gonna breakout soon. next target: 140k
Zrx going up
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show me the memelines
Bull market incomming. I expect short pump to 160
That wall on polo at 9k sat is crazy.
20k sat this weekend for sure
Radar relay just did a post, opening in September. Ethfinex should open in the next few weeks
Just added to bter today
Bittrex (definitely not a security, and every coin on polo is on bittrex) and binance(they added dnt) soon
Nowhere but up boys
press play. it's already testing it.
i need zrx to be at the same market cap as ripple then i will be very very very rich
It's being manipulate so hard wtf!. HELP I bought this at 9k. what should I do.
Buy more, too soon for FUD.
Which one is this on etherdelta? ZRX?
Thank you!
Its going to drop hard ..droping 2mils
Dropping 2mil what?
ignore him. it is launching on BTER soon
whats bter?
One of the biggest Chinese exchanges.
I'm holding 40k of this shit. Should I just sell?
No you fucking bastard. Dont dump on me!!
Jesus you are stupid. We have a new exchange around the corner. And a fucking implementation of the technology in a week or so as well. If you sold now you would cry like a bitch in a month.
If you literally hate money, go ahead.
Radar relay's fees are too high, no one will use it. When it is an automated, obfuscated process to pay fees with zrx, no one will be buying manually and the price will plummet.
>Without fees
as in the zrx token is useless.
you guys realize this is entirely open source, and the 0x token only exists because they want money and consequently want their token to be worth something right
so feasibly someone could just make an 0x protocol that uses eth instead of zrx
the only other function is "decentralized governance" but they haven't even talked about it at all, in any detail. nowhere on the white paper. it's literally just a buzzword at this point
Someone could fork it, but someone could also fork Bitcoin or Ethereum as a whole. The reason it doesnt work is leadership and network effects.
You're right that governance hasn't been figured out yet, but the tokens do play a huge role with governance. You just have to decide if you think the team is good enough to figure that out properly. Given that they've already built the exchange piece very well my money is on a future where they figure it out. They are well incentivized to do so, and to make the coin worth something as well considering they are exclusively compensated with it.
Crypto is speculation. This is what you're speculating on. If there were no speculation then you would have a coin that is valuable already and you would be crying about how you miss all the moons. So grow some balls and make a bet. :)
A portion of ZRX tokens are reserved for the team that vest over 4 years with a 1 year cliff. They have every incentive to make this work. I don't see many icos with tokens locked up that long.
Rose tends to be late to the party on most things. He publicly shilled dogecoin when it was trading at near ATH
Rose is very out of it. He's living in NY now working for a watch company or something like that. Outside of his random angel investments in tech I don't seem him as being involved in technology very much anymore.
I want to invest in vertcoin but all my money is in zrx. I want to go into the obsidian ico but all my money is in zrx. I want to go into the chainlink ico but all my money is in zrx.
This shit better be worth it.
You need to be proud of your bags.
also, how do you have less idea tokens than mbrs?
hope so desu
I bought more MBRS after the TOV token drop. I don't have any TOV, but I had some for the IDEA drop. I'm really questioning both CAT and MBRS, however. ZRX I still believe in but I'm getting nervous as I said above.