If you believe in WAVES invest in

If you believe in WAVES invest in
OCL is to WAVES what Q is to Bond

only 250k dollars collected
>he missed another stratis

Other urls found in this thread:


just bought 100k

What does it do

nothing. Their only working product is Gravit which does the same thing that blockexplorer does for bitcoin.

they have some other projects but have nothing to show.

They're asking $30M for this piece of shit ICO. Still bought 100k tho

if it is on the waves platform whats the difference between holding waves and this?

>whats the difference between holding an erc20 token and ethereum


Since everyone can use WAVES to create his own token and then exchange it for ANY trading pair in existence you can imagine that there is a shit load of data to process and a fuck load of money to be made. you’ll be able to read
the blockchain as if you were reading a newspaper, accessing information related to trading, new uses of the blockchain, new technologies, projects etc. without browsing through an enormous amount of data.

youtu.be/6CcigtYBKy8 one of their other 9 projects

That's pretty cool but hardly a million dollar idea. Now if this shit start getting put on vending machines for soft drinks. You would have something.

i will never forgive waves for that niggercoin scandal
they killed a promising shitcoin because of muh feels
fuck these gommunists
they wont see another dime from me

Explain please.

this is gonna be the same principle as the candy machine

he just fucking did though


You can still buy it, trade it, use it for tech.
I still have nigger hitler and jew coins, dude stop being retarded and GTFO

No user, you cannot trade it...

>some fags roll out niggercoin
>niggercoin gets shilled on biz
>tasty memes, everyones having fun
>people giving out niggercoins for free to fellow plantation owners on waves
>waves goes full jew and shuts.it.down because "muh feelings, muh hate speech, muh racism"
>waves just proved theyre not decentralized, they can and will go full gommunist if you hurt their fee-fees

it can't be find when searching for nigger, type in the hash and there you go.
Now go in the woods and do an hero.

you can send and receive NGR...you just won't see it on the dex.

there is a difference between a decentralized blockchain and a centralized matcher.
precious EYNigger is still on the blockchain of course and it can be traded on any other matcher that allows it like wavesdex.nl/.
Since anyone can run his own matcher the centralization of the matcher becomes decentralized.


nice trick you fucking scammer

Every time I try to put a buy or sell order I get the same error in the top right corner.

Just tried your site and it does the same thing...

I'm not even seeing the investing wallet