>Where are we going?
Where are we going?
To Heaven
>Imperial Hunt of Russia
>shooting dogs and cats
She is pure
How do you kill so many crows? Won't the rest simply fly away when you start shooting?
>she is pure
She's a female is she not?
A certain midsummer uprising?
God she's adorable and her Nicky fetish only makes her more adorable.
>tfw named Nicholas
>adore russian cuture (no, not the commie shit)
>adore her
W-We could work out...
She is perfect
ridf bots out in full force i see
/int/, is that you?
what's the origin of that screencap cause ive seen that footage used in a documentary on gurdjieff
Niggy Novgorod booshie
Stab you up in a basement kid
and yo family, gonna get me some of that young booshie cunny, the comrades gonna have a ride too.
this is why the Russians needed communism. For superior bird killing techniques
>superior bird killing techniques
The Maoists fucked the sparrows pretty hard
Dis is class war bby, gonna get me some booshie princess
Brave heroes of the revolution, brings a tear to the eye.
avian counter-revolutionaries must be removed by any means necessary
Y'all is white niggas, comrade Trotsky said. Turn yo land into a desert bitch
sparrows deserved worse desu
Fuk u comrade Frogski
did they use a c96 to kill Nick?
Romanovs were usurpers and pretenders, but they didn't deserve to be steamrolled by the western banking elite and their puppet revolutionaries.
fuck off fascist
I have a beard, think I'd be in with a chance?
Sorry Lev Bronstein is his actual name, my mistake.
>meme goes full circle
>actually about something real
Wild times.
>hadn't see her naked pictures