and so are their fans.
>shit graphics
>shit lore
>shit writing
>shit gameplay
Literally the only way to play Skyrimjob without getting bored to death is to install goofy sexmods.
>a city with some huckhuge cathedral, massive walls and a castle
>10 people inside
Yes that's very realistic, bravo Todd
>typical European "city" during medieval times.
>10 huts and a one slightly bigger hut, or a """"""""""palace"""""""" surrounded by literally 5 two story townhouses
I mean, Rome and Alexandria were just completely different league, but come the fuck on.
This was considered a large city in scandinavia during the viking age. Pretty similar in size to skyrims cities desu, perhaps even a bit smaller
>perhaps a bit smaller
Are you daft, blind, or just plain stupid?
Veeky Forums is full of super autist that get offended at the dumbest shit.
>The question instead of discussing The fucking game
You should try it on /v/, they never talking about games.
unironically comparing millions of square miles of fucking nothing dotted with procgen garbage with autistically landscaped map down to every patch of flowers and houses furnished down to every last piece of cutlery
over the line
over the fucking line
>autistically landscaped
>nothing but rocks and ice
Witcher shits on that ""game""
>Bitcher 3 fan sperging out
Wew lad
>nothing but rocks and ice
>"I've never fucking played Skyrim for a nanosecond of my life" - the post
Go to bed Todd, your game is ugly and shitty
I like both
also you're retarded, Skyrim has like half a dozen biomes
lmao, Witcher 3 world is like a Ubisoft world
>That's immense for a 3D CRPG.
No it isn't.
It is however well made I will give them that. Well relatively, the engine is old AF and as prone to bugs and hiccups as always. More than once I've gone into WR and the skyforge hadn't loaded at all.
How can you like both? I genuinely couldn't find a single good, well written RPG ever since Torment and Fallout 2, until Witcher 3 came about. Skyrim in comparison is atrocious:
>console-tier controls
>horrible graphics
>catastrophic writing
>bland NPC, bland world, bland weapons, bland everything
>whole world feels like a generic Viking/Conan ripoff, not a single original thing in the lore
The only bad thing about Witcher is the combat but combat sucks in Skyrim as well. Am I posting here with Facebook normalshits or something? How can you genuinely love Skyrim?
>things people say when they never actually played these games on release
Sure, with your modern sensibilities these games seem too big, but really, you should just kill yourself.
play more games, faggot or actually don't
I never got the "the witcher is the only new true RPG nao" meme. It literally tells you who and what you are and even tells you what you look like. It's an action/adventure game with RPG elements like so many others.
I was playing games when you were swimming in your dad's ballsack you subhuman faggot.
I haven't played Arena on release, but Daggerfall was horrible. It was bugged to hell and back, to the point you couldn't even complete the game unless you applied six gorillion separate patches. And it wasn't like today when you can hop on the internet and download the patch in seconds. Come to think Bethesda really was always shit.
You can say the same about the classic Black Isle RPGs which already deviated from the "traditional" sidestep CRPG autistic faggotry, but they were far superior. It's all about writing for me and Witcher 3 has fantastic writing.
Shut up, /v/edditor.
Keep your retarded assumptions to yourself.
A fucking mongoloid that thinks FO2 was well written, embarrassing.
Said the 20 something nigger who never even played it.
>to the point you couldn't even complete the game unless you applied six gorillion separate patches
So literally nothing has changed. I also can't help but notice these are critiques on the game code, not the actual map size.
Nice try though senpai.
>but combat sucks in Skyrim as well.
Combat in TES has always taken a backseat to the rest of the game by virtue of it (and all the other ones) being intended to be played first and foremost in first person. You can't have too much depth with that or it gets disorienting very fast.
I actually played it the first time when it was new, unlike you. It wasn't well written back then and certainly it isn't now.
I'm not exaggerating for effect though, you LITERALLY couldn't beat the game unless it got significantly patched.
So exactly like a lot of games today. This still has got nothing to do with the original point of map size.
>shit that never happened: the post
At least it wasn't as bad as Morrowind where they tried to apply the diceroll hit system to a fucking 3D first person game.
I wasn't the guy talking about map size, I'm just saying Bethesda games were always dogshit.
Why the fuck are you even replying then. Fuck off. I couldn't care less for your opinion. You understand this place is anonymous, right?
Fuck off.
Nice spergout faggot.
Tes has a very original world with a lot of depth.
>being this autistic about FO2
>critiques on the game code, not the actual map size.
Both are products of the engines limitations so it's the same difference really.
>I am just going to jump in mid argument, not say I am different, with a totally irrelevant point and get all frustrated when the other user gets mad
Kill yourself.
>bugs are because of engine limitations.
>wasn't as bad as Morrowind
The diceroll system was shit for all of the 10 minutes it takes you to level up a combat skill to where you hit more than miss.
Yes, I did all that except the "get frustrated" part. That was all you, I'm perfectly calm.
It doesn't. Morrowing was the only one with some original and unique lore in the entire series, but they botched it all by presenting it in the form of NPCs functioning as mobile infopanels.
>Yes, I did all that except the "get frustrated" part. That was all you, I'm perfectly calm.
Lel, except you are still replying, I'm mad, at least I am honest.
They can be. Constantly loading cells and maps is bound to cause problems if enough iterations occur. Having to write quests independent of others was also a problem.
Replying doesn't mean I'm mad, I'm just having a debate. You sure feel the need to get asspained over nothing.
>I am sperging out to everyone that disagree with me! I call this a debate!
Just so you know, Is not me.
This isn't me either
Fallout and Witcher fags are the worst fanbases on the planet.
>morrowind was the only one with unique lore
You do realise that the lore from morrowind is the exact same lore from skyrim right? Nearly everything in skyrim was written about beforehand, just because you didn't take the time to learn about the places you were visiting doesn't mean it wasn't there.
Last time Bethesda made a good game was in '95.
New Vegas was good, at least.
Prague was the capital of HRE it was huge by medieval standards
>shit lore
Kirkbride is love. Kirkbride is life.
>Morrowing was the only one with some original and unique lore in the entire series
Knights of the Nine had some pretty great lore desu
> just because you didn't take the time to learn about the places you were visiting doesn't mean it wasn't there.
Not him, but guess who also didn't learn anything about places he visited. You.
I am definitely not an expert on TES lore, and played the games long time ago, but just to give an example.
Cyrodiil (the place Oblivion game takes action in) should be fucking jungle. And it's European plains in game. Of course in Oblivion they just changed the lore, so it will be fit.
>You do realise that the lore from morrowind is the exact same lore from skyrim right?
So it's false. Partially, because most of things were just copied from Morrowind and Oblivion (all the books).
Another one. There was a book explaining how Empire excellently prepared for wars. And for Black March expedition they changed equipment of legions, so it would be more fitting in local terrain and the war style of locals.
Meantime in Skyrim, legionnaires are wearing fucking !notRomanlike armours with short sleeves. What the fuck. All of game Syrim was about
>muh vikings.
>was the capital of HRE
Not an argument, as being capital didn't tell anything about city size.
Sizes of Skyrim cities are atrocious and anyone defending it on Veeky Forums board is retarded. It has "mechanical" explanation, not the historical one. It's just a fault consoles, as Xbox 360 had 512MB of RAM and it couldn't handle more npc in one place.
Mount and blade Warband cities were pretty good...