How common was rape during wars?
Was it something any soldier would do when given the opportunity?
Or was there a certain percentage of men who would rape, while the majority wouldn't do such things?
How common was rape during wars?
It happens in almost every war. We only recently stopped doing it because of COIN and yet it still happens.
>How common was rape during wars?
>Was it something any soldier would do when given the opportunity?
It was considered a basic perk of being a soldier until about the 18th century when suddenly the Enlightenment took over and they were like "civilians are people too, be nice to them."
But weren't rapists punished in a lot of forces, at least in theory? The notion that it's bad had to exist.
The notion that humans outside of your group even count as "people" only came about in the last 300 years. Even at present, half the globe still doesn't think other people should count for much.
Was far more common when you didn't really get paid for service and instead got your spoils from looting and rape was the fun part
Assault on women's bodies is the lowest common denominator of all conflicts. Even nowadays.
That's crazy how people seem to live in a Disney movie sometimes.
Were there a lot of rapes reported in the Balkans after the collapse of Yugoslavia?
very much
Rape was part of the Serbian master plan to dilute the other ethnicity
user... This conflict was a rape festival, you couldn't have picked a worst case.
>During the Bosnian War, and the Bosnian genocide, the violence assumed a gender-targeted form through the use of rape. While men from all ethnic groups committed rape, the great majority of rapes were perpetrated by Bosnian Serb forces of the Army of the Republika Srpska (VRS) and Serb paramilitary units, who used genocidal rape as an instrument of terror as part of their programme of ethnic cleansing
It's very well known, check out Dictionary of Genocide
>The Serb forces set up "rape camps", where women were subjected to being repeatedly raped, and only released when pregnant.[7] Gang rape and public rapes in front of villagers and neighbors were not uncommon.
Could this have been avoided if the Turks didn't rape and kill their way around the Balkans?
Turks had nothing to do with it, despite the Serb songs of the era, interfaith marriages were very common in Bosnia before the 90's shitstorm
Talking about the fact that they created a volatile placement of an entirely foreign demographic like the Timurs conquering what is now Pakistan.
Why not the Papuans lol?
It was one of these wars where the belligerents truly hated each others. Actually, the hate was the reason of the war. They didn't need the Turks to commit mass rapes.
what is worse, rape or canibalism
idk. Both are pretty bad, but considering in that culture, the people who get eaten are already dead, I would go with rape. At least they weren't suffering/ being tortured(yes rape is a form of torture).
If in other cultures they kill the person to eat them, I would go with cannibalism.
If the person they are consuming is alive, canibalism is the worst. If they are dead than rape is the worst.
Both acts are below civilized humanity.
Cannibalism is basically a victimless crime, so of course rape is worse.
How could cannibalism possibly be worse? The victim is already dead.
Cannibalism. It's bad for you as well
I'm sorry to tell you this buddy but I got banned for posting that picture.
Less common than torture
Holy shit, my exact thought. What made him hit on that one? Rape warehouses, public displays of rape in town squares, men rounded up and required to commit rapes or risk punishment. It was one of the rapingest conflicts since Genghis Khan raped his way across Asia.
I think it was a case of some of the worst drawn border lines in world history.
Rape is a form of torture.
checkmate, user.
>It happens in almost every war. We only recently stopped doing it because of COIN and yet it still happens.
what the hell is COIN? id love to read about it. link pls?
It is always a wise decision for the women of an occupied region to avoid contact with their occupiers whenever possible.
Even "friendly" occupiers.
COIN is a shortening of "Counter-Insurgency."
COunter-INsurgency, basically attempts by occupying forces to win the "hearts and minds" of the people being occupied. First attempted, at least rhetorically, by US forces in Vietnam. It failed there however, since it turns out burning down and massacring villages minus the rape doesn't make the villagers any more likely to view you favorably.
Also, there was still rape.
There are some forms of cannibalism where they eat the body of a naturally deceased tribesman. For one, they can't waste the protein. Two, they believe the tribesman becomes a part of them, which, if you think about it, is objectively true and makes sense if you were living a prehistoric time.
The British successful COIN'd Malaysia, it's just that UK created governments >>>> French created governments, so the British had a way more competent local administration to work with than French or American forces in Vietnam.
Depends if the person they are eating is alive or already dead
Civilized humanity is a spook.
Was it something any soldier mwould do when given the opportunity ?
Obviously not, but it was very common. Asking such overgeneralized questions is usually pointless.
Malaysia was easy mode, the communists were almost entirely ethnic Chinese the Malays have despised for centuries
What lol? They're pretty much same people anyway
also Malaysia was quite far away to be reached from major Commie powerbases
most of the commies in the Malayan emergency had homemade weapon or Japanese leftovers
>Were there a lot of rapes reported in the Balkans after the collapse of Yugoslavia?
Yes, it was the logical step to our hate-love relationship.
Both are black-"people" tier and should be avoided
It stands for COunter INsurgency. Here is a good journal:
This article (
Both are human tier it's not just nigger tier
it was more a case where borders couldn't be drawn because of how intermingled the populations were.
As shittily as it was set up, Yugoslavia was really the only way not to have the constituent nationalities kill the fuck out of each other trying to sort out where one side ends and the other begins.
What is the actual original source of OP's image? I've never been able to figure it out.
Cicero recounts the other legionaries he was with salivating about being the first over the wall so they could claim the most plunder and most beautiful women for themselves.
During the Cimbri invasion while Marius had his legion behind a fortification the barbarians told the soldiers that they would 'say hello to their wives for them' as they rode past the pallisade.
Some buttblasted neo-nazi artist who portrays Germans as dindu nuffin victims.
>It was considered a basic perk of being a soldier until about the 18th century when suddenly the Enlightenment took over and they were like "civilians are people too, be nice to them."
Mass rapes were common in Napoleonic wars. In fact, in one particular siege, British soldiers raped the inhibitants of a Spanish city they were allegedly liberating from the French.
What siege was this?
Actual nsdap propaganda, retards.
So this is how ANTIFA exists
I feel like professional soldiers up until ~50 years ago would be more inclined to rape. Conscripts would probably be against because they would think of family members at home. World War II was a shitshow on many fronts. Russians went berserk when they finally got to Germany, Japs were always berserk in China, and the German officers had gigantic egos and would most likely engage in such perversion. In WWI, Germany literally raped Belgium, and Russians were still fucked in the head from their monarchy, and before WWI it was always rape rape rape rape.
I never said that it stopped, just that it was increasingly frowned upon.
It's not, the artist is called Herbert Smagon.
>waah why are they raping and killing back, i thought we were supposed to be masterrace :(
she deserves it desu
Just look at Iran
being able 2 rape is part of the reason y we goto war amirite?