>how much do you have in savings and crypto
if your not in the top group in this picture you should off yourself
No savings account
about $800k in crypto (around $200k of it tied up in BTC-e)
>800k in crypto
>hasn't cashed out and payed the jews
This fad is going mainstream within the next 10 years, cash out and live on interest you faggot.
160k$ crypto
80k$ sp500 etf
1kilo gold.
100k$ bank
>live on interest meme
inflation will just cancel out what you get in interest
live on POS coins and pay with crypto debit cards = masterrace
>look at chart
>10,000 or more is highest bracket for savings
>implying seniors 65+ that have a mere five figures in savings havent fucked up
are boomers really that retarded?
i thought it was a meme
That picture only includes savings account and not your investments though.
Falling within the €5000 - €9999 range
Feels comfy
>12k in savings
because have a job and live at home with no expenses. feels good man
no, they are that retarded. they bought into the social security meme when they were younger.
>only 20% of 65+ have over 10k
>Im 29 with 10k and another 20k in crypto
>Also have a house thats almost paid down already
Are boomers this retarded?
28 NEET of 8 years
$70K in crypto
$9K in bank
>I'm in the top 12.1% of older millennials with ~$21k
>I work in a supermarket
What the fuck? Does everyone else just spend any money they can get immediately?
5k crypto
19k trad fiat
I feel so poor compared to others that are my age and were in on the crypto train early.
Hopefully, those who claim we are still in our infancy are right.
There is no doubt in my mind that blockchain technology will become an integral component of the future economy.
For the time being, I'll hold what coins I've purchased in hopes that I've made the right selections. If I lose out and don't end up making a lot, at least I will be able to say I did what I could to embrace the future.
To have touched the cheek of an adolescent revolution, to have become familiar with it and watched it grow. That is the true goal.
23yo here
Good to be in that 7.5%
$3k in crypto
$2k in fiat
About 300k.
Well in the US, you have about 50k of student loans (excluding housing) when you're straight out of college, it's kind of hard to save up any amount of money. You also need to find an apartment and probably a car.
Then you need to decide if you want to own property or not.
>£19k, all in on crypto
Am I wealthy for my age?
>exact numbers
ehhh, no thanks irs
top group
5 to 10k in cryptos
$14,500 in stocks
$1,800 in cash
$1,400 in crypto
Stock are down $500 so far, wish I bought more into this crypto shit. Up 1400% atm.
20k in Safety Net in a 60/40 Bonds/Stocks blend which can be liquidated within few days.
I guess I'm in the top for my group - no objections here.
26-graduated college last May.
$3k in crypto
$1.5k in bank account
Waiting on parent to kick the bucket so I can inherit a little over a million and put a lot into crypto.
$10k in the bank + ~$650k in crypto
$60k various fiat mediums
$10k crypto + hardware
How much did you put in crypto?
about 40k savings
currently 450 euro in crypto, planning to put 500 euro per month from now on
$10k in late 2013.
300k in crypto
>highest percentile starts at 10k
>waiting for parents to die
Wow, nice move. Are you going to keep HODLING?
Stocks are a meme you idiot
How'd you get there
I worked a lot in hs and after and made some off investments
>44k in crypto
>own a luxury city apartment
Mom is a cleaner and Dad is a plumber yet I've been accused of "privilege" by people in the past despite working 8-10 hours in a high stress/skill job and being on-call 24/7 for the last 4 years.
I know it's fucked, but I have had real jobs before and I'd rather that happen then spend another day in traffic/answering to a boss/going to corporate functions.
are you a white male ?
>he says exchanging worthless tokens made by indians
>obviously denying we're in another dot com bubble
That being said, I think we've got a few hundred billion dollars of steam left
10k € Bank Account
5k $ Crypto
Yes. Disgusting isn't it.
Diversify. Crypto is great and your gains are many, buy crypto is also extremely volatile. Get some of that money into something slightly more stable so that future you thanks present you in the off-chance crypto eats dick completely due to some major external event.
>2k cash, 60k savings, pennies in crypto ($10 or so)
i just come here for the memes desu
*gives reparations*
My parents are pretty poor, aside from a house that's worth about 1.6 mil (but I've for 2 other siblings)
My Uncle is worth 10 or so million, he doesn't have any kids so there's a good chance I'll get some of that too.
Still. I'd rather try and /make it/ rather than living in Neet status untill they die.
Also with modern medicine.. they could be 150 before that happens
Is this "privilege" thing really a thing in the USA?
No one in Germany cares yet.
Barely legal bros...
I'm 18 with:
$1k Spending
$7k Savings
$200 Crypto
I need to step up my crypto game for sure.
C'mon, buy 1 bitcoin at least.
hell yeah. i am spared. thanks crypto
But I've got**
what for, i don't have time to proper trade seeing how much i shitpost
what i have left is from some old DUDE WEED LMAO hijinks
(Started at 0 so Im making progress)
27, 85k.
Have a STEM MSc and a q t blond hair green eyed Jewish high iq grill with a graduate degree in statistics and DD titties.
tfw chad
It ONLY includes savings account, so properties, mutual funds, treasury notes, and crypto are all excluded. Lots of people in a strong financial position still don't keep $10k in their savings account as they keep almost all of their wealth in assets. Your savings account is just sitting there losing you money.
make sure your kids get some of that Big Ashkenazi Brain
31 years old
30k fiat savings
10k crypto (only about 4k if I pulled out now, rest tied up in ICOs atm), started at 13k (yes I suck at this)
I'm considered fuck poor in my country.
I'll always keep money in crypto for sure, but I've been wanting to buy myself an apartment, so I'm looking for the right time to cash out a good chunk. I'll purposely buy a cheap one and live frugally for the sake of keeping as much as I can in crypto though.
You don't have to trade actively. My boss bought bitcoin a few years ago and just holds, doesn't fool with alts at all. If you are interested in alts but don't want to fool with trading yourself ICNX was practically built for people like you.
18, about 4k in crypto and about 3.5k on my savings account
25, no savings account, 15 grand in omg