>WE WUZ KANGZ (complete with pretending both the Roman Empire and Medieval Europe was filled with Nignogs)
>Amerifat Fundiementalism
>modern art
Oh wait, you can't.
>WE WUZ KANGZ (complete with pretending both the Roman Empire and Medieval Europe was filled with Nignogs)
>Amerifat Fundiementalism
>modern art
Oh wait, you can't.
>Amerifat Fundiementalism
>i don't know what postmodernism is
Only if you explain what post modernism is
Not him, but who does, really?
Fuck modernism and fuck postmodernism. They are horrible names for paradigms.
>not now
>how can you be after the present
What fucking retard named these things?
>t. post-modernist
>What fucking retard named these things?
a post modernist most likely
Post-Modernism in action:
Taleb lays the smackdown here:
postmodernism didn't drag man down, man dragged himself down and po-mo is either the result of this or the tool used to do it
You could, all you have to do is open the wikipedia page on it to see that this thread is complete bullshit.
>t. postmodernist
Hello leftypol.
>19th century evangelism is the same thing as relativism and modern art
Are you actually retarded?
>You could, all you have to do is open the wikipedia page on it to see that this thread is complete bullshit.
Could you then explain why post-modernism isn't complete garbage?
>WE WUZ KANGZ (complete with pretending both the Roman Empire and Medieval Europe was filled with Nignogs)
Go make a statue of Jesus riding a dino.
I'm not protestant so why would I do that? Is that you Frank?
>pretending Afrocentricism and other methods of We Wuzzing aren't post-modern
>pretending We Wuzzers don't preach not trusting Whitey's research and institutions
Yeah man, we all knew Ancient Egypt was Nignog majority and Nigs Wuz Legions N Shieet back in the 18th century.
Why are you going on about niggers?
Half of those things are not related to post modernism art movement wtf.
Post modernism means "things I hate"
>this triggers modernists
Do you really think anyone gives a shit about some tenement blocks getting demolished?
They're the example up front for Post-Modernism's child We Wuzzin.
Not any different from some American mulatto claiming Roman heritage, it's not exclusive to the blacks
People who read books?
Hello there leftypol.
>ITT I have no fucking clue what post-modernism is
Guys, I'm seriously concerned about the education in your countries. I wouldn't mind if the current great evil empire was run by villainous masterminds, but the more time I spend in this board, the more it seems anglo speakers are just oblivious to critical thinking.
Maybe I'm being too harsh and Veeky Forums is, like most of Veeky Forums, for that matter, filled with hateful and ignorant underaged americans.
>>ITT I have no fucking clue what post-modernism is
Fuck yourself. I will put my sex specific organ, which does not define me in any meaningful way whatsover and exists in a constant state of fluidity, and put some 'differance' in between your buttcheecks.
Gender theory is a byproduct of postmodernism, not its defining current. You might as well call the Beatles a blues act.
Derrida was right tho
>Derrida was right tho
He was so right that he died right before he wanted to paddle back with his shit.
Hermeneutics, process philosophy, existentialism, post-modernism...all the same shit with a slight variety in the amount of spiciness and thickness.
Post-modernism in itself is a fucking joke.
>There is an infinite number of ways to interpret something so no interpretation is more right than the other
>conveniently glossing over the fact that you already need an understanding of right and wrong for you to say that there is no "right" answer
The only thing this post-modernist dogma will bring to society is splintering and self-segregation. The first ones to do so will be the Christians and tell the rest of the world to fuck off. In a hundred years I wouldn't be surprised to see multiple groups similiar to the Amish lurking around the edges of society.
Post-anything is the ideology of a dying decadent society.
wewuz is a idea spread by a small group on social media, but because of the nature of social media even the most retarded dumb ideas has the potential to reach millions of people, some of them poor and uninformed and more than willing to hear that they are actually royal übermench
>ITT: Veeky Forums falls for bait
10/10 OP.
Or at least I hope you're baiting
>is from leftypol
no because post modernist care about nothing
Good thread
No one knows what post modernism is