Throughout history Jews have been kicked out of one country after another. But Jews aren't the problem. The problem is everyone else.
Throughout history Jews have been kicked out of one country after another. But Jews aren't the problem...
Across the world wh*tes are being ousted from one country after another. But wh*tes aren't the problem. The problem is everyone else.
>Anglos and French people
>that Silesia in the middle of Poland
>that Poland in fucking Belarus and Lithuania
What the fuck
>Across the world wh*tes are being ousted from one country after another.
I can only think of two or three countries where this happened and each case involves niggers.
My favorite is Lithuania that doesn't even include Lithuania.
It's happening all across the EU, America, and Canada right now
>Go stay at someone's place
>Get kicked out
>Stay at anothers
>Kicked out again.
>Keep repeating this cycle
>"It's obviously not my fault! The whole world is just wrong!"
There are no whites in Canada though, only Anglos. This is well attested.
The reason Jews were kicked out of England in 1290 is because they were jealous Nazis who believed in race that was created in the 1800s.
>>Go stay at someone's place
>>Get kicked out
>>Stay at anothers
>>Kicked out again.
>>Keep repeating this cycle
>>"It's obviously not my fault! The whole world is just wrong!"
Buttmad kike spotted
>Take out loans from Jews
>Don't want to pay them back
>I know, I'll kick them out!
I wish I could do that with my mortgage
>ethnic minority deserves mass genocide because the goyim can't stand their business savvy
>imperialist rapists and murderers on a global scale dindu nuffin
whoa... so this... is the power... of Veeky Forums intellectuals...
Everyone who lends money with interest should be unironically bludgeoned to death alongside his entire family. European monarchs were faggots for allowing it, even for the Jews.
>largest colonial empire the most judaised
>antisemitism on the continent attached to anti-british sentiment
>close association between jews and perceived finance imperialism of the uk
>imperialist rapists
For the millionth time you shitty kike, Anglos are not white and never have been. They're your semetic kin.
Curious how the Netherlands got jews and became rich while Poland became a shithole.
>wasnt under european sphere of influence
>Jews get kicked out of Spain
>Sudenly and for no other reason the country becomes an hegemonic powerhouse
>Curious how the Netherlands got jews and became rich while Poland became a shithole.
PLC was richer than Netherlands.
Polish Jews were Russian rejects shoved into the Pale, they made good shoes though
The Jews might have come in handy during that whole "lets just keep getting gold, I'm sure that won't decrease its value" thing
Really makes you think
Jews have an inherent God-given right to live in wherever they want.
Losing colonial control is different than "getting kicked out". Colonies were mostly ruled from Europe anyway.
>PLC was richer than Netherlands.
In absolute wealth because they had a population ten times the size of the Netherlands, but the Dutch were rich as fuck per capita.
Yes indeed.
You have no idea of how economy works, don't you?
Do it again Bomber Harris
That's literally exactly the same thing. You came in, acted like cunts, and got kicked out. You're clearly the problem.
Jews are cancer.The Netherlands were always wealthy.Jews just leeched from it.As Poland was poor they leech all its wealth and created a pathetic husk
Deluded Pole
Jews are just good to hoard money.They have never contributed anything significant financial wise.Either way the catholic monarchy finances were in the hands of some jews in Genova and that is why they crumbled as jews were useless
>one exploiter is better than the other
Go back to yuropland.
Yes, that's right, 'us'. Like that rotten old gentile Disraeli, or those evil goyim the Sassoons and Rothschilds.
All of that was because of backwards, bigoted European chauvinism, men like Rhodes didn't regard antisemitism as clownish and parochial medievalisms, truly one can draw a line from the First Crusade to the Opium War.
t. good boy
>Deluded Pole
PLC was the breadbasket of Europe.
Prussians doubled their economy after gaining Greater Poland.
>Jews are just good to hoard money
Well that was something Spain proved quite incapable of the minute they found some gold reserves
>PLC was the breadbasket of Europe.
In the same way that Southern cotton was king in the US.
Polish serfs lived horrible lives comparable to black slaves in the US, it was hell for a poor man and great for an oligarch.
Poland was a craphole full of rats
Spain never hoarded money with the Habsburgs.They spent all the money in their wars.The finances of the empire were in the hands of jews from Genova.When the finances were in the hands of Casillians the finances of the country and the economy were booming.Jews have always been cancer.Nothing good came from them
If only history was really that simple.
What empiric evidence? Name it. What happened after the Jews were expulsed from Spain?
>/pol/ intellectuals
>What happened after the Jews were expulsed from Spain?
A huge economic and demographic boom until the Habsburgers and the (((Krugers))) and the (((Genovese))) sumoned the country into a huge economic and demographic crisis