>14 years of public schooling didn't teach you what's good for you but what's good for the special interest groups that most influence society
How do we break the cycle?
14 years of public schooling didn't teach you what's good for you but what's good for the special interest groups that...
Yeah, seems fucking crazy how worthless it was.
The cycle won't be broken. It's getting stronger. Formal education is a cult that is getting more and more taxpayer money. University's are mostly dumbed down as fuck because only the top few have an incentive to keep tough courses. Many others, including the one I went to, offered dumbed down courses. Of course plebs don't know this, they seriously think all degrees are not only proof of domain expertise but also "rigour" and "critical thinking"
Frankly, thank fuck I got through it with minimal debt.
Educate yourself through youtube clips and /pol/ memes.
Take the lead pill
>It's getting stronger.
How? What forces are at play? Why don't enough people realize there is a problem and push for reforms? Is it the power of teacher's unions? Normies think they are the good guys.
>make money
>send your kid to private school
>he becomes a snob ass rich kid just like the people you hate
Unironically make YouTube videos.
years of public schooling didn't teach you what's good for you but what's good for the special interest groups that most influence society
could you flesh out this thought a bit more? It's too vague for me to work with or brainstorm about
>muh liberal agenda
I'm not him. At times I will sound like a commie, at times I will sound like a /pol/ack
What we are taught in school is how to be good consumers/capitalists. The "technical" part of education is aimed at making us better workers, for example. The ideology is more or less that pleasure and money are happiness.
You don't have the teaching of what the Greeks called Ethics, of what is the best way of life. The best life is not to be an investment banker who hires expensive hookers and who spends thousands of dollars on cocaine.
Well one needs to first ask the question if it is the purpose of a public education and as an extension the state's interest to create a well rounded person. By well rounded I mean one aware enough of their own situation to purpose both the best lifestyle for themselves and their own happiness. The best lifestyle for themselves does not necessarily imply the highest earning, the most opulent, etc. We are basically running into Plato when trekking into this field of thought. So, to get to the point, what is the state's motivation in public education? what sort of person do they hope to create and what sort of person should they be hoping to create?
thats not true at all, in high school i had a humanities class and they taught the exact opposite of what you just types out
Yes, what I have in mind is Plato and the other Greeks.
> So, to get to the point, what is the state's motivation in public education? what sort of person do they hope to create and what sort of person should they be hoping to create?
I think that's OP's point. Education creates good consumers/workers. Or, in more left-wing places, they want to create mini Che Guevaras which is not in the favor of students either.
/pol/ memes are obviously not real answers
>you're a bad person for not being a normy and doing what society says is good and right kys
more like spend decades clawing up to a 6 figure income and have mediocre kids
about what
About 1/3 of lessons were marginally useful and the teaching methods slow and inefficient. Maybe learning geography helped direct some people towards a career path different from my own, though it could only be a minority and the meme knowledge about Brazil and Japan or hamfisted language skills had to contribute little to international law or whatever they went on to study. Unless a student was living under a rock I doubt it did much to "broaden the mind". Art and PE are fun for kids, I guess, however in the time allotted to more studious subjects they are taught nothing useful besides literacy and numeracy, particularly wasteful when they are older. I haven't even mentioned the teachers who just decided they weren't going to do their job properly and ignore me for the whole year, that was my experience.
It was of course not education, it was daycare with some random ideological indoctrination thrown in and a token level of education to appease the few voters who care about that kind of thing, which teachers unions have a massive problem with and are always trying to reduce. One time a careers advisor came to talk to a class and said something along the lines of "don't go into law or media" then disappeared afterwards, that was about as much careers advice I received out of $10000s spent on my education.
A significant proportion of my life and those of millions of others, wasted.
And what are those groups, OP?
>I think that's OP's point. Education creates good consumers/workers. Or, in more left-wing places, they want to create mini Che Guevaras which is not in the favor of students either.
I'm not entirely sold on that idea. I don't think the educational system is coherently trying to attain a single goal right now. There is definitely a lot of more left-wing viewpoints that dominate the educational system but I think there is very little consistent organization to build students a particular way outside of forcing these viewpoints into the class room. Which is slightly different than using education to instill left-wing ideas
Let's look at it, the structure of schooling does still very much follow a industrial urban setup. The long summer break is the clearest aspect of this, while the oft repeated cliche is that it is for agrarian work that obviously doesn't hold up. The spring and fall are the busiest periods on a farm, not the middle of winter; it is designed for the heat of the city in the middle of the summer that could be fatal before air conditioning. Ethics aren't taught in most public schools, but my question is should they be at all? Maybe the issue is that the public educational system is just glorified babysitting that lasts for way too long and already goes into areas that it isn't suited for. It really should just strive to teach grammar, mathematics, and basic science and end around 14-16. The government and education shouldn't be a replacement for families and mentors
>you're a bad person for not being a normy and doing what society says is good and right kys.
No, you're just a complaining faggot, write a blog already.
This.In Ontario, all highschool students are must obtain two social Science credits, if I remember correctly. One of which is a mandatory history credit, and the other is one of your choosing.
> What's good for society and what's good for an individual are mutually exclusive
>Ethics aren't taught in most public schools, but my question is should they be at all? Maybe the issue is that the public educational system is just glorified babysitting that lasts for way too long and already goes into areas that it isn't suited for. It really should just strive to teach grammar, mathematics, and basic science and end around 14-16. The government and education shouldn't be a replacement for families and mentors
I would say teaching good values would be one of the most important parts of education.
Pragmatically speaking, much more so considering the trainwreck that happened in the 60/70's and the lack of capacity some people have of educating their kids (see picture related).
But then, where in the hell can you find people capable of teaching this? The people in power today are the youths of the 60's and 70's.
You´re cancer.
>be a teacher
>get summer break
>complain you dont get paid enough
i don't get it senpaitachi
>the technical part of education is aimed at making better workers.
Lmao, if only this were the case.
How you make schooling successful is by fostering competitiveness and self worth into kids (often through extra-curricular activities).Outside of Math and English (Sciences and a foreign language to a lesser degree) what you are taught frankly doesn't matter but the confidence you give and attitudes they gain from engaging in competition feeds heavily back into schooling and later life.
Formal education should provide everyone possible with functional literacy / numeracy. The way its fucked is that there are so few options / paths once you finish at 18.
Schooling (in its current state) flat out is incapable of doing this. As a general rule of thumb your ability/behavior at age 5 is a giant indicator of how dogshit of a human being (as in you will be exponentially worse) you will be as an adult. You can take a spastic to water, but can't make it drink.
>The government and education shouldn't be a replacement for families and mentors
Yeah. In a good school educators aren't a replacement, but they are certainly meant to be positive mentors with some wisdom to impart.
Entire summer off but Holidays are x3 times expensive because every other cunt with kids is off.
DO NOT become a teacher, it is a truly the most awful profession to be apart of.
i think a lot of countries don't even have summer breaks. I know in australia, for example, there is only like three week break for summer (which is in our winter).