I don't understand economics very well but can someone explain to me how the Nazi party solved Germany's economic crisis to start it's military production? And did it somehow tie with the need to go to war?
I don't understand economics very well but can someone explain to me how the Nazi party solved Germany's economic...
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The Nazi's fixed the German economy by militarizing it. The vastly expanded German armed forces needed spare parts and ammunition, which created a lot of demand, and thus jobs. The problem with Militarization is that it's a temporary solution at best, and if you don't get into a major war to keep demand up soon after you implement it, your economy can end up worse than it was at the start. In this sense, it's hard to say that the Nazi party really fixed anything, because their militarization of the economy gave them no choice but to start a major war, that would almost assuredly pitch them against opposition they had no hope of defeating.
Who lent the Nazis the money to pay for the militarization? I thought Germany had bad credit at that point.
>wage war because you have a shortage of jobs
Couldn't they have come up with something better?
They printed and stole them from neighboring countries (from Austria and Czechoslovakia).
>can someone explain to me how the Nazi party solved Germany's economic crisis to start it's military production?
They didn't fix it, they had MEFO bills which were loans taken from the Reichsbank that could be extended indefinitely
Basically how todays economy is run.
It spent a shit ton of money which stimulated local businesses, Keynes 101.
They didn't have the money for it, though, so they invaded other countries and killed jews with looting as an intended, planned consequence.
>Who lent the Nazis the money to pay for the militarization?
Private sector
this will hit you hard but all those fuckhuge tanks, ships, uboats, and bombers costed money
money that circulated and gave CPR to the economy
people don't tend to think about this but even fucking USSR with nationalized industry paid for its war machines in hard cash
there is a cool story about a Crimean woman, whose husband got KIA, she wrote a formal letter to Stalin saying she dropped 50,000 rubles to national bank and asked him to build her a tank and name it "Fighting Girlfriend" and send her to front as driver.
Stalin was like "sure!" and gave her a fucking T-34 and she did kick some ass with it.
>Basically how todays economy is run.
Except not at all.
They propped up the entire economy by turning it into a military/industrial complex and it created countless jobs, which is all fine and dandy if you're at constant war, but if you're not, eventually tanks are gonna be worthless and your economy is gonna collapse. Germany would've been bankrupt by 1950(probably a lot sooner).
By 1939, the German economy was fully committed to rearmament. They were running a HUGE budget deficit, spending something like 50 times more than they were taking in. They kept this secret through some fancy accounting tricks, because they didn't want people to realize the full extent of their rearmament, and also because you'd never want people to know you're running a tremendous budget deficit like that. The Nazis also had a fairly generous welfare state to keep the German people from turning against him. One of Hitler's pet theories about Germany losing World War 1 (alongside "muh jews") was that he felt that shitty conditions for German civilians during the war caused morale to break down, resulting in Germany losing its will to fight. Hitler wanted to make sure that this breakdown of civilian morale wouldn't happen again. All of this is quite expensive, and unsustainable unless you're plundering other countries to pay for all of it.
Of course being at constant war is only useful if you win.
I don't think I would hold up Nazi economic policy as anything other than an example of irresponsible government which almost brought Germany to its knees by 1938. Hjalmar Schacht, who predated the Nazis, was ultimately removed from office for resisting Nazi economic policy insanity. The annexations of Austria and Czechoslovakia were necessary to shore up the faltering Nazi economy.
Thank you for the excellent insight.
>user saved a pic I posted and used it as his thread pic
Thanks senpai
I gotta hand it to neo-nazis, they've got pretty slick propaganda. Almost made me want to travel back in time and pick up a shovel to help them Make Germany Great Again.
German economic crisis was long over by the time the Nazis took over in 1933.
In theory if they did win, all the huge amounts of land they annexed and looted would have payed for everything correct? I wonder if they had any plans for phase two of the economy once they actually won and got their lebensraum.
Saw this picture along with someone saying that Germany's debt situation and its overheating economy thing is way overblown, it spent less on armaments than its rivals, and it didn't need to go to war to keep running, is he right or is domestic debt even more significant?
>I'm a sucker for smooth lies XD
It was des juden bro fucking judens I hate them so much.
Good job disproving the "lies", cuck
It was fixed just before the Nazis took power via the Weimar republic's economic plan. The hyperinflation was halted by 1923 as a result of this system and American loans. This lead to an unprecedented economic boom - which the Nazis then squandered on a war they could not win.
If the war hadn't happened, and things had continued at the rate they had been, Germany would rule the world today, and its rise to power wouldn't have involved a single bullet.
>the Nazis took power via the Weimar republic's economic plan. The hyperinflation was halted by 1923 as a result of this system and American loans. This lead to an unprecedented economic boom
Anymore disinformation you want to share?
>The hyperinflation was halted by 1923
>The hyperinflation was halted by 1923
>The hyperinflation was halted by 1923
Now show the years for 1924 through 1929, cuck.
>Le economy boomed after 1923
Not the guy you're responding to, but you just posted unemployment vs. year, instead of inflation post 1923-24. You, either deliberately or not, seem to be unable do differentiate between hyper inflation in Weimar republic and the effects of Great Depression. Could it be that you're being purposefully disingenuous and silently refuse to present data you're requested while shifting the argument to a more comfortable area? Or, even more unlikely so, could a neo-nazi shitposter on a mongolian knitting board be completely, utterly historically illiterate? We may never know.
Not an argument
Nice lack of data points after 1923.
Just post the inflation data after 1923. Your insistent avoidance of it is becoming quite suspicious.
They borrowed a lot of money from the States and they also had a complex system of IOU's going on.
Not to sound like a Hack but read Tooze's book.
You could read "Wall St and the Rise of Hitler" by Anthony Sutton, documents the US banks and industrialists who invested heavily in the Third Reich.
Nice meme
What if Germany just refused to pay whoever it was indebted to?
Then they'd be right fucked. Germany had one of the highest ratios of foreign trade relative to domestic GDP in continental Europe. Without ability to access foreign currency, you have no imports, and without imports, the German economy grinds to a halt.
It was already grinding to a halt by 1937. Because of the currency problems and raw good imports
>would have paid for everything
Bellum se ipsum alet Is a retarded doctorine with modern warfaire .
The truth is the German heartland was already feeling deprived by 1940-41, which led to excess exploiting of the occupated areas, which led to the need for more war. It was a retarded treadmill.
I wonder if people who does (((this))) understand that they are being conned and have been beaten in their own game.
>borrow a lot of money
>dont pay it back
>also, steal money from jews
How could German people fall for this house of card trick?
Do you mean that as an anogly, giving the medical kind of CPR to restart the economy
Or do you mean CPR as in common pool resource, and if the latter, could you expand on that a little?
kek that guy is mentally retarded, he cannot post data that would disprove his ((position))
desu Hitler didn't really put G*rmany into a full on war economy after 1943 after Goebbels put down that total war meme speech
i believe that they doubled their production and then doubled it again
They fired all the women and increased war production so that men went to work to give the illusion of the job shortage being solved.
Because people start to believe big lies if you hammer them home often enough.
Even in 1945, when Nazi Germany was crashing and burning, Hitler's approval rating was still around 25%.
>Hitler's approval rating
They had no such thing in Germany, stop making shit up brainlet.
by 1945 most people cared more about Am*rican bomber in the skies or Russian artillery raining down on you than Hitler (Allaihlisalam)
It's just bad wording. It peaked in 1923, but it stopped being an issue in early 1924. Rentenmark was introduced in October 1923.
>Hitler stood up to the bankers
>Employed the head of the Reichsbank
>Took out loans from the Reichsbank
>Resigned because all the top Nazis were economic brainlets leading the country towards bankruptcy
Because this is only their foreign debt. The Nazis desperately pursued a policy of autarky so their foreign debt war relatively small.
>B-but... but... Uncle Adolf!
Kill yourself. We've already established in this thread that the Nazis were a bunch of shifty, lying weasels who blatantly hid things from people and then blatantly lied about it. That doesn't mean that people still weren't tracking that shit.
>Through a clandestine note from his son-in-law, Doenitz has heard the results of a [July 1952] survey . . . . He himself stands at the head of the list of formerly prominent personages [former Nazis] whom the Germans still have a good opinion of. Doenitz has 46 percent; he is closely followed by Schacht with 42, Goering with 37, myself with 30, Hitler with 24 percent. Schirach and Hess lag behind with 22 percent. Seven percent have a bad opinion of Doenitz, 9 percent of me, 10 of Schacht, 29 of Schirach and Hess, 36 of Goering and 47 percent of Hitler.
Source: amazon.com
Turn off the vidya, close the waifu thread, and go read a book.
basically Nazi germany was a huge fucking ponzi scheme that needed constant invasion to fund it's rediculously inefficient war machine.
for some reason the Luftwaffe literally had tanks that went on offensives.
There were a fuckton of redundant and needless structures/bureaucracies, and a lot of wasteful spending.
Most German troops in ww2 relied on horse-pulled wagons and carts, or looted/captured trucks and cars from conquered territories.
the only reason they succeeded at all was due to france being a clusterfuck in the 1930's, and dumb luck executing the sickle cut maneuver.
>basically Nazi germany was a huge fucking ponzi scheme that needed constant invasion to fund it's rediculously inefficient war machine.
Their army was actually not particularly big compared to other states. For example, Germany's army relative to its GDP was smaller than France's in 1940.
>for some reason the Luftwaffe literally had tanks that went on offensives.
For some reason, the US Navy literally has aircraft that go on the offensives.
>There were a fuckton of redundant and needless structures/bureaucracies, and a lot of wasteful spending.
As in any state.
>Most German troops in ww2 relied on horse-pulled wagons and carts, or looted/captured trucks and cars from conquered territories.
Like everyone else in ww2 except for the US and UK.
>the only reason they succeeded at all was due to france being a clusterfuck in the 1930's, and dumb luck executing the sickle cut maneuver.
I would agree if France was the only country they beat, but that's not the case. They easily steamrolled everyone except for the USSR, but they inflicted a staggering amount of damage on them before finally going down 4 years after Barbarossa due to winter and basically the whole world against them.
I'm glad my posts were saved, thanks user
Hold up, the Navy has planes on their ships, that makes sense
The Luftwaffe having tanks, come on that's just stupid
They escaped the system by switching to trading with South-Americas without using money as an intermediate, but exchanging goods for goods. No profit for the bank though. Which means war.
Basically they maxed out their credit card to buy tanks. Then when they couldn't charge any more to the credit card they would invade/annex a country and literally the first thing they did when taking over a country was seizing the countries precious metals/currency and then they would repeat the process with the next country.
They were satanists. They wanted to find a way to sacrifice as many people to Satan as possible.
France was the only country that germany beat that was actually impressive, and it was mostly luck
>>Resigned because all the top Nazis were economic brainlets leading the country towards bankruptcy
I like that. It shows some interesting things.
Germany stops paying reparations. 2 years before Hitler came to power. Naziboos simply lie saying that Hitler was responsible for this.
Nazi Germany reached Weimar GDP only in 1937.
Also let's not forget that in 1938 they annexed Austria and Sudetenland.
What is more important in my opinion is how much they spent on consumer goods, how much on military and so on.
If they weren't Fascists, and by extent retarded, yeah. There are plenty of ways to expand an economy in a more stable way, like FDR's New Deal. Build infrastructure that would be useful for business and transportation, and when the workers have money in their pockets again, they start buying and products start moving around the new infrastructure, which creates transportation jobs As more people get their government paychecks, more people start spending it, so new manufacturers of those goods will be needed to create them, and so on.
The problem is, you have to use nuance and excellent planning in executing the kind of stimulus to the economy that FDR managed. Hitler had neither.
Nazi Germany created a secondary currency in the form of MEFO Bills that allowed them to run a much bigger deficit than would usually be allowed - which in turn again helped them to fund massive public spending projects throughout their time in power.